
Manual therapy of internal organs( visceral therapy) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Manual therapy of internal organs( visceral therapy) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    Visceral therapy is massage-treatment of internal organs through the front wall of the abdomen, this is work with internal organs of a pressing, shifting and massage character.

    Visceral massage is a procedure that is carried out strictly according to a certain scheme, and it is conducted only by a manual therapist who owns these techniques. The work is conducted in a sparing mode, the intensity of the exposure increases from session to session, which allows you to achieve a positive result gently and without complications.

    The term "visceral" in Latin means "referring to internal organs".Therapy of diseases of internal organs through manual manipulation to restore the position of the body is aimed at restoring the functions of the organs, improving their blood supply, the position of eliminating venous and lymphatic stasis of smooth muscle cramps, acute and chronic inflammation.

    In each organ displaced from the natural position, a vasospasm occurs. As a result, due to insufficient intake of oxygen and nutrients, as well as venous and lymphatic stagnation, the organ becomes ill. Visceral therapy can eliminate venous and lymphatic stagnation, leads to the normalization of the functions of these organs and the restoration of the organism as a whole.

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    Visceral chiropractic( visceral osteopathy):

    • restores normal organ mobility;
    • improves blood circulation, lymph circulation;
    • normalizes the metabolism;
    • restores immunity;
    • prevents the exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    Visceral therapy is very effective for the treatment of the following diseases:

    • gastrointestinal disorders( colitis, gastric ulcer, ulcer of duodenal bulb, - hemorrhoids, constipation, digestive disorders)
    • liver, gallbladder, pancreasin the liver and gallbladder, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus)
    • renal impairment( pyelonephritis, kidney stone, kidney depression, bladder disease, urinary incontinence)
    • hernia belly, umbilical, groinin-scrotal
    • gynecological diseases( menstrual disorder, polycystic ovary, inflammation of the appendages, ovulation and bending of the uterus)
    • prostatitis, impotence and other genital diseases in men
    • skin diseases
    • general health and preventive work with healthy people for the purpose ofrejuvenation of the body,
    • elimination of obesity, restoration of metabolism
    • cosmetic correction through non-medicinal therapy of internal organs( warts, papillomas, skin diseases
    • Cardiovascular diseases, rehabilitation after a heart attack, stroke
    • Prevention of pancreatitis and diabetes
    • Ear, nose and throat diseases
    • Arthrosis, scoliosis, bruises, sprains, pains
    • Osteochondrosis of the spine with various manifestations( cervical, thoracic, lumbar)
    • migraine, cerebrovascular accident
    • respiratory diseases( chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, chest pain)
    • correction of psychoemotional

    How is the

    Visceral Therapy Procedure Visceral manual therapy is performed according to a strictly defined scheme. The specialist pushes the organs, carefully following their reaction to the effects. With each session, the intensity of exposure increases. As a rule, already during the first session, patients begin to feel a murmur in the abdomen, meaning the removal of spasm of the bile ducts, the opening of the bile outlets. Also, edemas disappear in the organ and around it, normal circulation of blood is restored, all this improves the functional state and normalizes the position of the internal organs, eliminates venous and lymphatic stagnation, relieves spasm from internal organs, and includes a self-regulating mechanism of the body.

    Who is recommended visceral massage

    In every displaced and diseased organ, as a rule, there is a weakening of the nerve fiber function and vasospasm. The functions of the diseased organ are compensated by other human organs, they begin to work with an increased load at the limit of their capabilities. Thus, one body entails a violation of the work of all the others.

    Visceral chiropractic therapy is indicated for violations in the gastrointestinal tract( gastritis, constipation, etc.), liver diseases, kidney function disorders, genital organs diseases, gynecological diseases, painful menstruation, hernias and skin diseases, cardiovascular diseases andmany others.

    The procedure restores the work of organs, and this improves the working capacity of a person, his well-being, improves quality and increases life expectancy in general.

    Contraindications to visceral therapy:

    • Deep abnormalities of the body
    • oncology in all forms
    • organ bleeding, fresh mechanical injuries
    • thrombosis
    • Mental diseases

    In every displaced and diseased organ, as a rule, nerve fibers and vasospasm are weakened. As a result, due to insufficient intake of oxygen, nutrients, venous and lymphatic stagnation, weak outflow of metabolic products, and development of pathogenic microflora on this soil, self-poisoning of cells begins.

    The functions of a diseased organ are compensated by other human organs, they begin to work with an increased load, at the limit of their capabilities. Thus, one body entails a violation of the work of all the others.

    Visceral massage allows to eliminate venous and lymphatic stagnation, leads to the normalization of the functions of these organs and the restoration of the organism as a whole without use or with the use of medications in small quantities. Massage therapy is successfully used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. It allows you to remove "blockages" in the intestines, relieve spasms of the colon, cope with chronic constipation, which helps improve the appearance, skin condition.

    Thus, the method has not only a health, but also a cosmetic effect. Visceral massage is useful for both the patient and a healthy person. For one, this is a possible way of solving problems, for the other - maintaining health and preventing diseases.