
Flowerpots from plastic bottles: photo and master class

  • Flowerpots from plastic bottles: photo and master class

    Flower bottles: a master class with photos of

    You already know how to make flowers from plastic bottles? Do you know where you can apply your skills? The idea of ​​decorating the lawn in front of the house must have come to you. It is possible that you clearly do not yet know how this could be done. We will give you a couple of ideas and even hold a master class on flowerbeds from plastic bottles with your own hands.

    Let's first define the color. It will be beautiful to look bright colorful flowerbed. No less stylish looks and a single-colored flower bed. Look at the photo: is not this white color good? Tip: if you take bottles of milk, you do not even have to paint them. And since such plastic is even more durable than in ordinary bottles, the flowers will "bloom" long enough.

    Flowers can be made absolutely different - buds or already blossoming. The kind of flower itself will also depend on your imagination. The only thing I would like to draw attention to is that the flowers made of plastic collected in such a flower bed should have long stems, small flowers, and large leaves. Then the composition will look more harmonious. It is also good to look flowerbed, if you fill it with pebbles under the color of the flowers themselves. Do not you like artificial flowers? It is not necessary to make a flower bed of them. You can do with an easier version. In the photo below you see how to decorate a flower bed with plastic bottles, driving them like pegs.

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    And here's another idea how to make flowerbeds from plastic bottles for a garden - a flower bed in the bottle itself.

    Great idea, especially if it's any beast or bird. Here, for example, is a hedgehog who never kicks anybody, because his needles use grass.

    If you take a lot of mini flower beds, you can make a vertical garden.

    And here's the next idea of ​​how to make a flower bed, we'll tell in more detail. It will be a flowerbed-swan made of plastic bottles. It looks very elegant and, undoubtedly, will become an adornment of your garden and a subject of admiration.

    First, prepare everything you need:

    • canister 5 liters( color unimportant);
    • plastic pipe;
    • candle;
    • wire;
    • black and red paint;
    • white plastic bottles in large quantities;
    • marker;
    • knife;
    • scissors.

    First of all, you need to create a sketch. If you can draw, then it will be easier for you. If not, just redraw the picture from some book, picture or photo.

    Five-liter canister is the frame of our future bird. From the top of the bottom the neck will protrude, and the neck of the bottle will be turned towards the tail. The neck frame is a harvested metal-plastic pipe in which a hole is made. The parts are fixed using wire. Here are the main points when forming the basis.

    Now create the head. The swan beak is cut from the plastic and stained in red. For the head, take a half liter bottle of white. Cut them in the middle, and on the side where the neck is, insert the beak. Eyes draw a black paint.

    Now you need to cut the feathers from bottles of white color. They should be quite a lot. They pasted the rest of the body. Try to fasten all the parts firmly together. It may be necessary to bend some feathers. In this case, a candle will come to the rescue. Heat the part lightly, give it the necessary shape and cool. Be careful when working with fire, do not burn yourself. The feathers below are generally even. They are laid in a dense layer. When this step is completed, wait for the final drying of the adhesive.

    Now our swan is ready and it can be taken out to the street and set to the place assigned to it. If you have enough material and time, you can make not one swan, but a whole flock.

    If some ideas from the article inspired you, but you think that you do not have sufficient skills and skills, you can come to the aid of video master classes, which are in sufficient quantity offered below. And our television more and more often presents television programs devoted to such topics. So the lack of information coverage of the question "how to create from unnecessary what you need" you definitely will not experience.

    Video-compilation on the topic of the article:

    Do you already know how to make flowers from plastic bottles? Do you know where you can apply your skills? The idea of ​​decorating the lawn in front of the house must have come to you. It is possible that you clearly do not yet know how this could be done. We will give you a couple of ideas and even hold a master class on flowerbeds from plastic bottles with your own hands.

    Let's first define the color. It will be beautiful to look bright colorful flowerbed. No less stylish looks and a single-colored flower bed. Look at the photo: is not this white color good? Tip: if you take bottles of milk, you do not even have to paint them. And since such plastic is even more durable than in ordinary bottles, the flowers will "bloom" long enough.

    Flowers can be made absolutely different - buds or already blossoming. The kind of flower itself will also depend on your imagination. The only thing I would like to draw attention to is that the flowers made of plastic collected in such a flower bed should have long stems, small flowers, and large leaves. Then the composition will look more harmonious. It is also good to look flowerbed, if you fill it with pebbles under the color of the flowers themselves. Do not you like artificial flowers? It is not necessary to make a flower bed of them. You can do with an easier version. In the photo below you see how to decorate a flower bed with plastic bottles, driving them like pegs.

    And here's another idea how to make flowerbeds from plastic bottles for a garden - a flower bed in the bottle itself.

    Great idea, especially if it's any beast or bird. Here, for example, is a hedgehog who never kicks anybody, because his needles use grass.

    If you take a lot of mini flower beds, you can make a vertical garden.

    And here's the next idea of ​​how to make a flower bed, we'll tell in more detail. It will be a flowerbed-swan made of plastic bottles. It looks very elegant and, undoubtedly, will become an adornment of your garden and a subject of admiration.

    First, prepare everything you need:

    • canister 5 liters( color unimportant);
    • plastic pipe;
    • candle;
    • wire;
    • black and red paint;
    • white plastic bottles in large quantities;
    • marker;
    • knife;
    • scissors.

    First of all, you need to create a sketch. If you can draw, then it will be easier for you. If not, just redraw the picture from some book, picture or photo.

    Five-liter canister is the frame of our future bird. From the top of the bottom the neck will protrude, and the neck of the bottle will be turned towards the tail. The neck frame is a harvested metal-plastic pipe in which a hole is made. The parts are fixed using wire. Here are the main points when forming the basis.

    Now create the head. The swan beak is cut from the plastic and stained in red. For the head, take a half liter bottle of white. Cut them in the middle, and on the side where the neck is, insert the beak. Eyes draw a black paint.

    Now you need to cut the feathers of white bottles. They should be quite a lot. They pasted the rest of the body. Try to fasten all the parts firmly together. It may be necessary to bend some feathers. In this case, a candle will come to the rescue. Heat the part lightly, give it the necessary shape and cool. Be careful when working with fire, do not burn yourself. The feathers below are generally even. They are laid in a dense layer. When this step is completed, wait for the final drying of the adhesive.

    Now our swan is ready and it can be taken out to the street and set to the place assigned to it. If you have enough material and time, you can make not one swan, but a whole flock.

    If some ideas from the article inspired you, but you think that you do not have sufficient skills and skills, you can come to the aid of video master classes, which are in sufficient quantity offered below. And our television more and more often presents television programs devoted to such topics. So the lack of information coverage of the question "how to create from unnecessary what you need" you definitely will not experience.

    Video-compilation on the topic of the article: