
Blood from the penis - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Blood from the penis - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    The presence of blood in the discharge from the penis is not a physiological sign, that is, it is in any case a sign of the disease, so you need to immediately consult a doctor( urologist), as the diseases in which blood from the penis is allocated will be quite serious.

    Independently to search for the reason, and the more so to try to treat it is impossible, especially means which the national medicine recommends( further, after it is diagnosed, national recommendations can be used if the disease allows, for example, urolithiasis).

    More blood from the penis can be called: hematuria( discharge of blood in the urine), urethrorrhagia( the exit of blood outside the act of urination, with the pathology of the urinary canal), and blood can be secreted with sperm.

    Also here it should be noted that urine can have a red color and not only because of blood. For example, when taking certain medicines or foods( for example, beets).

    Causes of bleeding from the penis

    The cause of blood allocation is a condition in which a pathological process - traumatic, inflammatory, tumor - involves a blood vessel or when the glomerular apparatus of the kidney is affected.

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    The appearance of blood is noticeable in the following diseases:

    • bleeding that has arisen in the kidney, the renal pelvis, ureter, bladder,
    • kidney tumors, tumors of the renal pelvis, bladder, ureter,
    • polycystic kidney,
    • kidney tuberculosis,
    • pyelonephritis,
    • urolithiasis,
    • glomerulonephritis,
    • necrosis of kidney papillae,
    • cystitis hemorrhagic,
    • bladder ulcer,
    • adenoma of the prostate,
    • schistosomiasis of the bladder,
    • inflammation or bladder neck tumor,
    • prostate cancer,
    • prostatitis,
    • polyps or urethral cancer,
    • trauma to the urinary system,
    • blood pathology,
    • poisoning,
    • burns,

    as well as some other diseases.

    Apparently, there are a lot of diseases and all of them are serious. Of the other symptoms, often along with the release of blood, there is a pain syndrome, an increase in body temperature, weight loss, urination disorders, and other changes in the urine( the appearance of leukocytes, protein).

    Blood test in genital secretions

    Further, to identify the cause of this symptom, the following laboratory and, in addition, instrumental methods of investigation may be needed:

    • general urine and blood tests( for example, inflammation),
    • special urine andblood( for the possible detection of oncological pathology),
    • three-glass sample( for determining the level of bleeding),
    • ray methods( ultrasound, X-ray - for the detection of stonesminutes, tumors, assessment of renal function),
    • biopsy allocation bodies,
    • ureteroscopy( for inspection of the urethra),
    • cystoscopy( bladder inspection) and others.

    Treatment consists in the therapy of the detected disease.