  • What is dangerous glomerulonephritis

    Glomerulonephritis refers to one of the kidney diseases, which is also called glomerular nephritis. The name is due to the fact that in this disease the glomeruli of the kidneys, which normally are part of the nephron( the structural unit of the kidney), and in which urine is formed, are inflamed. With inflammation of the glomeruli, the process of purification and filtration of blood is disturbed, which leads to a violation of the formation of urine.

    Causes of the appearance of glomerulonephritis

    Normally, blood filtration should be performed in a network of small capillaries located in the glomeruli of the kidneys. At the same time, harmful products, poisons, toxins, residues of metabolites that remain in the urine are removed from the blood, and the filtered blood goes back through the blood vessels to the bloodstream.

    In case of violation of these processes, some harmful waste gets back into the bloodstream, which causes accumulation of toxic substances, salts, water in the body, as well as a decrease in the amount of necessary protein in the blood.

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    The causes of glomerulonephritis are as follows:

    • A variety of infectious agents that parasitize the blood and can settle in the glomeruli of the kidneys. These include bacteria( streptococci, staphylococcus, pneumococcus, gonococcus and others), protozoa, viruses and fungi.
    • Long-term irradiation of the body with radiation.
    • Acute hypothermia of the body.
    • Allergic conditions.
    • Poisoning with chemicals and other poisons that causes toxic damage to small and large blood vessels.
    • Introduction of vaccines( especially for children).
    • Diseases of the endocrine system( diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis and others).
    • Disruption in nutrition and eating a large amount of canned food with preservatives, stabilizers and colorants.
    • Diseases of a systemic nature( systemic lupus erythematosus, vasculitis and others).
    • Infection of the child during childbirth.

    Symptoms and signs of glomerulonephritis

    In its form and nature of the course, glomerulonephritis can be acute and chronic. In some cases, there is a so-called malignant form of the disease, which is characterized by a rapid and progressive course.

    Symptoms of glomerulonephritis with acute course of the disease are as follows:

    • Muscle aches.
    • Headaches and dizziness.
    • Symptoms of intoxication - weakness, nausea, decreased appetite, vomiting, fever.
    • Pains of a traumatic character in the kidney zone.
    • An admixture of blood in the urine( hematuria).
    • Reduced amount of urine( oliguria).
    • Pronounced edema of the lower extremities, abdomen, and also their movement during the day.
    • High blood pressure( hypertension).

    If the acute form of the disease in time is not diagnosed and not treated, then the disease smoothly passes into a chronic stage. The signs of glomerulonephritis with chronic course do not have such a vivid picture as acute glomerulonephritis. Depending on the form of the process, several types of chronic glomerulonephritis are distinguished, which are distinguished by the prevalence of any symptom or syndrome:

    1. Glomerulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome, for which a characteristic symptom are signs of direct kidney damage. In this case, patients are determined by blood in the urine, a decrease in blood protein fraction, edema.
    2. Hypertensive form, which is characterized by high blood pressure, which arises from one of the first symptoms, and then all the others join.
    3. A hematuric form, which is characterized by the appearance of a large amount of blood in the urine, which as a symptom appears before all other symptoms. In this case, urine resembles meat slops, and the protein in the urine is absent.
    4. Mixed form, which is characterized by a mixture of symptoms and symptoms of different forms.
    5. Latent form, which is characterized by a slow flow and absence of severe symptoms. This form, as a rule, for a long time does not make itself felt, and leads eventually to kidney failure.

    Glomerulonephritis in young children( from 3 years and up) and adolescents occurs in most cases with severe symptoms and a sharp picture. Usually it happens after acute acute infectious diseases( measles, diphtheria, pertussis, scarlet fever).Despite the acute course, with timely treatment and rapid diagnosis, the prognosis of the disease in children is favorable.

    Glomerulonephritis with the fastest and most progressive course is considered to be the most serious and dangerous for health. Scientists and physicians can not fully explain the reasons for the appearance of this form of the disease, but the state of immune protection at the time of the disease is considered to be the main causative factor.

    In addition, this form is characterized by malignant course and in most cases leads to irreversible complications:

    • On the background of edema and the presence of blood in the urine - renal failure.
    • Against the backdrop of prolonged pressure increase - renal encephalopathy.
    • Phenomena of heart failure.
    • Hemorrhagic stroke.
    • Acute renal colic attack.

    How is glomerulonephritis diagnosed?

    As a rule, the diagnosis of glomerulonephritis is not difficult, and the diagnosis is made on the basis of examination data, patient complaints and laboratory and instrumental data. For diagnosis, the following tests are performed:

    • General tests of urine and blood( especially in dynamics).
    • Biochemical blood test data.
    • Ultrasonography of the kidneys.

    If necessary, also conduct kidney biopsy, excretory urography and nephroscintigraphy of the kidneys. The method of excretory urography is not performed with an acute process.

    Treatment and prevention of glomerulonephritis

    Glomerulonephritis refers to those diseases that are treated only in a hospital. Before treating glomerulonephritis, it is necessary to eliminate all causes that caused the disease, and then normalize the urinary function of the kidneys.

    Patients are prescribed strict diet and rest( bed rest), as well as medication. Table number 7( diet for kidney diseases) does not contain salty, smoked, pickled and fatty foods. It is forbidden to eat eggs( in any form), chocolate, strong tea and coffee, alcohol, sweet and carbonated drinks.

    Medical treatment of glomerulonephritis includes the following:

    • Antibiotics( other than those that have a nephrotoxic effect).
    • Antiseptics and antifungal agents( if necessary).
    • Means that increase diuresis.
    • Drugs that improve the properties of blood, and reduces its coagulability.
    • Hypotensive drugs.
    • Desensitizing preparations.
    • Means against allergies.
    • Immunocorrectors.
    • Vitamins and mineral complexes.

    Treatment usually takes 5 for 6 days, until the condition improves. If this does not happen, perform blood purification on the apparatus of an artificial kidney( hemodialysis).

    The best way to prevent disease is to cleanse the body of pathogens, viruses and bacteria, as well as increase the natural immune defense. It is important to allow the emergence of risk factors that can provoke the appearance of glomerulonephritis, and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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