  • Vitamin E for hair: reviews, prices, indications

    About the need for vitamin E for the body, in general, written a lot. It improves blood circulation, stimulates the growth of new cells and is an antioxidant, which prevents premature aging.

    And here is what it is useful for hair? And whether it is necessary to apply it or him externally with the concrete purpose of improvement of a status of hair?

    What gives the application of vit. E hair?

    Using Vit. E has not just a favorable, but in many ways also a curative effect on the hair:

    1) Since vitamin E, in fact, is a transport for oxygen in the blood, a good blood supply to the scalp, and hence the follicle, leads to the strengthening of thehair.

    2) This vitamin is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, therefore it prevents the premature appearance of gray hair.

    3) Stops hair loss and stimulates the growth of new hair.

    4) Vitamin E for hair effectively protects them from the harmful effects of the environment, including UV light.

    5) Treats inflammatory processes on the scalp, including seborrhea. Prevents the appearance of dandruff and softens the itching of the skin.

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    6) Through participation in the synthesis of collagen, it restores and strengthens hair damaged by chemical waves and stains, and also often exposed to hot air.

    7) Provides natural shine and softness to the hair.

    All these results are achieved mainly due to the timely delivery of oxygen to the scalp. To obtain a more effective result, it is recommended to take the element together with other drugs, while the effect of other vitamins is significantly increased.

    This is especially noticeable in the case of vitamin A, which, together with E, is added in liquid form to masks and shampoos.

    When to start receiving it?

    To panic and start unreasonable intake of vitamins just because you thought that your hair does not grow well, or if dandruff has appeared, it's still not worth it. Hypovitaminosis of vitamin E is accompanied by quite a number of factors:
    1) The first and main symptom is the chronic fatigue syndrome, the accompanying symptoms of this condition have experienced, perhaps, everyone in our hectic time.

    Constant apathy, a sharp decline in performance and general lethargy signal this problem.

    2) Frequent irritability, a sharp change in mood, unreasonable breakdowns are also a symptom of a lack of vitamin E.

    3) On the scalp there are irritations, signs of seborrhea, often dandruff, which are accompanied by itching and dry skin.

    4) Dermatitis or eczema may appear on other areas of the skin.

    5) The hair condition deteriorates sharply, they become incredibly dull and dry and begin to drop out strongly.

    If you have 3-4 of these symptoms, then this is cause for concern, but before you go to the pharmacy, go first to the doctor. The expert will reliably determine whether or not you have a problem with this vitamin or some other disease.

    If the need for admission exists, then it is better to purchase a liquid solution based on oil, so it can be used not only inside, but also for external use. In addition, the price of such drugs, frankly speaking, is simply ridiculous.


    Angelica: "Not for nothing that vit. E is called a female vitamin, it is ideal for all aspects of life and for hair it brings tangible benefits, they become silky, soft and at the same time so elastic!"

    Vasilisa: "Personally, I believe that vit. E is the main vitamin of beauty. It helps to restore hair after pregnancy and lactation."

    Anna: "I was surprised to learn that vit. E is involved in the synthesis of collagen, which is the main building material for hair."
