  • Decoration of a pond

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    Decorative pond in the garden is a special biotype, or microcosm, which is not just the focus of water, but also an amazing harmonious ensemble of elements: water, stones, water and coastal plants. For greening the pool does not need a lot of plants. It is enough for 1-2 species of high, as low and floating on the surface of the water surface.

    The area of ​​the water surface occupied by plants should not exceed a third of the entire basin, as water itself is very beautiful and creates an amazing play of light, shade and sunlight. Therefore, it is not necessary to overload the water mirror of the reservoir and its shore with plants.

    Among the plants used to decorate the water body, wild-growing species commonly used in natural conditions are most often used, the whole variety of which can be conventionally divided into purely water, shallow, or , coastal-water, and moistened soil plants.

    To the group of pure water, , sometimes called waterfowl, are those plants that live only in water.

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    Shallow water, or coastal-water, grow mainly at shallow depths near the river, lake and pond. Many of them are able to live on wet land.

    The group of humidified soils constitute relatively hygrophilous plants growing in moist soil on a well-water-saturated coastal area of ​​land. They are seated on the banks of reservoirs.

    Purely aquatic plants Nymphaea, or water lily, is especially a hybrid garden form, in its beauty, can successfully compete with many popular colors.

    A very beautiful water plant with a rhizome rooting at a depth of 1 to 2 m on muddy soil. From the rhizome go long, flexible juicy petioles with dark-green round heart-shaped oval leaves floating on the surface of the water, covered with a brilliant wax coating on top. Flowers are snow-white, open, large, consisting of several rows of white petals. The outer green petals form a cup. Snow-white floating flowers in wild species reach 6-10 cm in diameter, and in hybrid ones - 15-20 cm.

    The nymphaea blooms in July. Frost-resistant light-loving plant.

    Rose Arey ( flowers are soft pink), Escarpunk ( Wine Red), Sunrise ( golden), Rosea ( pinkish), Chromatella ( pale lemon), Tuberosa Richardsoni terry), James Bridon ( brown).

    Nymphae propagate vegetatively and seeds, and hybrid garden varieties are propagated only vegetatively by segments of rhizomes with growth bud. When propagating by seeds in natural conditions, the fruit falls into the water, where the seeds ripen and pour out to the bottom of the reservoir.

    To preserve and obtain the seeds of the nymphaea, the faded fruit knot is put on a gauze pouch, closed and fastened so that it does not go under the water, to a plank or cork. Thus, he remains floating on the surface of the water until the seeds ripen completely. In the middle belt of the faded June-July flower, the seeds ripen in early September. From the bag they let out into a jar with water. Covered with white air mucus, they float on the surface for several days. Then the mature seeds descend to the bottom. Keep the seeds better in water. And 3-4 weeks it is desirable to withstand them at a temperature of 0-5 ° C.In February-March, seeds are sown in room conditions in vessels with muddy-peaty ground, and sprinkled with river

    . Planting of nymphaea and water lilies

    It is recommended to plant these pure aquatic plants in vessels. The container must be filled with pebbles in a layer of 10 cm, pour the muddy soil and place the root slightly obliquely. Top with sand and pebbles, then install the vessel on the bottom of the reservoir

    sand layer 1-2 mm. The vessel is poured with water for 10-20 cm and placed in a warm lighted place. In June the seedlings are transferred to the reservoir, where they successfully and winter if the pool does not freeze to the bottom.

    In the second year the plants can be planted on a permanent place to a depth of 0.5-1.2 m. Seedlings bloom for the third or fourth year. For the normal development of a nymphaeal plant, 1.2-1.5 m2 of water surface is required.

    Soil for nymphs is desirable for such composition: 2 parts of silt-peat land and 1 part of large river sand. To fertilize the soil, you can add a little, about 1 part, of a well-decomposed rotted mullein.

    Every 3 to 4 years, the rhizome of the nymphaea should be rejuvenated, dividing it into several lengths with growth buds. As already mentioned, the nymphaea, or water lily, is a fairly winter-hardy plant and can winter in the mud of the body of water almost without water. Rhizomes do not hide anything, and snow is a reliable natural warmer. Hybrid nymphaeas are much more thermophilic. For the winter, their rhizomes are recommended to be transferred to the basement, where they are stored until spring at a temperature of 0-8 ° C in water or in wet sand. Nymphs are used to plant natural and artificial small ponds in the garden. Plants can be planted in boxes, pots, polyethylene bags, baskets, galvanized bowls filled with silty soil. The vessels are fixed on the bottom of the reservoir with stones and pegs.

    Puppet yellow, or nyfar, also has another popular name - blend - and in many ways is similar to the white water lily.

    This is a beautiful perennial rhizome. Leaves on long petioles, floating, cordate-oval, underwater leaves wrinkled. Flowers large with petals in several rows, luxurious bright golden, slightly fragrant, up to 5-6 cm in diameter, slightly raised above the water on a short fleshy stem. The water lily grows yellow at a depth of 0.3-1.5 m. It blooms from June to early August, sometimes even longer.

    The egg capsule prevents the flowering of water, contributes to its purity and transparency. Underwater rosette leaves in the autumn do not die and to some extent help maintain oxygen balance under the ice. Propagated by seeds and the division of rhizomes. The methods of preserving and planting the seed of the egg capsule are no different from those of the nymphaea. The egg is quite hardy, in the case of the freezing of the reservoir, the water is lowered, and the pots, boxes with planted egg capsules for winter are covered with leaves. The kiboshka requires silty soils.

    Use the egg for the design of any artificial and natural reservoirs. Turdent marsh( water violet) has comb-shaped underwater leaves, and in summer, above the water surface, stems with pink inflorescences rise. It grows at a depth of 10-50 cm. It multiplies by dividing bushes and seeds. It is frost-resistant.

    Lotus Caspian - beautiful flower from pinkish-red to pale pink color, diameter 20-25 cm, raised above the water. Leaves are underwater, floating and surface elliptical. Heat-loving. Propagated by seeds and rhizomes. Lotus AS Komarov from the Far East is considered more frost-resistant than the Caspian. Hazelnut, or chilim, or flyer, - is an annual plant. Fruit - walnut 2-2.5 cm in diameter, has 2-4 horns-anchors, hence the name "damn nut".It hibernates on the bottom of the pond. It germinates early in the spring. On the surface of the water, floating rosettes of diamond-shaped leaves resemble birch leaves. In the sinuses of these leaves, whitish flowers bloom in May-June. During the summer, the leaves change their green color to purplish red. Ripen nuts in August-September, they are edible. Nuts are sown in non-current or weakly flowing water bodies to a depth of 1.5-2 m in autumn as they mature or early in the spring. Store nuts destined for sowing only in a humid environment.

    Vodkovlas ordinary, or hydrocharis, received its popular name frog

    for what is most often found in shallow waters near the shore. This is an interesting free-floating plant, whose roots are not directly related to the ground, but take food directly from the water. His shoots are immersed in water, and on the surface float the broad-ovoid leaves collected in a rosette. Flowers appear above the water in the form of a half-zonotek. With its rounded leaves up to 4-5 cm in diameter and numerous small flowers, the watercolor resembles a miniature white pitcher. Reproduces in spring and summer stem cauliflower. At the ends of the shoots of the water-color, buds form which fall away from the mother plant in autumn and descend to the bottom of the reservoir, where they winter. In spring, the buds germinate and float to the surface. Fruit watercolor is a small berry.

    Watercolor can serve as a biological indicator of the cleanliness of the reservoir, as it does not grow in a polluted environment. Rdest floating, or Potamogeton, has underwater and floating elongated-oval leaves of beautiful shape and brownish-green bronze in tint coloration. It also refers to the number of free-floating, unrelated roots of soil plants. Numerous small flowers are collected in beautiful dense pink ears of corn, up to 10-12 cm tall, raised above the water. It hibernates like a water-solstice with sleeping buds on the bottom of the reservoir. The reservoir should have a depth of 0.5 to 1 m.

    Rdest - a plant very useful, enriches the water with oxygen. Stems and leaves can serve as a fertilizer as a valuable organics for compost, as well as food for waterfowl and fish.

    To ensure that the roots of pure water plants are held more firmly, and the soil is not washed away with water, the soil around them is covered with 3-5 cm of large river sand and compacted.

    Plants of this group can be planted in a pond in containers, tanks, buckets, pots with earth, which is much more convenient than landing in the ground. This allows you to move the containers from place to place, changing compositions, and heat-loving species, without taking them out of pots, for winter storage in warm cellars, cellars or ice-free wells.

    Shallow water plants

    Bog marsh, or kalfa, mm buttercup water, - is a charming early spring plant with large and numerous bright golden shiny flowers. Large rounded dark green glossy, like lacquered, leaves are decorative all summer long. Blooms caluzhnitsa from late April to mid-June, and sometimes again in the fall. He is not afraid of spring frosts. Loves the sun, but it grows well in the shade, very unpretentious, winter hardy, it multiplies easily. There are double forms of caluzhnitsa. Propagated by seeds, segments of stems and division of rhizomes. Easily transfers the transplant. Plant a root in the water to a depth of 3-8 cm, better in clay soil. Kaluzhnitsa grows well not only in shallow water, but also on the shore of the reservoir in moist places. Very hygrophilous. Golden flowers look great next to the pink-blue medlunitsy, purple crested and blue forget-me-not.

    Poplar marsh, or calla, or rishardia, is a highly decorative perennial plant with a creeping thick rhizome, wide-ovoid smooth shiny petiolate leaves 8-24 cm long. The flowers are plain, small without perianth, collected in a dense cylindrical cobyellow color in the size of 2-3 cm. The cob is located on the end of the leafy stem and is surrounded( semi-covered) by an original egg-shaped veil, inside white, outside of the green color. Thanks to this "wing" the plant and received its name is a calla. The bright-red fruits of the white-winged that are formed after flowering on the cob are poisonous. Blossoms from the middle of May to July, but it is decorative throughout the summer season.

    Calla frosty, very hygrophilous, suitable for landscaping shallow waters and wet low shores. Easily multiplies by dividing the bush. The soil prefers heavy clayey soils. Water depth for planting is 5-10 cm. Marsh feather, or acorn, or roast root, - is a very ancient medicinal plant with a fragrant rhizome. Air reaches 60-100 cm in height, it has x-shaped dark green erect leaves. Its flowers are plain, fragrant, collected on top of the peduncle in the form of a greenish-yellow cob, covered with a leaf-shaped coverlet. A fruit is a dry berry. The plant is frost-hardy, requires clayey clay soil, on which it grows better. In general, the swamp of the marsh is unpretentious to the soils.

    In the middle band, the ayr of seeds does not bind and multiply only by dividing the rhizome, it grows very quickly. When cleaning the pond in autumn, the shrub is reduced, cutting the rhizome to 3-4 kidneys. Depth of water for planting is from 5 to 50 cm.

    Air loves wet, marshy areas. It can be planted in pots, boxes and put on the bottom of the pond.

    The garden form of ordinary ara is known - Variegata - with mottled yellow-striped leaves, but it is not frost-resistant.

    Strelolist ordinary, or arrow

    water, or sagittariya, has underwater leaves of arrow-shaped shape, reminiscent of the tip of a spear or arrows. To emphasize this striking similarity, the plant is sometimes referred to as an arrow-shooter. This tuberous plant is 20 to 100 cm high, the stems are thick, trihedral, slightly branching.

    Flowers are three-petalled, white with a pink spot on each petal, collected in loose racemose inflorescences-whorls. Blooms from June to September. In the fall, the shooter grows shoots with a wintering kidney. Also interesting are the fruits of the shooter, which have a rounded shape with a beak and are collected in dense heads. Strelolist is one of the most original aquatic plants. There are garden terry forms. It reproduces by dividing the bush, tubers, offsprings, seeds. It grows better on muddy ground with a thickness of at least 30 cm. It is unpretentious, the optimal depth of water for planting is 20-40 cm. It is used for the design of small ponds with standing water. The broadleaf cattail, or typhoid, is a typical coastal aquatic plant, a creeping rhizome develops in the water, from which broad-leaf leaves grow to 1-1.5 m in height. Especially ornamental cattail in the flowering period, when on long peduncles in the upper part inflorescences are formed in the form of an ear of velvet dark brown tone of a cylindrical shape. Inflorescence is used for autumn and winter arrangements. The cattail breeds with seeds and the division of rhizomes. Plant young plants or pieces of rhizome on the bottom of the reservoir no deeper than 15-20 cm. Rogoz is frost-hardy, undemanding. Beautiful in the form of solitary plants in small water bodies. Since the cattail is greatly expanded, it is better to plant it in large pots or baskets.

    Chasusha plantain, or alism, or water bottle, is an attractive plant up to 70 cm high, which has a tuberous thick rhizome. The leaves are bright green, the lower ones are broad-leaved, floating in the water, the above-water ones are ovate, large, on long watery petioles. Flowers are white-pink, collected in

    large pyramidal whisk with protruding branches. It multiplies by dividing the rhizome and seeds. Planted chastushu in shallow water near the shore at a depth of water 10-15 cm or on wet sandy-clay shores. Very hygrophilous.

    The umbrella umbrella is prized for its compact shrub and decorative flower umbrellas. Leaves are oblate, collected in a basal rosette. Peduncles with a height of up to 1 m or more are raised above the bush. Elegant umbellate inflorescences are collected on beautiful large white-pink flowers. Blooms in June-August. Soil prefers clayey silt. Propagated by seeds and the division of rhizomes. Rapidly expanding. The depth of water in shallow water when planting a shrimp is 5-10 cm.

    Perennials from the group of coastal-aquatic plants are suitable for planting on moist shores: kaluzhnitsa, calla, ayr, shooter, and shrimp, and on less moist soil - iris yellow( katatik), daylily yellow( krasovodnev), European bathing bathAsian( frying).

    Plants of moist shores Erioforum broadleaf, or cotton grass,

    is one of the most beautiful plants used to decorate the banks of water bodies. This perennial plant height of 30-70 cm. Rhizome is incomplete, shortened. The leaves are bright green, flat. The flowers sit in the scales of the scales, form spikelets, surrounded by numerous hairs, which, when discolored, are very elongated and form a fluffy head. On the peduncles are collected spikelets of 5-12 pieces. After flowering trihedral fruits are formed. Plants with fluffy white heads at this time are very decorative. Propagate by seeds, by dividing rhizomes. Plant cotton grass at the edge of water. The water-collecting basin is very popular with flower growers for the beauty of the bush, the inflorescence and the long flowering period. The plant has delicate openwork leaves, gathered in a rosette rosette and forming a compact bush, and large fluffy inflorescences from numerous white flowers, creating the illusion of miniature transparent clouds that have settled on the tops of dark green bushes. The plant is rather hygrophilous, prefers sandy-clay soils. Rusty sparse bud, or quarries, is a long-stemmed perennial plant up to 30 cm high. Pink flowers are collected in bright spikelets. Blooms in June. Strongly expanding, forms dense carpets.

    Iris planting

    When planting iris, the upper third of the rhizome, especially sensitive to moisture, should be placed below the surface of the earth. Soil around the plant should be compacted and sprinkled with pebbles.

    Rice Propagated by dividing the rhizome, seeds. Frost resistant, shade-tolerant. Very decorative in group plantings on shady stony placers. Reed bristle, or massif, is an interesting herbaceous rhizome perennial with a height of 15-20 cm. Numerous linear erect dark green leaves form natural picturesque groups. Flowers are collected in purple spikelet. Blossoms in June-July. Propagated by dividing the bush. The plant is frost-resistant. Beautiful in the pools, fountains, streams and other water bodies. Coast odor, or kareks, is a perennial herbaceous rhizome with a height of 60-120 cm. The leaves are green, erect, narrow-line. Blooms in June. The plant is frost-hardy, shade-loving. Soils are necessary silt-sandy near the shores of various reservoirs. Planted in the form of single groups. Ordinary common is a perennial fern plant with a long rhizome 70 cm high. The leaves are large, dense, light green, twice- and three-pinnate. Propagates by spores, division of a bush. Soil frosts are needed peat-sandy, moist. Beautiful in groups for landscaping semi-shaded places.

    Iris, or marsh mud, - an indispensable plant for the design of reservoirs. Its basal light-green xiphid leaves reach a length of 70-120 cm and form extensive spreading shrubs that are ornamental throughout the summer season. From the thicket of the bush the plant throws out a high( up to 1 m) flower stalk, which in the upper part branches and ends with 2-3 large, golden, non-aromatic flowers. The combination of tender green foliage and yellow, butterfly-like

    flowers "fluttering" on high stems above the water, creates an unusually romantic picture of the shore of the reservoir.

    The iris, or tangata, swamp, propagates by seeds and divides rhizomes into several parts. Frostworts are planted in shallow waters or on wet shores. It withstands an easy, sliding penumbra. Blooms in early summer. Available variegated form of tangent. Applied in the form of groups, single plants, curtains, ribbons, rabatok It grows in wet damp places and even on semi-shady wet stony areas. Nutritional, humus, moist, sandy-clay soil is desirable for iris of bog soil.

    You can decorate the edge and banks of the reservoir with a variety of techniques and different types of hygrophilous perennials. Possible planting of plants along the perimeter of the reservoir for its framing, for example, hosts of narrow-leaved, forget-me-nots, astilbe, etc. Picturesque groups can be represented by forget-me-nots, daylilies, marsh irises, various species of sedges and ferns. With success can be used in the green frame of the reservoir of many other moisture-loving plants of natural flora: cowberry, valerian officinalis, astilba, tamolago vyazolistnuyu, mountaineer snake, aconite hood, ivan tea, medicinal coupé, European bathing bath. In this issue everything depends on the artistic imagination and preferences of the florist.

    An interesting idea for the design of a small pond can be the use of pillars driven into the bottom of the pond. This applies only to the natural in form of performance of water bodies with an unconfined bottom. The pillars are driven into the bottom so that they rise slightly above the surface of the water, and small earthenware vases, pots and flower-pots are planted with suitable low-growing plants planted in them. It can be forget-me-not, primrose, astilba, hostel variegated and any other flowers at your discretion. Watering the vases is carried out from the hose.