
Why is high mobility of the kidneys, etiological factors and manifestations of the disease

  • Why is high mobility of the kidneys, etiological factors and manifestations of the disease

    Nephroptosis or high mobility of the kidney usually develops in the vertical position of the human body. In the normal state, when breathing or moving the body, both kidneys move within the limits of the acceptable norm, which does not exceed the length of the lumbar vertebra. The right kidney is usually located just below the left.

    Nephroptosis involves vertical displacement of the organ downward by 2 cm or more, with a deep inspiration the kidney is displaced by 3 to 5 cm.

    Degrees of development of the pathology of

    There are several degrees of development of nephroptosis, namely:

    • 1 degree is the lowering of the lower part of the kidney pole onmore than 1.5 lumbar vertebrae.
    • 2 degree - this is the lowering of the lower part of the pole on more than 2 lumbar vertebrae.
    • 3 degree - this is the lowering of the lower part of the pole on more than 3 lumbar vertebrae.

    The pathological mobility of the kidney can be characterized by a stably low position in comparison with the physiological norm, or the return of the kidney to its place when the body position changes.

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    This is important!

    Pain in ovulation of the kidney is usually manifested at the end of the day due to the usual axial load on the ligamentous apparatus. With the development of this condition, painful sensations pass right after the person assumes a horizontal position on the back, stretches, slightly lifts the pelvis, because the kidney in this position quickly returns to its place.

    Causes of the disease

    In the normal state of the kidney is fixed in place with the help of ligaments. Fascia. The surrounding body, and fatty tissue. Factors due to which the increased mobility of the kidneys are formed include: a sharp decrease in body weight, a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the abdominal wall, trauma in the lumbar region, frequent weight lifting, complicated pregnancy, congenital abnormalities in the structure of the renal vascular pedicle and the kidney.

    A complete list of the etiological factors of nephroptosis includes:

    • congenital anomaly of the renal ligament apparatus;
    • previous pathologies of infectious diseases, which reduce the activity of mesenchyme and provoke the development of severe changes in connective tissue formations;
    • injury of the renal ligament apparatus due to injury with complete or incomplete rupture or tearing of ligaments - these are sharp bumps, falls, etc.;
    • strong and abrupt weight loss, accompanied by a decrease in the amount of paranephrine fiber;
    • weak tone and flabbiness of the muscles of the anterior part of the abdominal wall with a simultaneous decrease in intra-abdominal pressure after a sharp weight loss, due to many numerical pregnancies or because of prolonged labor.

    Usually, ovulation of the kidney, high mobility of the right kidney or left kidney develops throughout the life of a person and is mostly diagnosed in young women with a subtle physique.

    Symptomatology of the pathology of

    With the development of the descent or displacement of the kidney, it is not just a downward movement, after all, some pathological processes are formed, such as turning the kidney around the axis, pulling the kidneys, deteriorating the blood filling of the kidney, bending the ureter, which causes inflammation in the renal pelvis andformation of stones.

    The omission may be manifested by different symptoms, it all depends on the stage of development of nephroptosis. There are three stages:

    1. In the first stage, there are no clinical symptoms of the disease or the patient complains of general changes in health status and disability, but almost always absent.
    2. In the second stage of the formation of the omission of the kidney, the pain of the lumbar region appears, which becomes stronger in an upright position. Sometimes the pain has a paroxysmal character, and a high concentration of erythrocytes and protein is diagnosed in the urine.
    3. In the third stage of ovulation of the kidney, the pain dramatically increases, and serious organ disturbances are added to it.

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    Usually a person visits a doctor to assist only in the second stage of the disease, which is characterized by the movement of the kidney down a distance of up to 5 cm, and changing the position of the body from horizontal to vertical is supplemented by pain in the side and abdomen. In addition, pain can be manifested in the lower abdomen and accompanied by chills and nausea.

    A less frequent floating kidney makes itself felt through pain like kidney colic - it is a strong bursting paroxysmal pain, as well as impurities of blood in the urine, a high concentration of urine in the urine and an increase in blood pressure.

    Often, patients with ovulation of the kidney in whom pathology is accompanied by clinical symptoms are young female representatives with a slender constitution, in whom chronic pain in the lumbar region in the vertical position becomes the only sign of the omission of the kidney.

    Chronic, periodically developing pain in the waist and in the side, a feeling of heaviness, discomfort in the abdomen usually manifest simultaneously. The main complications of nephroptosis should be attributed to the increase in blood pressure, infectious organ damage, the formation of stones and renal colic.

    Hypertension is manifested due to the inflection of the vessels responsible for feeding the organ, and usually this condition provokes the development of an arterial crisis or persistent increase in blood pressure indicators.

    Due to a violation of the normal discharge of urine from the ureters and renal pelvis and when the kidney is displaced and the ureter is bent, local infection of the urinary canals may be manifested. Urine, which lingers in the urinary tract, promotes growth and spread of bacteria, and symptoms of infection of the urinary tract include: pain during urination, fever and chills, pain in the waist and abdomen. The urine becomes cloudy and has a special smell.

    Urinary stones are formed from substances that make up urine, for example, from oxalates or calcium. Stagnation of urine, decrease in the rate of its outflow from the body are considered to be the etiological factors of formation of urinary stones. The presence of a deviation of purine or urate metabolism significantly increases the risk of stones in the urinary canals or in the kidneys. Thus, severe pain in the side, in the back, in the pelvic zone, the presence of blood in the urine, fever, chills, nausea with vomiting and a burning sensation when leaving urine develops.

    This is important!

    The omission of the kidney significantly increases the risk of injury to the kidney with blunt injuries of the pelvis or abdomen. If the displaced kidney is too low in the abdomen or pelvis, then it is more sensitive to injuries when getting blunt injuries.

    The most common complication of nephroptosis is renal colic. When colic occurs in connection with the omission of the kidney, the pain is localized in the side and in the lumbar region, accompanied by nausea with vomiting, palpitations, severe chills, a decrease in the volume of urine, the appearance of blood in the urine and the appearance of protein in the urine. If you find even the slightest manifestations of pathology, it is better to visit a doctor as soon as possible to receive highly qualified care.

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