  • Stress and vision

    Temporary circumstances may contribute to the occurrence of stress( strain) to see what causes refractive error anomalies. However, the basis of tension lies in the wrong habits of thinking. Trying to remove this tension, the doctor must constantly struggle with the idea that in order to do something well, it takes effort. This thought is creeping into us from the cradle. The entire education system is based on it. Teachers who dare to call themselves modern, still cling to it under various pretexts, considering, for example, this is a necessary aid to the learning process.

    As for the eye, it is natural to see, so it is natural for the mind to comprehend knowledge. Any effort in each of these cases is not only useless, but completely upsets these processes. You can drive a few facts into the child's head with various types of coercion, but you can never get him to learn anything. These facts will remain, if at all, dead rubbish in his brain. They do not contribute to the life processes of thinking. Since they are not received by nature, without coercion, and are not assimilated, they destroy from us the given desire of the mind to acquire knowledge. Leaving the walls of a school or college, such a child often not only knows nothing, but in most cases does not give in to any further training.

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    Similarly, you can effortlessly improve your vision temporarily, but you will not be able to improve it to a normal state. If this effort is allowed to become permanent, the vision will gradually deteriorate and may be permanently damaged. Very rare is a deterioration or impaired vision due to any deficiencies in the structure of the eye. Of two equally good pairs of eyes, one will retain the ideal vision for the rest of his life, and the other will lose it in the kindergarten, only because one person looks at objects without effort, and the other does not.

    Eye with normal vision never tries to see. If for some reason-the dimness of the lighting, for example, or the remoteness of the object-it can not see any single point, the eye moves to another. He never tries to reveal the point by gazing at her closely, as the eye with imperfect eyes constantly does. Whenever the eye tries to see, he immediately loses his normal vision. A person can look at the stars with normal vision, but if he tries to count them in some particular constellation, he will most likely become a myopic, since such an attempt usually leads to an effort to see. One patient could look at the letter "K" on a check table with normal eyesight, but when asked to count the 27 corners that supposedly had this letter, he completely lost his normal vision.

    Obviously, in order to not be able to see the remote objects, a tension is necessary, since, as I have already noted, the eye at rest is adapted to view into the distance. If a person does anything, when he wants to see a remote object, then this is wrong. The shape of the eyeball can not be changed during the vision in the distance without tension. Equally, stress makes vision impossible at the near point, because when the muscles react to the order of the brain, they do it without tension. Only the effort can prevent the lengthening of the eye when looking at close objects.

    The eye has an ideal vision only when it is in a state of absolute rest. Any movement in the organ of vision or the object of sight leads to an abnormality of refraction. It can be shown with the help of a retinoscope that even the necessary movements of the eyeball lead to a slight anomaly of refraction. A visual demonstration of the fact that it is impossible to see any moving object perfectly, gives a movie. When the motion of the object in question is slow enough, the visual impairment as a result of this is so small that it is not noticed by us, just as there are no abnormalities of refraction produced by minor movements of the eyeball. But when objects move very fast, they can only be seen blurred. For this reason, the device for displaying movies had to be designed in such a way that each frame would stop at 1/16 of a second and be covered during replacement with a new one. Moving images in the cinema, therefore, are never really visible in motion.

    The vision process is passive. Things are seen in exactly the same way as they are perceived, heard or tasted, without effort or the connection of will power on the part of the subject. When the vision is perfect, the letters on the checklist are waiting, completely black and quite distinct, so that they can be recognized. They do not have to be sought - they are there. With poor eyesight, they are sought and sought, i.e.to see them, an effort is applied.

    The body muscles are thought to never be at rest. An example of this is the blood vessels with their muscular layers. Even in a dream, the brain does not stop its activities. But the normal state of the nerves of sense organs-hearing, sight, touch, taste and smell-is a state of rest. They can be involved, but they themselves can not act. The optic nerve, the retina and the visual centers of the brain are as passive as the fingernail. In their structure there is nothing that would give them the opportunity to do something. When they become the object of effort from outside forces, their effectiveness always falls.

    The source of all such efforts on the part of the eyes is the brain. Any thought of an effort of any kind imparts an impulse to the eye. Each such impulse leads to a deviation of the shape of the eyeball from normal and reduces the sensitivity of the center of vision. Therefore, if a person wants to avoid refraction anomalies, he must get rid of any thoughts about the effort. A psychic strain of any kind always leads to a conscious or unconscious eye strain. If this stress takes the form of any effort to see, then an anomaly of refraction always appears.

    My attention was attracted to one student who could read the bottom line of the Snellen test table from 10 feet, but which, as soon as the teacher asked him to listen to what was happening around him, could not see the big letter "C", which is read from 200 feet. Many children can see well while their mothers are nearby, but if their mother leaves the room, they can immediately become myopic because of the stress caused by fear. Unfamiliar objects lead to eye strain and, as a consequence, to refractive error anomalies, since such objects, when first introduced, lead to mental stress. A person can have good eyesight when he tells the truth, but if he says something that is not true, even if he does not intend to deceive, or if he mentally presents what is not true, refractive anomalies will appear. This is due to the fact that without effort to assert or represent what is not true, it is impossible.

    I dare say that lies are bad for vision, and it's easy to prove. If a person is able to read all the small letters of the bottom line of the check table and either intends or ignores incorrectly names one of them, the retino-skop will show an anomaly of refraction. More than once people were asked to incorrectly name their age or try to imagine that they are a year older or a year younger than they really are. In all cases, the retinoscope showed an abnormality of refraction. One 25-year-old guy did not have any refraction anomaly when he looked at a blank wall without trying to see anything on it. But when he said that he was 26 years old, or someone else was convincing him of this, or if he tried to imagine that he was 26 years old, he became myopic. The same thing happened when he claimed or tried to imagine that he was 24 years old. When he called or remembered the true data, vision returned to normal. When the wrong data were called or presented, refractive anomalies appeared.

    Mental stress can give rise to many different types of eye strain. According to most authorities, there is only one kind of eye strain, the result of the so-called eye overload, or the effort to overcome the irregular shape of the eyeball. However, it can be shown that not only each individual refraction anomaly, but also most of the abnormal conditions of the eye, corresponds to its own kind of stress. The stress that leads to a refraction anomaly is not the same stress that causes strabismus, cataract, glaucoma( a condition in which the eyeball becomes abnormally hard), amblyopia, inflammation of the conjunctiva( the mucosa of the eye, covering the inner surface of the eyelid and the visible partprotein eye) or the edges of the eyelids, disease of the optic nerve or retina.

    All these states can exist only together with a slight anomaly of refraction. Although a reduction in one type of stress is usually accompanied by a decrease in other species that may coexist with it, it sometimes happens that the stress associated with conditions such as cataract and glaucoma decreases without a complete release of the stress that causes the anomalyrefraction. Even the pain that so often accompanies refractive errors is never caused by the same stress that causes these anomalies. Some myopic can not read without pain or discomfort, but most of them do not experience any inconvenience at the same time. When a hypermetropic examines a remote object, hypermetropia decreases, but pain and discomfort can increase. Be that as it may, as long as there are many types of stress, there is only one remedy for all of them - relaxation.

    The healthy state of the eye depends on the blood, and the blood circulation is largely dependent on thinking. When thinking is normal, that is not subject to any excitation or tension, the blood supply to the brain is normal, normal and providing blood to the optic nerve and visual centers. Vision is also normal. When thinking is abnormal, blood circulation is disturbed, the supply of blood to the optic nerve and the visual centers changes, and vision deteriorates. You can deliberately think about things that disrupt the blood supply and reduce visual acuity. But one can consciously think about things that restore normal blood supply and thereby help to cure abnormalities of refraction and many other abnormal states of the eyes. We can not force ourselves to see any effort, but having learned to control our thoughts, we can solve this problem indirectly.

    You can teach people to produce any anomaly of refraction, cause strabismus, see double images of the object one above the other, next to each other or at some desired angle with respect to each other, just by teaching them a special way of thinking. When the perturbing thought is replaced by a relaxing one, the strabismus and doubling of the images stop, and the refraction anomalies are corrected. This is equally true for both long-term anomalies and anomalies produced at will. Regardless of their degree or duration, their elimination occurs as soon as the patient can provide mental control. The source of any abnormality of refraction, strabismus, or some other functional impairment of vision is simply a thought-wrong thought, and its disappearance is also rapid, like the appearance of a thought that relaxes. In a split second, the highest degree of refraction anomaly can be corrected, strabismus can disappear, and blindness due to amblyopia may decrease. If relaxation is achieved only for a moment, the correction is also simultaneous. When the relaxation becomes permanent, the correction is also constant.

    Such relaxation, however, can not be achieved by any kind of effort. The main thing is for a person to understand this. As long as he thinks, consciously or unconsciously, that the release of tension can be achieved by another strain( effort), the improvement will be inhibited.