
Face mask from starch instead of botox: reviews, recipes for preparing masks from wrinkles at home

  • Face mask from starch instead of botox: reviews, recipes for preparing masks from wrinkles at home

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    Nowadays, women have the opportunity to fight the traces of aging by various means. Botox is one of them. Who does not know what it is, let us explain that this is an injection for the return of youth. However, not everyone will go for it, and as an alternative option choose a face mask. Face mask from starch instead of botox collected many positive reviews. On the effectiveness, it is not inferior to injections.



    "I have not yet seen a mask with starch and egg. I do it with pleasure twice a week. She forgot about mimic wrinkles! »


    « I make a mask with tea tree oil. At first I was a little scared - I applied it to the skin, and it began to be plucked. Time passed - I decided to see what would happen. The effect pleased! The skin has become smooth and pleasant! »


    « Miracle mask for dry skin! I do with starch, sour cream and honey. The skin is smooth, smooth, without mimic wrinkles and you can see that it's healthy! »


    instagram viewer
    « I tried a mask with carrot juice. The face changes before our eyes. Youth comes back! Has made only three procedures. I continue the course further! "


    " A wonderful mask for problem skin. I made it in the evening - the result is visible in the morning. Acne disappears somewhere, there are no red spots, the skin is taut and well-groomed! »

    It is interesting that when a person smiles, more than thirty muscles are involved on the face. When sad or frowns - only seventeen. But that's enough to make wrinkles appear on your face. A bad mood is the reason for the appearance of facial wrinkles. Noticing on your face such a phenomenon, arm yourself with recipes of natural masks and get down to action!

    Alternative to Botox

    The mask instead of botox is much nicer than the botox procedure itself. In several receptions, it is able to smooth wrinkles and tighten the skin of the face. This phenomenon occurs due to the influence of mask components on the structure of the skin - it begins to produce collagen.

    Such masks can be successfully made at home. To visit cosmetology salons is not required at all. Most importantly, do not be lazy, and do them periodically in the form of a course.

    As a rule, such masks necessarily include starch and sour cream. Costs are small, and the effect is costly!

    Recipes of masks - the most diverse. Each woman can easily choose for herself the one that she liked best.

    Mask from starch, carrot juice and sour cream

    For this mask you only need one spoonful of starch, half a cup of freshly squeezed carrot juice and a spoonful of sour cream.

    First you need to cook starch. It must be dissolved in water, put in a water bath for fifteen minutes and wait until it turns into jelly. Enough five tablespoons of jelly. Add the remaining ingredients to it and you can start applying.

    Starch will fill the pores and smooth wrinkles. Carrots - smoothes and tones up the skin. Sour cream - saturates with nutrients, moisturizes the skin and gives it freshness.

    Mask with banana

    This mask is quite popular. And according to reviews, the effect can be noticed after the first procedure. The composition is simple - a spoonful of starch and a banana. Fruit turn into a puree and mix with starch.

    Mask with tea tree oil

    Such a mask will not simply eliminate wrinkles, but also act on the skin well. It will relieve inflammation and remove acne. For this mask, you need a spoonful of starch, one egg white and five drops of tea tree oil. The protein must be beaten, add butter, and then starch.

    Mask with egg

    This mask easily lifts the skin and removes wrinkles. In addition, it will narrow the pores and whiten the skin. The composition is very simple: one egg and a spoon of starch. It will only need protein. It must be whipped and gradually introduced into starch. The mask should look like sour cream.

    Masks from wrinkles with starch are very effective. Underestimate it is not necessary. A little effort - and the skin will again become young.
