
Volume decoupage for beginners: a master class for beginners with their own hands

  • Volume decoupage for beginners: a master class for beginners with their own hands

    Dekupazh for beginners: master-class step by step

    Decoupage is a process of decorating objects with various images made mostly of paper napkins. For the first time decoupage appeared in China in the XII century. Then the Chinese decorated the windows and household items with scraps of bright paper. The name he received in the XVIII century in France, decouper - cut. Even before our time, the peoples of Eastern Siberia decorated the tomb with felt. But it was only in the 21st century that decoupage gained popularity in Russia, called napkin technique. Decoupage is direct and reverse, volumetric, with black and white graphics. To carry out the decoupage technique, you will need the following items: the decorated object itself, three-layer paper napkins, small nail scissors, PVA glue, glue and varnish brushes and the varnish itself.

    Let's try to make out how to make a volume decoupage for beginners by the example of a wall clock for the kitchen. To decorate the clock, we do not need special materials for decoupage, we will try to do without them.

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    Master class voluminous decoupage by our own hands

    These are the hours we will try to recreate today.

    Take any old wall clock with a diameter of 27 cm

    First let's analyze the clock for

    parts And paste on the dial part of the napkin - the base.

    Choose the area that we want to highlight and make a volume.

    Apply glue PVA on this part of the picture on a napkin - the base and on top of the paste paste for modeling, not reaching the edge of the leaf.

    Cut out the selected part of the picture from the second napkin, apply the PVA glue onto it and paste it onto the paste. If the paste turned out a lot and the edge of the leaf turns rough, then you can remove the excess with a conventional toothpick, and around wipe with a cotton-wool soaked in water. As you can see, there is an extra paste on the image, which is removed in the above described way.

    Continue the design of leaves, apply the paste for modeling, without touching the edge, glue the top of the leaf double.

    Do not allow the paste to solidify and shape the leaves.

    For a more realistic shape, it is possible to give a relief to the leaves either at the stage of gluing the second part or at the stage of applying the paste on the substrate. Better, of course, do this when applying a modeling paste, in order to avoid damage to the surface of the napkin.

    We spread the upper part of the leaf with the PVA glue.

    Clean the edges of the leaf, gently removing the excess paste with a cotton disc.

    Here these parts of the image turned out to be three-dimensional.

    There are moments when the paper can tear and the white paste becomes visible. In this case, you can use acrylic paints, gently covering the lumen area. By the same acrylic paints we put shadows under buds, we can emphasize some details, such as a bee, paint the hands of the clockwork mechanism, making them slightly darker. These are the hours we have turned out.

    I hope that the technique of volumetric decoupage is presented step by step in an accessible and understandable language. For a full study of decoupage techniques, consider another master class.

    New Year theme of decoupage

    Let's try to decorate a bottle of champagne or wine on a festive table. To do this, we will need to prepare the actual bottle, primer, three-layer paper napkin with a certain pattern, PVA glue and acrylic lacquer.

    We take a bottle of champagne, carefully clean it of all stickers and dry it, apply the first coat of primer, let it dry, apply the second layer.

    Take a napkin and tear off its lower layer, apply to the bottle, apply a small amount of glue on the middle part of the napkin and smooth it from the middle to the edges.

    After the napkin dries, turn to the other side of the bottle. In the same way, we glue the napkin on the reverse side and select the contours of the image with acrylic paints.

    We paint the empty areas of the bottle with a piece of sponge, we wait, when the paint is completely dry, and we cover with varnish.

    Here, actually, our New Year's bottle, executed in the technique of decoupage, is ready.

    Decoupage is a process of decorating objects with various images made mostly from paper napkins. For the first time decoupage appeared in China in the XII century. Then the Chinese decorated the windows and household items with scraps of bright paper. The name he received in the XVIII century in France, decouper - cut. Even before our time, the peoples of Eastern Siberia decorated the tomb with felt. But it was only in the 21st century that decoupage gained popularity in Russia, called napkin technique. Decoupage is direct and reverse, volumetric, with black and white graphics. To do the decoupage technique, you need the following items: the decorated object itself, three-layer paper napkins, small manicure scissors, PVA glue, glue and varnish brushes, and the paint itself.

    Let's try to make out how to make a volume decoupage for beginners by the example of a wall clock for the kitchen. To decorate the clock, we do not need special materials for decoupage, we will try to do without them.

    Master class voluminous decoupage by our own hands

    These are the hours we will try to recreate today.

    Take any old wall clock with a diameter of 27 cm

    First let's analyze the clock for

    parts And paste on the dial part of the napkin - the base.

    Select the area that we want to highlight and make a volume.

    Apply glue PVA to this part of the picture on a napkin-base and top paste paste for modeling, not reaching the edge of the leaf.

    Cut from the second napkin the selected part of the picture, put on it PVA glue and paste on the paste. If the paste turned out a lot and the edge of the leaf turns rough, then you can remove the excess with a conventional toothpick, and around wipe with a cotton-wool soaked in water. As you can see, there is an extra paste on the image, which is removed in the above described way.

    Continue the design of the leaves, apply the paste for modeling, without touching the edge, glue the top of the leaf double.

    Do not allow the paste to solidify and shape the leaves.

    For a more realistic shape, it is possible to give a relief to the leaves either at the stage of gluing the second part or at the stage of applying the paste on the substrate. Better, of course, do this when applying a modeling paste, in order to avoid damage to the surface of the napkin.

    We spread the upper part of the leaf with the PVA glue.

    Clean the edges of the leaf, gently removing the excess paste with a cotton disc.

    Here these parts of the image turned out to be three-dimensional.

    There are times when the paper can tear and the white paste becomes visible. In this case, you can use acrylic paints, gently covering the lumen area. By the same acrylic paints we put shadows under buds, we can emphasize some details, such as a bee, paint the hands of the clockwork mechanism, making them slightly darker. These are the hours we have turned out.

    I hope that the technique of voluminous decoupage is step-by-step set out in an accessible and understandable language. For a full study of decoupage techniques, consider another master class.

    New Year theme of decoupage

    Let's try to decorate a bottle of champagne or wine on a festive table. To do this, we will need to prepare the actual bottle, primer, three-layer paper napkin with a certain pattern, PVA glue and acrylic lacquer.

    We take a bottle of champagne, carefully clean it of all stickers and dry it, apply the first coat of primer, let it dry, apply a second layer.

    Take the napkin and tear off its lower layer, apply to the bottle, apply a small amount of glue on the middle part of the napkin and smooth it from the middle to the edges.

    After the napkin dries, turn to the other side of the bottle. In the same way, we glue the napkin on the reverse side and select the contours of the image with acrylic paints.

    We paint the empty areas of the bottle with a piece of sponge, we wait, when the paint completely dries, and we cover with varnish.

    Here, actually, our New Year's bottle, executed in the technique of decoupage, is ready.