
Pain in the abdomen of a child - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Pain in the abdomen of a child - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Acute appendicitis

    • Acute appendicitis
    • Acute pancreatitis
    • Acute gastritis
    • Acute nephritis
    • Diseases of the stomach and duodenum
    • Inflammation of the gallbladder
    • Infection with ascarids
    • Infection with tapeworms
    • Psychogenic pains in the abdomen
    • Pain in epilepsy
    • Nutritionalallergy
    • Ulcerative colitis

    Abdominal pain is the most common type of complaints. The causes can be very diverse, ranging from diseases of the digestive tract, worms, appendicitis to pneumonia, kidney and bladder, tonsillitis and acute respiratory infections. Complaints of abdominal pain can be caused by a "school neurosis," when a child does not want to go to school because of a conflict with a teacher or classmates.

    First of all, it is necessary to find out the intensity of pain and, if possible, their localization. With severe pain, the child prefers to lie, sometimes in an uncomfortable, forced position. Turns with effort, carefully. The pain can be piercing( dagger), in the form of colic, or dull aching. By localization it can be spilled or predominantly concentrated around the navel, or "under the spoon".It is important to establish the ratio of the appearance of pain to food intake.

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    Stomach pain in the abdomen is a dangerous sign. It can be a manifestation of a catastrophe in the abdominal cavity - acute appendicitis or peritonitis( inflammation of the peritoneum).With dagger pains, you must urgently call an ambulance! Before her arrival, do not give the child any medicine. On the stomach, you can put a cellophane bag with ice.


    Signs such as persistent abdominal pains that do not subside within 2 hours, abdominal tenderness at the touch, vomiting, diarrhea, elevated body temperature should seriously alert parents. The following diseases require urgent medical care.

    Acute appendicitis


    promptly call for "emergency care."

    Acute pancreatitis

    ( inflammation of the pancreas): the symptoms resemble acute appendicitis, but the pain may be severe. Typically, the child complains of constant pain in the epigastric region, which, unlike acute appendicitis, gives to the shoulders, shoulder blades and has a girdling character. The pain is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The child usually lies motionless on his side. The abdomen is swollen and tense. It is possible to attach jaundice. In severe cases, there may be a shock. Often acute pancreatitis develops as a complication of mumps( see section "Infectious Diseases").In this case, the disease occurs on the third or fourth day after swelling of the parotid salivary glands.


    urgently call for "emergency care."

    Acute gastritis

    ( inflammation of the stomach): this disease is characterized by pain and a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric abdomen( "under the spoon") after eating. Other symptoms are nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and belching.


    with sudden development of these symptoms it is necessary to call a doctor at home.

    Acute infectious-allergic inflammation of the kidneys

    ( acute nephritis): in this disease, in addition to abdominal pain, the child has soreness with a slight pat on the sides of the body from the back around the waist, swelling around the eyes, rare urination and urine of dark color, slight increase in temperature. More details about nephritis are described in the section "Blood in the urine".

    Sudden abdominal pain can also occur with acute inflammation of the oclohloma lymph nodes( tonsils) and other infections of the respiratory tract, as well as in many types of poisoning with drugs( antibiotics, hormonal and soothing drugs), iodine, iron, lead( see "Vomiting").


    Diseases of the stomach and duodenum

    : inflammation of the gastric mucosa and the immediately departing 12 duodenum is called gastroduodenitis. This disease is long. It then becomes aggravated, then subsides. It is characterized by periodic pain, different in strength and duration, which are localized "under the spoon" and around the navel. They usually arise after eating. They are joined by a feeling of bursting and heaviness in the upper abdomen. Belching is sour, less often rotten.

    In case of peptic ulcer, pain occurs on an empty stomach, and after eating subsides. They happen at night. In addition, the child can complain of heartburn, eructation, bitter taste in his mouth. Often vomiting, especially in the morning. After eating, there may be vomiting that brings relief. There is an unpleasant smell from the mouth, the tongue is coated with a white coating. There is a tendency to constipation and the formation of gas in the stomach, because of which the child complains of a feeling of bursting.

    Help: if there is no vomiting, diarrhea, fever, a doctor is not required to go home. The child can be consulted at the polyclinic. When the disease worsens, treatment in a hospital is recommended. The main value is diet therapy. Eat 5-6 meals a day in small portions. Fried and rough vegetable food, any spicy seasonings, fatty creams, cakes, canned food, smoked meats, sour berries( currants, gooseberries) and fruits are excluded. In the first 1-2 weeks give mucous soups, dairy products, mashed porridge, jelly, soft-boiled eggs. Sharply limit the salt content of food. Gradually, the diet expands. With increased acidity of gastric juice due to boiled meat, fish, puree from mashed raw vegetables and fruits, white stale bread, cookies, cottage cheese, cereals with butter, vegetable and fruit juices, jam. You can give non-acidic fruits: apples, pears, plums, etc. Such a diet adhere to 2-3 months, then switch to normal meals except for spicy dishes. Not recommended black bread, pickles, sauerkraut, sour berries, oranges, sodas, fatty cakes. At an exacerbation it is possible to give the child on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day for 1 / 2-1 glasses of warm tea from chamomile or bearberry( the preparation of such teas is described in the section "Pain when urinating").With reduced acidity of gastric juice, children can receive meat and vegetable soups, coffee, tea, kefir, mashed vegetables, meat and fish cutlets, sauces, herring, lean ham, faint cheese. Exclude fresh bread, dough, coarse vegetable fiber, fatty meat.

    Inflammation of the gallbladder and bile ducts:

    inflammation of the gallbladder( cholecystitis) or biliary tract( angiocholitis), as well as impairment of their function( dyskinesia) often cause abdominal pain, more in the right hypochondrium. The disease usually develops gradually. The child becomes pale, complains of a headache, unpleasant sensations, and later on heaviness and dull pain in the region of the liver( right hypochondrium).In children who are predisposed to this ailment, exacerbation is caused by malnutrition, violation of the regime, negative emotions. Pain occurs when consuming fatty, highly overcooked foods, fatty sweets - halva, chocolate, ice cream, etc. Children suffer from eructations, a feeling of dryness and bitterness in the mouth, nausea. Sometimes there can be vomiting. Appetite is usually reduced. Pain periodically recur, can be strong and give in the right shoulder. They are most often caused by convulsive contractions of the gallbladder and bile ducts. There are diarrhea, or constipation constipation. The chair has a characteristic light clay coloration. Sometimes abdominal pain is associated with a sluggish contraction of the biliary tract. Then the dull pain on the right in the upper abdomen, in the navel area prevails. The child complains of a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, lack of appetite.


    if the child's condition does not cause serious concern( no vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, fever), you do not need to call a doctor at home. It is necessary to show the child to the district pediatrician. Disease is very important in this disease. The main goal of the treatment is to achieve increased bile secretion. In case of serious exacerbation, bed rest for 1 week may be prescribed. In the early days, the diet should be milk-vegetable: mashed soups, vegetable purees, milk porridges, jelly. Then the diet can be made more diverse. It is completely necessary to exclude salty snacks, smoked products, spices, spicy seasonings, mushrooms, fried foods, chocolate, cakes, cream cakes, ice cream, sorrel, natural coffee. Useful raw fruits and berries, lean meat( better than the poultry breast), lean fish, cottage cheese, kefir, carrots, pumpkin. You can give a warm broth from the hips before eating 2 times a day 2 tablespoons to preschool children or 1/4 cup of schoolchildren. To prepare the broth 1 tablespoon grated dry fruits pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes in an enamel pot, insist 24 hours, then filter through gauze. Well help mineral water: Slavyanovskaya, Borzhomi, Essentuki N 17 and N 4, Truskavets. They can be drunk, heated to 40 C, daily, 3 times a day for 40 minutes before meals, one glass per 3-4 weeks. It is also recommended to give herbal infusions with choleretic action. One of these herbs is the immortelle sandy( cumin).It is sold as a dry extract or granules, and is also a part of the collection of choleretic N2 and choleretic preparation "Flamin".They take 3-4 weeks in the first course, and then 2 weeks every 2 months. Cholagogue can be asked at the pharmacy.

    For severe pain and bad bile secretion, it is possible to do 12-duodenal drainage without a probe( tjubazh) as follows: the patient is given an empty stomach 2( children under 7 years) or 4( older children) teaspoons 25% magnesium sulfate solution( for cooking1 tablespoon of bitter salt dissolves in 1/2 cup of boiled water) or 1( children under 7 years old) or 2( older children) tablespoons of 40% glucose solution( 3 teaspoons with top of dry substance dissolved in 1/2 cup of boiled water).Then the child is laid on his right side on a cushion made of a pillow. In this position, the child should lie for 1.5 hours. Such a drainage can be done with an aggravation daily for 7-14 consecutive days for 1-3 months.


    Worms are a common cause of recurring pain in young children. They are accompanied by nausea, bad or, conversely, increased appetite, changes in the regularity of the stool, weight loss. The child sleeps restlessly, cries out in his sleep, grinds his teeth. In the chair, you can sometimes find worms.


    : round worms parasitizing the human small intestine. Female ascaris has the form of a tourniquet 25-40 cm long, spindle-shaped, white or pinkish in color. Eggs of ascarids stand out with feces and infect the soil. At ambient temperature 21-30

    With maturation of eggs passes for 2 weeks. Further, with dirty hands or unwashed vegetables and fruits, the eggs of ascaris again enter the intestine, turn into a larva and begin the ripening period. The larva dries the intestinal wall, penetrates the blood circulation system and is transferred to the lungs. From there, with phlegm, it enters the mouth, swallows and again appears in the intestine. Such travel on the host's body the larva can do several times. Finally, with the help of hooks on the head, it is fixed in the small intestine and grows into an adult. A child infected with ascarids experiences weakness, nausea, recurring abdominal pain, decreased appetite, and increased fatigue. During the secretion of larvae from the lungs with phlegm, a cough may appear.

    Help with

    : if you suspect a worm infection, you need to do a stool test in the clinic and consult a doctor. Traditional medicine offers the following recipe for getting rid of ascarids: mix 1 teaspoon of "citrated seed"( flower buds of wormwood with citric) and honey and eat on an empty stomach. After 2 hours to eat the same portion of the medicine, but in the interval nothing is. Then give the child a laxative( for example Glauber's salt at the rate of 1 g for 1 year of life of the child or bitter salt, 1 g for 1 year of life).


    are the most dangerous pig and bovine chain that reach a length of 1.5-2 m and 4-10 m, respectively. Chains have an intermediate host, a pig or a cow, in the muscle tissue of which the larvae-Finns are ripening. Infection occurs when people eat meat from infected animals. The larva swallows and begins to develop into an adult form in the human small intestine. In this case, the child experiences general symptoms of poisoning: weakness, abdominal pain, digestive disorders, exhaustion, increased nervous excitability. It is possible to recognize infection by clinging by the appearance in the stool of segments - segments of its body, which look like yellowish-white rectangles measuring 10-12 x 5-6 mm in the case of pork and 20-30 x 12 mm in case of bovine tapeworm. Segments of a bovine tapeworm are able to crawl out of the anal hole independently of the defecation act.


    should consult a child with a doctor to prescribe medication. Traditional medicine offers the following recipes:

    1. Eat about 100 g of dried, cleaned pumpkin seeds on an empty stomach. After 1 hour, drink a glass of milk in small sips, in which the head of garlic is cooked. Then after 30 minutes, drink a strong laxative( Glauber's salt or bitter salt, 1 g for 1 year of life of the baby), and after 1.5-2 hours put an enema out of warm water in which the garlic head was cooked;

    2. Take about 60 g of dry peeled peeled pumpkin seeds, as much cocoa powder, a little sugar. Mix and add a few drops of boiled water. All the ingredients to grind to the formation of a test, from which to make 20 tortillas. From above they can be sprinkled with sugar. On the first day of treatment, you should starve and try not to drink anything. On the second day in the morning, give 1.5-2 tablespoons of castor oil and start eating tortillas, one every 10 minutes. After the appearance of the chain in the chair, you need to make sure that his head came out. If she did not leave, then treatment should be repeated after 2 - 3 months.

    During treatment it is necessary to take measures to prevent vomiting, so that the eggs of the chain can not get into the stomach. The child should be provided with peace. On the stomach stomach area, you can put a warm water bottle. Parasites and their fragments, released during treatment, must be rendered harmless, filling the bay with steep boiling water in a closed vessel.

    Psychogenic pains in the abdomen:

    sometimes a child who was fine during the weekend, on Monday morning complains of stomach pains. The reason for this may be his reluctance to go to school. It happens that complaints of pain are used as a means to attract the attention of others. It gives the child pleasure that parents and all households are eager to please him, to alleviate his suffering. Children whose parents often talk about their illnesses, out of a feeling of solidarity, or imitating, also begin to complain of pain.

    Some children experience colic attacks in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, migraine headache, diarrhea or constipation, pallor or, on the contrary, redness of the face;feverish condition or complete prostration. Any combination of these symptoms is possible. To this may be signs of visual impairment, auditory hallucinations, strangeness of behavior. It is noteworthy, however, that between the attacks the child feels well. As a rule, these children are emotionally emotional. They are characterized by obsession, aspiration for primacy. Parents make them too big demands and expect too much from them. A quarrel in the family or failure in the exam can provoke the appearance of an attack.


    in the first case it is necessary to find out what relationship the child has with teachers and with school friends. Does he have reasons not to want to go to school. If a child imitates pain, it is useful to show rigor. In the last described case of ailments, it is necessary to lower the requirements, on the contrary, to allow the child to relax a little. If the child's behavior disturbs you, you should consult a child psychiatrist.

    Pain in epilepsy:

    during an attack of epilepsy, there are pains in the abdomen, which last for several minutes, after which there is a dream. Details of epilepsy are described in the section "Convulsions".

    Food allergy and intolerance to milk sugar:

    some children have hereditary intolerance of milk sugar( lactose), which is a part of milk. An allergy to milk can manifest with pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, vomiting.


    eliminate the dairy products that cause an allergic reaction.

    Ulcerative colitis:

    is a chronic peptic ulcer manifesting on the mucosa of the colon and caecum. The reasons for it are not completely clear. Pain in the abdomen with this indisposition is characterized by spasmodic attacks associated with the movements of the intestine. In addition, there is weight loss, loss of appetite, a loose stool with an admixture of blood, anemia, pain in the joints.


    ulcerative colitis does not require urgent medical attention, but if the child has a loose stool with a trace of blood, you should call the doctor at the house.