
Hair care at home: prescriptions for care, reviews, photos before and after

  • Hair care at home: prescriptions for care, reviews, photos before and after

    Home hair care: reviews and recipes for all tastes( with photo)

    Most women dream of long and beautiful hair, but few know how to properly care for hair at home. What kind of shampoo to choose for split hair, is it possible to use balm for dry hair on normal fat hair, how much to keep the mask and whether it is necessary to wash off the oil with hair? As polls show, not all women are aware of such elementary things.

    Basic procedures of

    According to hairdressers in hair care, women often make mistakes not even in choosing the type of hair that is inappropriate for a cosmetic product, but in performing basic hygiene-related activities. For example, does every woman know how to wash her hair properly? And comb my hair? And to dry them? That's why hairdressers give the following basic tips on how to take care of hair at home correctly:

    1) Wash your head with water no higher than 35 ° C and always apply shampoo twice on hair. Massage the skin with light movements. To wash off shampoo it is necessary twice. Then you must apply balm to your hair.

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    2) Do not comb wet hair, allow to dry. Long hair comb from the tips to the crown, and short - on the contrary.

    3) Dry hair not with a hairdryer, but naturally. When caring for damaged hair, it is better not to injure them with hot air at all, but to dry them by gently lifting the comb upwards at the roots.

    Masks and hair type

    When caring for hair, a huge value, in addition to the basic procedures, the same for all hair, have additional nourishing masks, which are selected depending on the individual condition of the hair.

    So, when caring for fine hair it is very important to strengthen their structure and visually impart volume. The following mask will help: the pulp of black bread + decoction of oak bark. Apply the paste to the hair and wrap your head. Keep the mask for 30 minutes and rinse. Or: the egg yolk + sour cream is mixed to a homogeneous mass and applied over the entire length of the hair. The duration of the mask is 30 minutes.

    But what care can be for colored hair. First of all, they need to restore brilliance and brightness. For a mask you need to mix ½ cup of beer and egg yolk. Rub the mask into the roots of the hair and distribute it along the length. Keep under the cap for 40 minutes. To wash off without shampoo.

    In addition, for hair of any type, it is important that they are nourished with vitamins. The latter can be bought at a pharmacy( for example, liquid vitamin A) or there is a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits containing the necessary useful substances.

    Basic vitamins for hair: Thiamine( vitamin B1), Riboflavin( vitamin B2), Nicotinic acid( vitamin B3, PP), Pantothenic acid( provitamin B5), Pyridoxine( vitamin B6), Biotin( vitamin B7), Beta- carotenevitamin A).Especially important is the vitamin nutrition of the hair when caring for discolored hair that has a damaged structure.

    Reviews of women

    And here are some reviews of women about hair care, recipes for their own masks can be read on the Internet.

    Pchenchik writes: "I am a long-haired girl" with experience ", so I can give wishing a few tips for caring for long hair.

    1) Do not dry hair with a hairdryer.

    2) Use only mild shampoos and hair balms.

    3) Use less stowage.

    4) In cold weather, wear a hat in winter and autumn.

    5) For the night, braid the hair in a braid and generally try to walk less often with loose hair below the waist.

    6) Rinse the hair with herbal decoctions.

    7) Sometimes make oil masks - "nesmyvashki", in order to properly nourish the hair.

    Follow these tips, the result will be as in the photo. "

    And here's how you can take care of your hair at home. Vera writes: "I recently made a very beautiful melioration, but I could not think that now hair needs special care. I tried one mask, and very successfully. I share the recipe. Half a banana, egg yolk, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of honey. I mix everything and put it on my hair. I go with such a mask for about forty minutes, and then I wash it off. After such a mask, the hair glistens and does not lose a bright color, especially the dyed strands. "

    If you are a happy owner of curls, and your own, and not received with the help of curlers, you should know that curly hair needs special care, since the structure of such hair is porous and difficult to lay down. Here is what Marina Konoplitskaya writes: "Curly hair was my eternal problem, until I realized that caring for them just requires observing a few simple rules. Here they are. Catch, girls, and you can come in handy! So:

    1) I do not use the comb. My head and dry hair naturally. Sometimes I braid wet hair in a pigtail - so quickly dry up.

    2) I do not use irons and hair dryers. Sometimes I apply a light mousse to wet hair.

    3) Regularly balous hair with masks with essential oils. My favorites are burdock and castor.

    4) I buy a liquid vitamin A in the pharmacy and add it to almost all masks.

    5) I add liquid vitamins to masks, and also often drink brewer's yeast to accelerate hair growth.

    As a result, my curly hair looks very even decent, it's not necessary to take care of the split ends, since they simply do not exist! Here is a photo.

    Also many women would like to know how to care for hair after a perm. If professional care is not available, you should try to do something at home. Nyusha writes: "I recently made a perm and strongly dried my hair. I had to develop my own plan to combat hair dryness. And he has already begun to give the first results! So, the first - a mask of egg yolk, from henna with yogurt. I take 2 egg yolks and beat well. I apply on hair for 30 minutes and wash off with warm water. Kefir mixed with henna and I put on all length of hair. I hold the mask for about 1 hour and wash it off. Hair after masks become soft and shiny.

    Then the second - masks with vitamins E and P. These substances are many in olive and vegetable oil. I usually take 1 tablespoon of each of the oils and rub it into my hair. After 20 minutes I wash the hair with water twice, my head with shampoo. As a result, hair after chemical dressing does not lose its attractive appearance. "

    And, of course, we should not forget that the hair needs constant care - in winter, and in spring, and in summer, and in autumn.


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    Most women dream of long and beautiful hair, but few know how to properly care for hair at home. What kind of shampoo to choose for split hair, is it possible to use balm for dry hair on normal fat hair, how much to keep the mask and whether it is necessary to wash off the oil with hair? As polls show, not all women are aware of such elementary things.

    Basic procedures of

    According to hairdressers in hair care, women often make mistakes not even in choosing the type of hair that is inappropriate for a cosmetic product, but in performing basic hygiene-related activities. For example, does every woman know how to wash her hair properly? And comb my hair? And to dry them? That's why hairdressers give the following basic tips on how to take care of hair at home correctly:

    1) Wash your head with water no higher than 35 ° C and always shampoo twice on your hair. Massage the skin with light movements. To wash off shampoo it is necessary twice. Then you must apply balm to your hair.

    2) Do not comb wet hair, allow to dry. Long hair comb from the tips to the crown, and short - on the contrary.

    3) Dry hair not with a hairdryer, but in a natural way. When caring for damaged hair, it is better not to injure them with hot air at all, but to dry them by gently lifting the comb upwards at the roots.

    Masks and hair type

    When caring for hair, a huge value, in addition to the basic procedures, the same for all hair, have additional nourishing masks, which are selected depending on the individual condition of the hair.

    So, when caring for fine hair, it is very important to strengthen their structure and visually impart volume. The following mask will help: the pulp of black bread + decoction of oak bark. Apply the paste to the hair and wrap your head. Keep the mask for 30 minutes and rinse. Or: the egg yolk + sour cream is mixed to a homogeneous mass and applied over the entire length of the hair. The duration of the mask is 30 minutes.

    But what care can be for colored hair. First of all, they need to restore brilliance and brightness. For a mask you need to mix ½ cup of beer and egg yolk. Rub the mask into the roots of the hair and distribute it along the length. Keep under the cap for 40 minutes. To wash off without shampoo.

    In addition, for hair of any type, it is important that they are nourished with vitamins. The latter can be bought at a pharmacy( for example, liquid vitamin A) or there is a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits containing the necessary useful substances.

    Basic vitamins for the hair: Thiamine( vitamin B1), Riboflavin( vitamin B2), Nicotinic acid( vitamin B3, PP), Pantothenic acid( provitamin B5), Pyridoxine( vitamin B6), Biotin( vitamin B7), Beta- carotenevitamin A).Especially important is the vitamin nutrition of the hair when caring for discolored hair that has a damaged structure.

    Reviews of women

    And here are some reviews of women about hair care, recipes for their own masks can be read on the Internet.

    Pchenchik writes: "I am a long-haired girl" with experience ", so I can give wishing a few tips for caring for long hair.

    1) Do not dry hair with a hairdryer.

    2) Use only mild shampoos and hair balms.

    3) Use less stowage.

    4) In cold weather, wear a hat in winter and autumn.

    5) At night, braid the hair in a braid and generally try to walk less often with loose hair below the waist.

    6) Rinse the hair with herbal decoctions.

    7) Sometimes make oil masks - "nesmyvashki", in order to properly nourish the hair.

    Follow these tips, the result will be as in the photo. "

    And here's how you can take care of your hair at home. Vera writes: "I recently made a very beautiful melioration, but I could not think that now hair needs special care. I tried one mask, and very successfully. I share the recipe. Half a banana, egg yolk, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 tablespoon honey. I mix everything and put it on my hair. I go with such a mask for about forty minutes, and then I wash it off. After such a mask, the hair glistens and does not lose a bright color, especially the dyed strands. "

    If you are a happy owner of curls, and your own, and not received with the help of curlers, you should know that curly hair needs special care, since the structure of such hair is porous and difficult to lay down. Here is what Marina Konoplitskaya writes: "Curly hair was my eternal problem, until I realized that caring for them just requires observing a few simple rules. Here they are. Catch, girls, and you can come in handy! So:

    1) I do not use the comb. My head and dry hair naturally. Sometimes I braid wet hair in a pigtail - so quickly dry up.

    2) I do not use irons and hair dryers. Sometimes I apply a light mousse to wet hair.

    3) Regularly balous hair with masks with essential oils. My favorites are burdock and castor.

    4) I buy a liquid vitamin A in the pharmacy and add it to almost all masks.

    5) I add liquid vitamins to masks, and also often drink brewer's yeast to accelerate hair growth.

    As a result, my curly hair looks very even decent, it's not necessary to take care of the split ends, since they simply do not exist! Here is a photo.

    Also many women would like to know how to care for hair after a perm. If professional care is not available, you should try to do something at home. Nyusha writes: "I recently made a perm and strongly dried my hair. I had to develop my own plan to combat hair dryness. And he has already begun to give the first results! So, the first - a mask of egg yolk, from henna with yogurt. I take 2 egg yolks and beat well. I apply on hair for 30 minutes and wash off with warm water. Kefir mixed with henna and I put on all length of hair. I hold the mask for about 1 hour and wash it off. Hair after masks become soft and shiny.

    Then the second - masks with vitamins E and P. These substances are many in olive and vegetable oil. I usually take 1 tablespoon of each of the oils and rub it into my hair. After 20 minutes I wash the hair with water twice, my head with shampoo. As a result, hair after chemical dressing does not lose its attractive appearance. "

    And, of course, we should not forget that the hair needs constant care - in winter, and in spring, and in summer, and in autumn.


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