  • Acupressure with headache

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    Pain in the forehead

    Headache can be a symptom of many diseases, including very serious ones, such as hypertension, inflammation of the membranes of the brain, inflammation of the maxillary sinus and frontal sinuses, etc. When the headache is repeated or has a pronounced character, you need to see a doctor, only he can diagnose and prescribe a treatment. However, in any case, using acupressure, you can help yourself, reduce pain.

    For this you must consistently find and massage the following points:

    24 - He-gu( "Closed Valley").This is one of the most common points used in reflexology. It is called the point of one hundred diseases. The point is located on the back of the hand in a depression 1.5-2 cm above the fold formed by the thumb and forefinger. Try to straighten out your thumb with your index finger. Between them a skin fold is formed, the top of this fold and will correspond to the location of the point. Massage one by one with the corresponding fingers of the opposite hand.

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    The He-gu point is used in the treatment of arthrosis, arthritic joints of the hand. This is the main point in the treatment of diseases of the large intestine, as well as bronchial asthma, vasomotor rhinitis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, with diseases of the hearing and vision.

    13.23 - Shang-shin( "The Upper Star").The point is located on the middle line of the head, which divides the head into two equal halves, and is 1.5 tsun above the anterior margin of the scalp.

    The point is used for the treatment of pain in the frontal part of the head, nasal congestion, nosebleeds, allergic eye diseases.

    3.8 - Tou-wei( "The Guardian of the Head").The point is located on the half-dozen above the angle of the scalp, near the upper margin of the temporal muscle. In this place is the frontal branch of the superficial temporal artery.

    The point is used in the treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve, neurocirculatory dystonia, dizziness, stammering, etc.

    34 k - Raytin( "Lower Hall").The point is localized on the back surface of the foot, between the heads of II-III metatarsal bones.

    The point is also used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, small intestine, oral mucosa, inflammatory diseases of the joints of the feet, sleep disorders.

    74 - Qu-cha( "Curved deviations").These are symmetrical points of the head that are located above the anterior border of the scalp on the half-dozen and then left and right for 1.5 tsunya.

    The point is massaged with a headache on the same side, with a decrease in vision, nasal congestion, pharyngitis, rhinitis, frontal. Within a few minutes, you can massage these points by pressing or vibrating.

    In case of headache, localized in any part of the head, it is recommended that the thumbs of the hands be carefully massaged.

    Other methods of reflex therapy are used to alleviate suffering with headache. Among them are circular mustards. The mustard is placed in a plastic bag, the length of which should be sufficient to wrap the head. The mustard layer must be facing "face" outward. The compress is fixed together with the package on the head with a kerchief or bandage. It must be remembered that the mustard must be above the area of ​​pain and in a symmetrical area. The compress should be kept no more than half an hour.

    For a headache, you can also use a hot water bath( 41-42 ° C) for your hands. Brushes are immersed in water for 5-7 minutes.

    Pain in the area of ​​the temples

    If the pain is localized in the area of ​​the temples, it is recommended to massage the following points:

    3.8 - Tou-wei( "Head keeper").

    10.5 - Wai Guan( "Outer border").The point is at the rear of the forearm, 2 tsuns above the skin fold, which is formed when the wrist is bent, located between the radial and ulna bones. At this point, the back interosseous artery, the dorsal cutaneous nerve and the muscle branches of the radial nerve pass.

    The point is also used to treat feverish conditions, constipation, propensity to respiratory diseases, eye diseases, neurocirculatory dystonia by hypotonic type, sleep disturbance, etc. Refers to points of general action.

    10.23 - Sy-chu-kun( "The Gate of the Ear").The point is located at the outer end of the eyebrow behind the zygomatic process of the frontal bone. In this place a groove corresponding to the outer edge of the malar bone is probed. In this area there is a circular eye muscle, there also pass the superficial temporal artery and the first branch of the trigeminal nerve.

    The point is used in the treatment of headache, dizziness, facial nerve neuritis, conjunctivitis, otitis and deafness.

    11.8V - Shuai-gu. The point is located at 1.5 tsunya up from the edge of the auricle, in the scalp. In this place are the superficial branches of the temporal artery, the small auricular nerve and the branches of the trigeminal nerve.

    Used in the treatment of pain in the temples, migraine, contracture of the muscles of the occipital and cervical region.

    11.11V - Too-chiao-yin. The point is located at the level of the upper edge of the opening of the external auditory canal, behind the auricle for 1 tsun, at the base of the mastoid process. There are branches of the posterior ear artery and the posterior ear nerve.

    Used in the treatment of headaches, trigeminal neuralgia, muscle spasms in children.

    Pain in the occiput area

    First of all, it is necessary to massage the He-gou point( 2.4), and then a few more points.

    6.3 - Hou-si( "The Back Gorge").The point is located on the arm, behind the head of the fifth metacarpal bone. The point is easy to find, clenching his hand into a fist. It is at the end of the furrow at the base of the little finger. In this place pass the dorsal artery of the fingers and the back nerve.

    The point is also used to treat seizures of the forearm, writing spasm, trigeminal neuralgia, liver disease, tonsillitis, intercostal neuralgia and ulnar nerve neuritis.

    7.8 - Le-cue( "Fissure", or "Missing series").The point is located at the radial edge of the radius 1.5 tsun above the wrist fold. Refers to points of general action. The location of the point corresponds to the outer edge of the tendon of the tapping muscle of the thumb. At this point, the branches of the radial artery are distributed.

    The point is also used for the treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve, trigeminal neuralgia, toothache, bronchial asthma, spastic colitis, allergic skin diseases, etc.

    7,10 - Tian-chu( "Heavenly pillar").The point is located at the outer edge of the muscular shaft formed by the trapezius muscle, 0.5 pound above the posterior border of the scalp. In this area the branch of the occipital artery and the posterior branch of the cervical nerve are located.

    The point is used for laryngitis, nasal congestion, smell disorders, neurasthenia, stuttering, eye diseases.

    11.20 - Feng chi( "Wind-pond").The point is located in the cavity between the places of attachment of the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles, at the apex of the occipital triangle. Refers to points of general action.

    Used in the treatment of many diseases, including the brain, eyes, ear, with neurasthenia, emotional lability, arterial hypertension, neurocirculatory dystonia. The point is part of the collar zone, and consequently, it affects the cerebral circulation.

    13, C - Da-chju( "The Big Vertebra").The point is located in the depression under the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra( this is the most prominent vertebra at the base of the neck and is seen well even in obese people).Refers to points of general action. In this place there are branchings of the branches of the transverse cervical artery and the posterior branch of the cervical nerve.

    Point massaging is also indicated for febrile conditions, diseases of the spine and spinal cord. The point is the intersection of the Yan meridians, has a sedative effect, is used for neuroses, lung diseases, headache( mainly vascular genesis), dizziness. It has antipyretic, restorative effect.

    When headaches in the nape of the neck often helps massage in the form of active rubbing of little fingers, as well as massage of the sacral spine, which can be done both with hands and with the use of various massages. It is possible to apply a hot compress on the back surface of the neck and head.

    Pain in the vertex of the

    As in the previous case, it is advisable to massage the 2L ( Xe-gu) point [397].In addition to it, it is advisable to massage the following points:

    7.7 - Tung-tian( "Heavenly passage").The point is located on the head at 4 tsunya above the anterior margin of the scalp and 1.5 tsun from the middle line. The location of the point corresponds to the parietal bone, inside the parietal hillock;in this place there are a network of anastomoses of the superficial temporal and occipital arteries, as well as twigs of the large occipital nerve.

    The point is used in the treatment of nasal congestion, nasal bleeding, chronic bronchitis, trigeminal neuralgia, facial nerve neuritis.

    13.20 - Bai-hui( "Assembly of the hundred yang", or "A hundredfold collector").The point is located at the intersection of the midline of the head and the line connecting the

    tops of the ear auricles. Refers to points of general action. The point is in the center of the sagittal seam where the part of the tendon head helmet is located, under which there is a network of anastomoses of the superficial arteries of the head.

    The point is used in the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia, cervical radiculitis, cervical osteochondrosis, cerebral vascular insufficiency, neurasthenia of asthenic conditions, epilepsy, impotence, nocturnal enuresis, climacteric neurosis, neurocirculatory dystonia according to the hypertonic type.

    13,21 - Hou-din( "Back hill of the head").The point is located at 1.5 tsunya from the point of Bau-hui { 13.20) on the median line of the head. The point is also located above the tendon head helmet.

    Points are used in the treatment of dizziness, migraine, epilepsy, neuritis of the great occipital nerve. As well as in the treatment of pain in the nape of the neck, helps massage the lumbar spine.