
California Highlights: Step by Step Technique, Video and Photos

  • California Highlights: Step by Step Technique, Video and Photos

    Technique for performing California highlights step by step, master classes, photo-examples

    Caliph. Highlighting, compared to other techniques, became fashionable not so long ago, but quickly gained popularity to the point that many women, from all types of highlights, only know what it is.

    This method differs from the standard with a more gentle attitude to the hair, it can be made even for weak, thin and fragile ringlets, without fear of spoiling everything. In addition, the caliph. Melirovanie operates according to the same scheme as the usual, that is, it does not differ much from it.

    This article will detail how to perform the California highlights, as well as master classes from professionals and amateurs will help you. But for starters, I suggest that you review some photos on this topic.

    As you can see, the technique of Californian highlighting is quite widespread in our time, so you can choose absolutely any color for it. You can also grind only a part of the head, if you wish. And if you are afraid that you will damage your hair, then buy a one-off paint, it will wash off in a couple of days, and then you will know for sure whether you need it or not.

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    In the next part of the article, you will learn how to do highlights at home to yourself, and now I propose to consider the final photos on this topic.

    Nuances of the

    technique So, the main question of the article is how to do the California meling on your own hair. There are several techniques for creating it, now you will be asked to review one of them, and afterwards, in the video lessons the wizards will help you to find out more. Your attention is given instructions on how to step-by-step on your locks with caliphs.highlights.

    As this technique is structured in its structure and contains its foundation of creation, you will need practically the same preparations as for the usual highlights, the list of which is given below:

    1) Paint for California highlights. You can find it in a specialized store or on the Internet. It is advisable to choose the paint to suit your hair, so as not to harm it inadvertently. Especially if you have weak locks, then take it without ammonia;

    2) Comb for the separation of strands. You can do without it, but then you will have to allocate the strands most, which is very inconvenient to do on the vertex;

    3) Gloves and a towel. And that, and then necessarily get dirty and not washed after, so take an old towel, which is not a shame to throw;

    4) Foil;

    5) Brush and bowl for paint.

    Great, now that you've gathered all the necessary ingredients, it's time to get down to the main part.

    1. To begin with, you should definitely wash your hair and wait until your hair is dry;
    2. The next step will be the allocation of strands for painting, which always begins with the top of the head. But first put a towel on your shoulders. Take a thin horizontal strand on top of the head, then, using a special comb, select the strands for coloring, under them lay the foil. Now, no longer afraid, start dyeing your hair with a brush. Of course, it is recommended to do this procedure in front of a mirror or to ask someone for help;
    3. When the strands are painted, wrap them in foil and secure with a hair clip, so as not to interfere;
    4. So, go around the whole head( or just the desired zones).Begin the vertex, then the occipital region, after - the temporal;
    5. When all zones are processed, just wait for ten minutes to half an hour, depending on the brightness of the color you want to get, the longer, the more noticeable the effect, but do not overreach;
    6. After a certain time, remove the foil and wash the hair with ordinary warm water, you can use a balm rinse.

    And now your attention is given some video lessons on this topic.

    How to highlight a strand with a special comb:

    Technique chalk from the roots:

    How to make a Californian melting yourself:

    Another way:

    Caliph. Highlighting, compared to other techniques, became fashionable not so long ago, but quickly gained popularity to the point that many women, from all types of highlights, only know what it is.

    This method differs from the standard with a more gentle attitude to the hair, it can be made even for weak, thin and fragile ringlets, without fear of spoiling everything. In addition, the caliph. Melirovanie operates according to the same scheme as the usual, that is, it does not differ much from it.

    This article will detail how to perform the California highlights, as well as master classes from professionals and amateurs. But for starters, I suggest that you review some photos on this topic.

    As you can see, the technique of Californian highlighting is quite widespread nowadays, so you can choose absolutely any color for it. You can also grind only a part of the head, if you wish. And if you are afraid that you will damage your hair, then buy one-off paint, it will wash off in a couple of days, and then you will know for sure whether you need it or not.

    In the next part of the article, you will learn how to do highlights at home to yourself, and now I propose to consider the final photos on this topic.

    Nuances of the

    technique So, the main question of the article is how to do the California meling on your own hair. There are several techniques for creating it, now you will be asked to review one of them, and afterwards, in the video lessons the wizards will help you to find out more. Your attention is given instructions on how to step-by-step on your locks with caliphs.highlights.

    As this technique is structured in its structure and contains its foundation of creation, you will need practically the same preparations as for the usual highlights, the list of which is given below:

    1) Paint for California highlights. You can find it in a specialized store or on the Internet. It is advisable to choose the paint to suit your hair, so as not to harm it inadvertently. Especially if you have weak curls, then take it without ammonia;

    2) Comb for the separation of strands. You can do without it, but then you will have to allocate the strands most, which is very inconvenient to do on the vertex;

    3) Gloves and a towel. And that, and then necessarily get dirty and not washed after, so take an old towel, which is not a shame to throw;

    4) Foil;

    5) Brush and bowl for paint.

    Great, now that you have collected all the necessary ingredients, it's time to get down to the main part.

    1. To begin with, you should definitely wash your hair and wait until your hair is dry;
    2. The next step will be the allocation of strands for painting, which always begins with the top of the head. But first put a towel on your shoulders. Take a thin horizontal strand on top of the head, then, using a special comb, select the strands for coloring, under them lay the foil. Now, no longer afraid, start dyeing your hair with a brush. Of course, it is recommended to do this procedure in front of a mirror or to ask someone for help;
    3. When the strands are painted, wrap them in foil and fasten them with a hair clip so they do not interfere;
    4. So, go around the whole head( or just the desired zones).Begin the vertex, then the occipital region, after - the temporal;
    5. When all the zones are processed, just wait for ten minutes to half an hour, depending on the brightness of the color you want to get, the longer, the more noticeable the effect, but do not overreach;
    6. After a certain time, remove the foil and wash the hair with usual warm water, you can use a balm rinse.

    And now your attention is given some video lessons on this topic.

    How to highlight a strand with a special comb:

    Technique chalk-ya from the roots:

    How to make a high-calorie in California alone: ​​

    Another way: