
Knitting on a Fork for Beginners: Schemes, Videos and a Master Class

  • Knitting on a Fork for Beginners: Schemes, Videos and a Master Class

    Knitting on a fork for beginners: sketches and step-by-step master class

    When you first hear the phrase "knitting on a fork", you will most likely present a conventional cutlery. This technique is not very popular, for example, like crocheting or knitting. Knitting on a fork for beginners will help to master this technique of needlework. Knitted things always attract attention. When you see the products connected to the fork you will definitely want to master this technique. It consists in the fact that individual tapes are connected to the whole product. The fork itself is a spoked shape of the letter U.

    Now there are universal plugs.

    You can adjust the width of the tape.

    Schemes of

    So, here's our selection of schemes.

    Master class on knitting a scarf in this technique

    For knitting we need:

    1. Yarn;
    2. Hook # 3;
    3. Pin;
    4. Plug.

    Consider the technique of knitting on a fork for beginners: the master class is below. First make a loop on the hook. Get the working thread by the plug. Remember that the thread should always be behind the fork, and the hook in front of it.

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    Thread the thread into the loop, then straighten it so that the connection is clearly in the center.

    Now turn the plug clockwise and move the hook forward. Hook the hook behind the front wall of the left hinge and grab the thread. You have two loops on the hook. Spray them.

    Then again turn the plug clockwise and repeat everything again.

    Knit until the fork is full. If you do not have enough fork length, then remove the tape and twist the roll.

    The main thing is not to cut the thread.

    Now we will connect the strips. To do this, the stripes must be placed parallel to each other. Loops can be connected one by one and up to six. More than six will look ugly. Take the three red loops, enter the hook and grab the three yellow hinges.

    Three yellow hinges are produced on the hook. Next, grab three red loops and stretch. You will have three red loops left.

    So continue to the end. The last sang remain open. You will close them with a harness.

    If you have one of the ribbons turned out to be longer than the others, then it should be disbanded.

    We will tie ribbons in yellow, for this it is necessary to cut the thread off the red and green ribbon.

    Open sang tying from the inside. Here you have a scarf.

    Crochet on a fork for beginners can be found on request on the Internet, where they will tell you all the stages of creating the product. It's worth trying - and you do not want to part with this kind of needlework. You can learn new techniques of knitting through video lessons and, of course, descriptions with photos.

    When you first hear the phrase "knitting on a fork", you most likely will introduce a conventional cutlery. This technique is not very popular, for example, like crocheting or knitting. Knitting on a fork for beginners will help to master this technique of needlework. Knitted things always attract attention. When you see the products connected to the fork you will definitely want to master this technique. It consists in the fact that individual tapes are connected to the whole product. The plug itself is a spokes of the shape of the letter U.

    Now universal plugs have appeared.

    You can adjust the width of the tape.


    So, here's our selection of schemes.

    Master class on knitting a scarf in this technique

    For knitting we need:

    1. Yarn;
    2. Hook # 3;
    3. Pin;
    4. Plug.

    Consider the technique of knitting on a fork for beginners: the master class is below. First make a loop on the hook. Get the working thread by the plug. Remember that the thread should always be behind the fork, and the hook in front of it.

    Thread the thread into the loop, then straighten it so that the connection is clearly in the center.

    Now turn the plug clockwise and pull the hook forward. Hook the hook behind the front wall of the left hinge and grab the thread. You have two loops on the hook. Spray them.

    Then again turn the plug clockwise and repeat all over again.

    Knit until the fork is full. If you do not have enough fork length, then remove the tape and twist the roll.

    The main thing is not to cut the thread.

    Now we will connect the strips. To do this, the stripes must be placed parallel to each other. Loops can be connected one by one and up to six. More than six will look ugly. Take the three red loops, enter the hook and grab the three yellow hinges.

    The hook produces three yellow hinges. Next, grab three red loops and stretch. You will have three red loops left.

    So continue to the end. The last sang remain open. You will close them with a harness.

    If you have one of the tapes turned out to be longer than the others, then it should be disbanded.

    We will tie ribbons in yellow, for this it is necessary to cut the thread off the red and green ribbon.

    Open sang tying from the inside. Here you have a scarf.

    Crochet on a fork for beginners can be found on request on the Internet, where they will tell you all the stages of creating the product. It's worth trying - and you do not want to part with this kind of needlework. You can learn new techniques of knitting through video lessons and, of course, descriptions with photos.