  • Edema - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    The accumulation of fluid in interstitial space, giving them an increased volume and changing their shape, is called edema. Normally, the amount of fluid flowing to the tissue is equal to the amount of fluid withdrawn from it. The liquid takes the waste products out of the tissue and brings nutrients from the blood. The blood vessels have a porous wall, but these pores are so small that they do not allow the blood cells, proteins and salts to go beyond the vascular bed.

    Reasons for edema

    The main causes of edema are the imbalance of systems to maintain fluid exchange between tissues and blood vessels, maintained by pressure gradients.

    The heart during its work creates hydrostatic pressure in the vessels( positive in the arteries and negative in the veins).If it does not cope with its work, then the pressure builds up in the veins and the liquid remains in the tissues. So there is swelling in heart failure. A similar mechanism works also with varicose veins of the lower extremities.

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    Lymphatic vessels have more pores than veins. Therefore, their task is to bring large molecules from the tissue: proteins, salts. When they are damaged, too, there are swelling - dense, pale, difficult to treat.

    Those largest molecules of proteins and salts create osmotic pressure in the lumen of the vessels, attracting liquid from the tissue. They accumulate around the molecules of water and transport them further along the vessels. If such molecules are not enough, then this can be the cause of edema. Such a mechanism is relevant for kidney disease, starvation, hormonal disorders.

    Diseases accompanied by edema

    We consider the main groups of diseases, accompanied by edematous syndrome.

    The most common edema is with cardiovascular disease .Heart failure in the outcome of coronary heart disease is manifested by edema as hydrostatic, localized on the lower limbs. And the higher the swelling spreads, the stronger the disease is.

    Edema is accompanied by shortness of breath, weakness, pains in the left half of the chest, giving to the left arm, which increase with physical activity. Such patients know that it will become easier after a short rest, but will speed up the normalization of the state of the nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue.

    With varicose veins of the lower extremities of the edema appear after a long period of "on legs", walking on heels. Manifestations of them are not symmetrical and more where changes in veins are more pronounced. Such edemas are accompanied by vascular "asterisks" and "snakes" on the calves and thighs, which intensify after a hard day, with weight and pain in the legs.

    When swelling caused by pathology of the lymphatic system , the problem is visible only in the "work" zone of the affected vessel. Treatment of such edema is very difficult: lymphatic vessels are very thin, they often accumulate in themselves and lymph nodes inflammatory agents that damage them. The latter are delayed and rendered harmless in the lymph nodes, which "take fire on themselves."

    Often, lymphatic vessels are accidentally or involuntarily damaged during surgical operations, which leads to disruption of outflow of metabolic products from tissue located on the periphery from the site of treatment. So, during the removal of a cancerous tumor, it is necessary to remove the nearby lymph nodes, since they can contain tumor cells.

    For kidney disease is also characterized by swelling. After all, the kidneys are the main organ responsible for removing fluid from the body. During illness, the body not only loses protein in the urine, but, defending itself, sets the program for the production of substances that enhance the back absorption of water and salts from the urine filtered by the kidneys. Such edema appears two weeks after a cold, suddenly and more noticeable on the face. The skin above them is pale, the swelling is "soft", leaving no pits.

    Parallel with edema, there are complaints of pain in the lower back and changes in the urine: a change in color and transparency. The protein in the urine and signs of inflammation are detected in the laboratory.

    One of the most dangerous is allergic edema .It develops so quickly that it can endanger human life if it appears in the neck and face. Because of the excessive reaction of the body to the penetration of a foreign substance( allergen), the vessels in the interstitial area sharply expand, which leads to the release of fluid into the surrounding tissues. In the neck area, this edema leads to compression and swelling of the larynx and vocal cords, trachea - it is difficult or completely stops the flow of air into the lungs and the patient may die from suffocation. This condition is usually called Quincke's edema.

    With hypothyroidism ( a decrease in thyroid function and insufficient production of its hormones), too, swelling occurs. They are distributed throughout the body evenly and are expressed in pastose, puffiness.

    Such edema does not leave a fossa. Patients are usually weak, non-initiative and slow, have excess weight, pale skin, complain of hair loss and brittle nails, constipation, and problems with childbearing.

    With insufficient intake of protein with food, exhaustion and impaired function of the liver for the production of blood proteins, edema of osmotic nature appears. Hepatic insufficiency can develop in the outcome of hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. It is accompanied by a violation of digestion, pain in the right upper quadrant, changes in skin color, feces and urine.

    Regardless of the disease, edema is a component of any inflammation of , along with pain, redness, and fever. The reason for this is the overstretch of venous vessels due to increased blood flow, a decrease in the effectiveness of their work to drain fluid from the inflamed area and increase the permeability of their walls under the action of proteins that react to inflammation.

    Diagnosis of edema

    To conduct effective treatment of edematous syndrome, you need to find out its cause. Here you can not do without a specialist. Most often, it will be sufficient to consult a general practitioner or general practitioner. For primary diagnosis, you need to obtain the results of a general blood test, general urine analysis and electrocardiography( ECG).Thus, the doctor will have an idea of ​​the state of the heart, the urinary system and the presence of a general inflammatory change in the patient. Further examination is strictly individual in each case.

    Treatment for edema

    Treatment of edema is also the prerogative of a doctor. It is prescribed depending on the disease that caused the fluid to be delayed.

    In any case, do not damage the decrease in consumption of salt in food( you can limit 5 grams per day - 1 teaspoon without a slide) and rational nutrition with an adequate number of calories, vitamins, trace elements. The consumption of milk and foods rich in Kali has a slight diuretic effect. These are fruits and vegetables such as banana, grapes, cherries, peaches, apricots, parsley, potatoes, cabbage. No less useful are dried fruits made from them. It is worth noting that the diet with salts of potassium is not suitable for everyone. Patients suffering from chronic renal failure should avoid it.

    Any medicinal products, including those of vegetable origin, must be taken strictly according to the purpose and under the supervision of the doctor.

    Swelling may be the first sign of a serious illness requiring immediate treatment. Do not rely on the will of the case and engage in self-medication.

    Physician therapist Moskvina AM