Lampwork at home: what it is and how to do it
Lampwork at home: a description of the technique and a master class of making beads
Amazing and unusual jewelry is made from Lampwork beads. They got their name thanks to the Lampwork technique, which literally means a lamp in a translation from English, a wolf is a work. Such beads are obtained from glass, by melting it at high temperatures - 800-1200 degrees Celsius. This kind of creativity is very ancient, he is already about 30 thousand years old. It is the bead found in southern Mesopotamia that is considered the first glass product of man. To this day, such beads are popular. All of them are very diverse and fascinate with their beauty.
It is also possible to engage in the technique of a home pad. However, this requires a well-equipped workplace.
What is a lampboard
To answer the question of a tech pad that this will help the meaning of the word itself. As mentioned earlier, in translation from English, a lampwork is a lamp. All technique is based on the property of the glass to melt when heated. Instead of a lamp, of course, now use different burners. Glass for such work is sold in the form of multi-colored sticks. They are heated on a burner, and as soon as the glass begins to melt, it is wound on a special knitting needle. Thus, an elementary bead is obtained. But even it will attract the attention of others.
Of course, nothing is complicated in this technique, and everyone can learn to learn it. Here, as in all kinds of needlework, the main experience, patience and perseverance. However, unlike other forms of creativity, the technique requires a well-equipped workplace, primarily for security purposes. As the burner will be used during operation, care must be taken to ensure good ventilation of the room.
This can be a well-ventilated room, or, if possible, an open space in the street. If there are no such conditions, but there is a great desire to engage in this technique, it is possible to equip a powerful hood in the workplace. So, further a certain set of tools is needed, as well as glass rods of different colors. All this also requires space. For eye safety, you should always use special glasses. On the working surface it is desirable to lay a protective base, which will protect the table from accidental hot drops of glass.
Thus, summing up the above, here is a small list of the necessary tools:
- High-temperature gas burner;
- Muffle stove or ceramic blanket for final cooling of beads;
- Safety glasses for the eyes;
- Spokes for winding molten glass with a separator applied on them, which allows to remove the finished bead from the spoke in the future;
- Tweezers;
- Silo;
- Glass.
Basics of the technique
pad So, when the workstation is fully equipped, you can start working. In this part of the article, a small masterclass of the master class will be examined.
The glass rod is heated by the burner flame. When its tip is softened, it begins to be wound on a steel spoke. It winds itself a bagel.
Now, without ceasing to twist the spoke in a circle in the flame, a bead is formed.
Now you can create drawings on its surface. For this, glass of a different color is taken. Also melted in the flames of the burner. And now, without stopping to twist the bead, small dots of melted glass of the right color are made on it.
These points can be connected to small flowers using an awl.
Either make them bulging, making dots a little longer and like pulling out the surface.
All this is done quickly enough. Further, the bead is still singed a little, so that all the bulges on its surface become rounded and take on a beautiful shape.
Then the finished bead goes to the oven for 6-12 hours, so that it completely dried up. With the experience, the beads will come out all the better.
Video tutorials for learning and inspiration
Amazing and unusual ornaments are made from Lampwork beads. They got their name thanks to the Lampwork technique, which in English literally means a lamp - a lamp, a workman. Such beads are obtained from glass, by melting it at high temperatures - 800-1200 degrees Celsius. This kind of creativity is very ancient, he is already about 30 thousand years old. It is the bead found in southern Mesopotamia that is considered the first glass product of man. To this day, such beads are popular. All of them are very diverse and fascinate with their beauty.
It is also possible to practice the technique of a home pad. However, this requires a well-equipped workplace.
What is the
pad? Answer the question of a tech pad that this will help the meaning of the word itself. As mentioned earlier, in translation from English, a lampwork is a lamp. All technique is based on the property of the glass to melt when heated. Instead of a lamp, of course, now use different burners. Glass for such work is sold in the form of multi-colored sticks. They are heated on a burner, and as soon as the glass begins to melt, it is wound on a special knitting needle. Thus, an elementary bead is obtained. But even it will attract the attention of others.
Of course, nothing is complicated in this technique, and everyone can learn to learn it. Here, as in all kinds of needlework, the main experience, patience and perseverance. However, unlike other forms of creativity, the technique requires a well-equipped workplace, primarily for security purposes. As the burner will be used during operation, care must be taken to ensure good ventilation of the room.
This can be a well-ventilated room, or, if possible, an open space in the street. If there are no such conditions, but there is a great desire to engage in this technique, it is possible to equip a powerful hood in the workplace. So, further a certain set of tools is needed, as well as glass rods of different colors. All this also requires space. For eye safety, you should always use special glasses. On the working surface it is desirable to lay a protective base, which will protect the table from accidental hot drops of glass.
Thus, summing up the above, here is a small list of the necessary tools:
- High-temperature gas burner;
- Muffle stove or ceramic blanket for the final cooling of beads;
- Safety glasses for the eyes;
- Spokes for winding molten glass with a separator applied on them, which allows to remove the finished bead from the spoke in the future;
- Tweezers;
- Silo;
- Glass.
Basics of the
pad technology So, when the workstation is fully equipped, you can start working. In this part of the article, a small masterclass of the master class will be examined.
The glass rod is heated by the burner flame. When its tip is softened, it begins to be wound on a steel spoke. It winds itself a bagel.
Now, without ceasing to twist the spoke in a circle in the flame, a bead is formed.
Now you can create drawings on its surface. For this, glass of a different color is taken. Also melted in the flames of the burner. And now, without stopping to twist the bead, small dots of melted glass of the right color are made on it.
These points can be connected to small flowers using an awl.
Either make them bulging, making dots a little longer and like pulling out the surface.
All this is done quickly enough. Further, the bead is still singed a little, so that all the bulges on its surface become rounded and take on a beautiful shape.
Then the finished bead goes to the oven for 6-12 hours, so that it completely dried up. With the experience, the beads will come out all the better.