
Frog made of plastic bottles: master crafting class

  • Frog made of plastic bottles: master crafting class

    Frog from plastic bottles: master class with step-by-step photos

    Creative people have long learned how to use various materials to translate their ideas. And not only natural, but also created by man. For example, plastic. The industry produces them in huge quantities. They are used in many products. For needleworkers, they are good in that they have a variety of shapes and colors. A huge popularity in the home, as well as for decorating a house or a garden purchased used plastic bottles. Their life could be short( after all, they are intended for one-time use), if not for the imagination of the craftsmen. They are able to give bottles a second life, and at the same time and save the environment from contamination. And the inexhaustibility of human imagination and the variety of interesting ideas is simply amazing.

    Today our idea is a frog made of plastic bottles, the master class of which is shown below. The most common color for bottles is green.

    And who are we green? That's right, frog.

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    So there was an idea how to make a frog from a plastic bottle. A step-by-step instruction with photos will help to understand the process visually.

    It will not just be a frog, serving as a room decoration. It will be a frog-box made of plastic bottles, the master class of which we tried to describe as clearly as possible.

    We will need:

    • narrow adhesive tape
    • plastic bottles of 2 l - 2 pcs.
    • sharp knife
    • scissors
    • sharp awl
    • centimeter
    • needle and thread
    • zipper fastener
    • felt pen or marker
    • paint acrylic
    • brush
    • adhesive
    • wine bottle stopper

    Manufacturing process:

    Take the bottle and measure from the bottom sevencentimeters. On this line, wrap the bottle with adhesive tape. If you need a more capacious casket, you can retreat more, but it will not look very nice and proportionate. Then cut the bottoms, orienting along the upper border of the tape.

    Now it is necessary to mark the points of punctures of the future seam of the fastening of the fastener. Points mark with a felt-tip pen at a distance of 5-7 cm from the edge. The distance between the points is about 1 cm. Then make a puncture on the marked points with an awl. Be careful not to injure your fingers. After that, you can remove the adhesive tape.

    We take our zipper in a closed state, wrap it with one of the parts of the bottle and temporarily attach it with the same tape so that it does not slip. And now for the ready-made holes we sew the buckle. Now you can tear off the scotch, beautifully close the ends of the thread and cut them. To sew the second part of the "zipper" to another bottle, it will have to be undone. This is how the part should look at this stage.

    Wine cork is needed in order that our princess-frog could see this world with her own eyes. Cut it in half, paint it with green paint and glue it to the frog's head.

    After the glue has dried completely, you can use our casket. This is how the finished fake looks. Frog from plastic bottles with their own hands.

    Now you can add everything you need and unnecessary here. Look at what can be the options of green frogs made of plastic bottles, made by craftsmen. They are all very different. For sure, your frog will be the most beautiful and unique.

    If you think our master class is not very clear, you can see the video instructions and master classes below, with which you will certainly get a similar box or even better. Also, there you can find many other thoughts and ideas on the topic: "Give a plastic bottle a second life - save the world from pollution."

    Interesting videos:

    Creative people have long learned to use different materials to translate their ideas. And not only natural, but also created by man. For example, plastic. The industry produces them in huge quantities. They are used in many products. For needleworkers, they are good in that they have a variety of shapes and colors. A huge popularity in the home, as well as for decorating a house or a garden purchased used plastic bottles. Their life could be short( after all, they are intended for one-time use), if not for the imagination of the craftsmen. They are able to give bottles a second life, and at the same time and save the environment from contamination. And the inexhaustibility of human imagination and the variety of interesting ideas is simply amazing.

    Today our idea is a frog made of plastic bottles, the master class of which is shown below. The most common color for bottles is green.

    And who are we green? That's right, frog.

    So there was an idea how to make a frog from a plastic bottle. A step-by-step instruction with photos will help to understand the process visually.

    It will not just be a frog, serving as a room decoration. It will be a frog-box made of plastic bottles, the master class of which we tried to describe as clearly as possible.

    We will need:

    • narrow adhesive tape
    • plastic bottles of 2 liters - 2 pcs.
    • sharp knife
    • scissors
    • sharp awl
    • centimeter
    • needle and thread
    • zipper fastener
    • marker or
    • marker acrylic paint
    • brush
    • adhesive
    • wine bottle stopper

    Manufacturing process:

    Take the bottle and measure from the bottom sevencentimeters. On this line, wrap the bottle with adhesive tape. If you need a more capacious casket, you can retreat more, but it will not look very nice and proportionate. Then cut the bottoms, orienting along the upper border of the tape.

    Now it is necessary to mark the points of punctures of the future seam of the fastening of the fastener. Points mark with a felt-tip pen at a distance of 5-7 cm from the edge. The distance between the points is about 1 cm. Then make a puncture on the marked points with an awl. Be careful not to injure your fingers. After that, you can remove the adhesive tape.

    We take our zipper in a closed state, wrap it with one of the parts of the bottle and temporarily attach it with the same scotch so that it does not slip. And now for the ready-made holes we sew the buckle. Now you can tear off the scotch, beautifully close the ends of the thread and cut them. To sew the second part of the "zipper" to another bottle, it will have to be undone. This is how the part should look at this stage.

    Wine cork is needed in order that our princess-frog could see this world with her own eyes. Cut it in half, paint it with green paint and glue it to the frog's head.

    After the glue has dried completely, you can use our casket. This is how the finished fake looks. Frog from plastic bottles with their own hands.

    Now you can add everything you need and unnecessary here. Look at what can be the options of green frogs made of plastic bottles, made by craftsmen. They are all very different. For sure, your frog will be the most beautiful and unique.

    If you think our master class is not very clear, you can see video instructions and master classes below, with which you will certainly get a similar box or even better. Also, there you can find many other thoughts and ideas on the topic: "Give a plastic bottle a second life - save the world from pollution."

    Interesting videos: