Signs of a stroke - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.
None of us is eternal, but in the world people who could still be helped daily if others could correctly identify signs of an impending internal catastrophe - a stroke, and rendered emergency care. ..
Stroke can be hemorrhagic( with a hemorrhage inbrain) and ischemic( with limited blood supply to the brain), the symptoms of both life-threatening conditions are similar in many respects.
General signs of stroke
- Movement disorders: Shakiness, patient swings and may fall. Violation of movement in the extremities or their complete cessation, reduction of strength. Ask a person to raise both hands up - he can not do it, as a healthy person.
- Facial expressions: Facial expressions are unnatural, asymmetry may be observed. Ask the person to smile - he can not do it normally;
- Ask to stick out your tongue - if the tongue is curved, turn around - this is also a sign of a stroke.
- Speech disturbances: Slurred, fuzzy speech, or complete inability to speak or understand speech. Ask the patient to say a simple sentence, he will not be able to repeat it correctly.
- Sensitive disorders: Decrease or loss of perception of pain, temperature, usually the most noticeable in the limbs.
- Disturbance of consciousness: From drowsiness to complete loss of consciousness.
If you are near a person who has at least one of the signs listed above, you should put it comfortably and urgently call an ambulance. Give the patient what medicine is not needed. The patient can not be left lying on his back, muscle strength is reduced, the tongue can close the dying throat and the person will die from suffocation. A person without consciousness should always be held on his side, so that saliva can flow out of his mouth and his tongue can not impede breathing.
Symptoms of ischemic stroke
Most likely, with a developing stroke, the victim will not be able to tell you what he is feeling now, so the following signs are suitable only for self-diagnosis, and it is better to be aware of this issue so that, at the slightest suspicion of a stroke,doctor or at least give directions to others to call an ambulance.
Such signs are:
- Numbness and / or weakness in half of the body, with the same limbs.
- Severe headache.
- Shakiness, dizziness with nausea and vomiting, speech impairment.
In case of stroke, it is important to provide rapid diagnosis and assistance. For this purpose, early hospitalization is important within 2 hours from the first signs of a stroke to specialized departments equipped with resuscitation units or intensive care units, later to neurological departments.
A 50% stroke develops within the first 90 minutes of the disease, 70 to 80% within 360 minutes. Thus, there is a "therapeutic window" - 2 hours, within which the most effective medical measures for saving neurons of the penumbra zone are possible. Therefore, it is very important to seek help as early as possible. This can not only save you from disability, but also save your life.
Signs of hemorrhagic stroke
The development of hemorrhagic stroke is acute, with a rapid increase in neurologic symptoms.
Rapidly growing headache - especially severe, with nausea and vomiting, "hot flashes and ripples" in the head, pain in the eyes when looking at bright light and with eyes turning around, red circles in front of the eyes, respiratory disorders, palpitations, paralysis of the same limbs- Right-sided or left-sided, a violation of consciousness of varying severity - stunning, sopor or coma. Here is the scenario of hemorrhagic stroke.
Perhaps a sudden onset of the disease with the development of an epileptic seizure. On the background of full health on the beach, during intense emotions at work, during a trauma, a person with a cry crashes, throws back his head, struggles in convulsions, breathes hoarsely, foam comes from his mouth( possibly with blood due to the bite of the tongue).The sight is turned towards the hemorrhage, the patient looks at the affected side of the brain, on the side of the hemorrhage, the wide pupil( mydriasis), possibly the divergent strabismus, the eyeballs make "floating" movements, the sight is not fixed;on the opposite side of the hemorrhage, the atony( lowering) of the upper eyelid develops, the corner of the mouth hangs, the cheek does not retain air( the "sail" symptom) when breathing.
There are meningeal symptoms - it is impossible to tilt the head forward and get the chin to the chest, it is impossible in the supine position on the back and bending the leg in the hip joint to unbend it in the knee.
The course of extensive hemorrhages in the cerebral hemisphere can be complicated by a secondary stem syndrome. Disturbances of breathing, cardiac activity, consciousness increase, muscle tone changes as a type of periodic tonic spasms with a sharp increase in the tone in the extremities( grometonia) and increased muscle tone of extensors( extensors) and the relative relaxation of flexor muscles( decerebrate rigidity), development of alternating syndromessyndromes that combine the defeat of the cranial nerves on the side of the focus of hemorrhage with movement disorders and sensitivity on the opposite side).
43-73% of hemorrhages result in the breakthrough of blood in the ventricles of the brain. With the breakthrough of blood into the ventricles, the patient's condition sharply becomes heavier-a coma develops, bilateral pathological signs appear, protective reflexes, hemiplegia is combined with motor anxiety of non-paralyzed limbs( violent movements seem conscious at the same time( the patients pull on the blanket as if they want to cover themselves with a blanket)the symptoms of the defeat of the autonomic nervous system deepen( there is a chill, a cold sweat, a significant increase in temperature). The appearance of these symptoms is prognostic
The first signs of a stroke require immediate help - you need to call an ambulance and hospitalize the patient!
Doctor neurologist Kobzeva SV
* Japanese scientists have come up with a simple test for predicting stroke risks Those who can not stand on one leg longer20 seconds, have an increased risk of stroke and decreased intelligence in old age, say Japanese scientists. The
The average age of volunteers in their study was 67 years.841 women and 546 men were supposed to stand on one leg with their eyes open as long as possible, but not more than 60 seconds. The work of cerebral vessels was assessed by MRI.
In addition, researchers collected information about the illnesses of patients, their weight and standard of living. After taking into account all factors, it turned out that those who could not stand on one leg longer than 20 seconds, 15.3% more often found microcirculation in the brain. Those who survived two cases of cerebral circulation disorder, problems with balance were observed even more often - in 30% of cases. In addition, the inability to stand on one leg for a long time often went hand in hand with a decline in mental abilities.
If a person has an imbalance, he also has abnormalities in the brain. Researchers recommend that all elderly people who do not keep a balance, visit a neurologist.