
Irregular periods - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Irregular periods - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Irregular monthly - one of the most frequent symptoms of most gynecological diseases, also occurs with extragenital diseases in women. The term "irregular monthly" reflects only a temporary failure in the system, not reflecting all other possible pathologies of menstruation. Irregularity of menstruation is always combined with a violation of their character: they become more abundant, sharply painful, etc., therefore, it is correct to talk about the violation of the menstrual cycle, and the diagnosis will sound exactly like that. However, it is the irregularity of the onset of the regular menstrual period that is the most frequent reason for going to the doctor among all disorders of the menstrual cycle, so we will consider them in more detail.

    Irregularity of menstruation can be physiological and pathological, it can be a symptom of many as gynecological and non-gynecological pathologies, cause infertility, as often accompanied by anovulation or not to disturb a woman and not cause any pathological phenomena. All this speaks about the importance of clarifying the nature of the monthly in the collection of an anamnesis by a doctor and the need to take this factor into account in the planned treatment.

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    The menstrual cycle normally lasts from 21 to 31 days, with possible deviations of ± 5-7 days. If the interval between menstrual periods is 40-60 days, or on the contrary, it is less than 21-25 days, at what, therefore, the woman's menstrual period lasts for a long time - one can speak about the irregularity of the cycle.

    Causes of irregular monthly

    Irregular periods may occur for the following reasons:

    1. Physiological - after abortion and curettage, after birth the cycle may become confused and become irregular for some time. As a rule, everything is restored on its own, but sometimes a minor treatment is required, limited, most often by the appointment of oral contraceptives. It should also be noted that the monthly, which since the menarche( the establishment of the cycle) were irregular, after birth can acquire a regular character. With this is the fact of noninterference in the cycle in young girls, with irregular periods without other symptoms of cycle breakdown and other pathologies, before the onset of pregnancy and the first birth.

    2. Pathological:
    • Tumors, damage to the pituitary gland and disorders at the level of the hypothalamic-pituitary system - the irregularity of the cycle is primarily associated with hormonal deficiency.
    • Cysts, ovarian tumors - ovarian dysfunction - one of the main causes of irregularity in the cycle. Often happens with polycystic ovaries, tumor formations.
    • Endometrial polyps, chronic inflammatory diseases of myo- and endometrium, uterine fibroids
    • Endometriosis. A characteristic symptom is brown spotting discharge from the lower genital tract before and after menstruation;it is possible to form endometriotic ovarian cysts, and sometimes the ovarian cyst can be recognized as the cause of the cycle failure( with an erroneous diagnosis of ultrasound), and a decision about further treatment tactics may not be correctly made.
    • Pathological hormone-secreting tumors.
    • Iatrogenic causes - so, long-term administration or incorrect selection of contraceptives can lead to cycle failures.

    To which doctor to consult with irregular monthly

    The examination and treatment is performed by a gynecologist or gynecologist-endocrinologist.

    Examination of the patient with irregular monthly

    Diagnostic methods are:
    1. Clinical data of
    2. Hormones - changes in their content may suggest the primary focus of
    3. Ultrasound of the pelvis and abdominal cavity of
    4. MRI( if necessary, rarely).
    5. Hysteroscopy

    Complications of irregular monthly

    The most important complications include infertility, since irregularities in the cycle can also often be accompanied by anovulation( the absence of ovulation - the release of the ovule from the follicle into the ovary tissue), and, rarely, with the insufficiency of the hormones of the second phase,which the bearing of pregnancy becomes extremely difficult. Therefore, the doctor should recommend the patient to test for ovulation.

    Treatment of irregular monthly

    The main and most important in the treatment is the detection of the primary cause of the disorder and treatment aimed at its maximum elimination. In addition, do not forget that young girls and women after 45 months of a long time may be irregular, which is associated with physiological unpreparedness or, respectively, depletion of the capabilities of the body. In the case when irregular monthly require medication( in view of the impossibility of becoming pregnant for example), treatment begins with the explanation of the underlying cause. The main methods of treatment used for irregular monthly:

    1. Oral contraceptives, usually progesterone containing: Dyufaston - 1 tab.2 times a day, Utrozestan 1 capsule 2-3 times a day, etc. It is also possible to administer intramuscular injections.
    2. Antibiotics for inflammatory diseases( Ofloksotsin 1 tablet 2 times a day for 7 days)
    3. If necessary: ​​scraping the uterine cavity to remove polyps.
    4. Surgical treatment if necessary( removal of the ovarian cyst, for example)

    Changes in the patient's lifestyle are also important factors in the treatment of irregularities in menstruation. So, giving up smoking, reducing stress, refusing exhausting diets and exercises can lead to a normalization of the monthly cycle without any medication.

    In addition, there are methods of phytotherapy. They include tinctures and broths of verbena, St. John's wort, motherwort. This method of treatment is not contraindicated for young patients in the absence of serious pathology.

    Proper nutrition is necessary, food should be high in calories. Protein foods, and foods containing easily digestible carbohydrates are necessary. Any depleting diet is a direct contraindication in the case of an irregular monthly cycle.

    We should try to reduce stress at work and at home, if necessary, sanatorium-and-spa treatment is indicated. The advantage is given to balneological resorts.

    Doctor gynecologist-endocrinologist Kupatadze D.D.