
Kifoplasty, vertebroplasty in the treatment of compression fracture of the vertebral body - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Kifoplasty, vertebroplasty in the treatment of compression fracture of the vertebral body - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Kifoplasty, vertebroplasty - minimally invasive neurosurgical operations for treatment of compression fracture of the spine. With a compression fracture, the vertebra is compressed and it changes its shape - loses its height, becomes cuneate with a vertex anteriorly.

    At the same time, the bone structures of the vertebral body contract, collapse.
    Compression fracture often develops when jumping, falling from a height to a leg or buttocks. For the emergence of a fracture, the mineral density of bone plays a role. A common cause of compression fractures of the vertebrae is osteoporosis. In this case, even a slight load, a slope forward can cause a fracture. Metastases in vertebral bodies destroy the bone structure of the vertebra and cause a pathological compression fracture.

    Compression fracture

    Diagnosis of compression fracture - radiography of the spine, computed tomography, with suspected damage to nerve structures - magnetic resonance imaging. The patient also undergoes examination and general clinical tests to eliminate somatic pathology, densitometry to determine bone density and the presence of osteoporosis.

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    Vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive method of introducing a special "cementing" material into the body of a fractured vertebra. This increases the strength of the vertebra, reduces the pain syndrome.

    An operation is performed under X-ray control, under local anesthesia. A biopsy needle is inserted into the fracture site and an acrylic "cement" is introduced through it. The needle is removed."Cement" freezes. Bone fragments of the vertebra are stabilized. The puncture site is sealed with an adhesive plaster. Bed rest during the day.


    Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive method of treatment, in which the height of the damaged vertebra is restored before the introduction of the "cementing" substance. It is used for fresh fractures - for 8 weeks.

    An operation is performed through a small incision to introduce the trocar under X-ray control, under local anesthesia. Through the trocar, a special balloon is injected into the vertebrae, an x-ray contrast solution is pumped. Filling, the canister lifts the structures of the vertebrae and forms a cavity in which, after removing the balloon, a special "cementing" substance is introduced from the polymethyl acrylate.

    The substance freezes and the height of the vertebra is restored. For the treatment of one vertebra, it will take an average of one hour and a day of bed rest in a hospital setting, limiting exercise to an average of 6 weeks.

    For the treatment of compression fractures of the vertebrae from D5 to L5, an intra-vertebral sliding system "Sky" is used, which forms voids in the spongy layer of bone tissue and restores the height of the vertebral body.

    Possible complications of kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty

    The choice of the method of treatment and the option of surgical treatment is the specialty of the doctor.

    Possible complications of kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty - bleeding, damage to nerve roots and / or spinal cord( instrument, "cement"), infectious complications, allergic reactions.

    Doctor neurologist Kobzeva S.V.