
Diet without carbohydrates: a diet menu with a low carbohydrate diet

  • Diet without carbohydrates: a diet menu with a low carbohydrate diet

    When first reading the name of a diet, it may be misleading that it involves a complete rejection of carbohydrates in the diet. And those who are not familiar with the subject of weight loss will have even more questions about products with proteins and carbohydrates and the functions of both microelements.

    In fact, this power system is very simple and it is not very difficult to adhere to.

    Depending on the constitution, lifestyle and nutrition in the first week of such a diet can lose up to 3 kilograms. Such weight loss, as doctors assure, is the most effective and healthy. It is not necessary to pursue fast results, you need to trust long-term diets, as they not only help get rid of unwanted weight, but also keep muscles, and after the end, the probability of not gaining dropped kilograms is high.

    Nutrition rules with restriction of carbohydrates

    The usual human diet is in a percentage of 25% fat, 25% protein and 50% carbohydrate. But this is ideal, and not all trace elements we get from useful products, which leads to weight gain and causes diseases, poor health and dull appearance.

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    A diet low in carbohydrates changes the ratio in places, that is, proteins need to consume 50% or more of the total food intake. This method gives muscle growth and fat burning when training is connected. And the protein retains a sense of satiety for a much longer time, so that overeating is avoided. In addition, if such a meal is properly cooked, it will not be very energy-consuming and tasty.

    High protein foods: meat, fish and seafood, dairy and sour-milk products, mushrooms, beans, nuts.

    But, adhering to a diet with a low carbohydrate content, neglecting the latter is not worth it. The main thing is that they do not exceed the proteins and are useful. No fast carbohydrates in the diet: chocolate, biscuits, ice cream, cakes and other. Only natural and healthy food.

    Carbohydrate-based products: cereals, vegetables, fruits and dried fruits, coarse bread.

    It is very important to follow the drinking regimen on such a diet, especially if there are sports loads. About 1.5-2 liters per day of water without gas, tea and coffee will only benefit and nourish with fluid muscles, accelerate the breakdown of fats in the body. Among other things, the correct use of water helps fight swelling, removes excess salt, toxins.

    Protein supper should be delivered no later than two hours before bedtime. This is not even related to losing weight, so the body will be easier to digest food and in the morning there will be no sense of heaviness from late eating food.

    The diet lasts from one week to one month. It is no longer necessary to adhere to it, since the use of protein foods in such a volume complicates the work of the kidneys. In connection with this, people suffering from kidney diseases, this system is strictly contraindicated.

    There are also protein unloads, resulting in the result to minus 2 kilos per day. They can be arranged on a single product( cottage cheese, meat) or a whole day to eat any protein food.

    Menu of the protein diet without carbohydrates

    You can plan your diet, for example, as follows:

    Breakfast: cottage cheese with lean sour cream and banana, coffee with milk.

    Second breakfast: two eggs.

    Lunch: boiled veal with a garnish of buckwheat porridge with mushrooms.

    Snack: a handful of nuts.

    Dinner: salad of shrimp, squid and cabbage.

    Before going to bed: a glass of yogurt 1%.

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