  • Massage - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

    At the level of physiology, massage affects all body systems, so it results in both a general improvement of all functions and alleviation of some specific symptoms. Massage also helps to increase self-confidence, remove emotional blocks, restore clarity of thought.

    Massage session simultaneously brings relaxation and tones. As if you took a break to restore harmony and well-being and again be ready to return to the world of vanity.

    Classical massage will quickly bring you back to normal, relieve fatigue, return vivacity and ability to work.

    For the well-coordinated work of the whole organism, a healthy circulatory system is needed. Massage makes breathing deeper, blood vessels and capillaries expand, circulation improves, and more oxygen enters the bloodstream. Improving blood circulation means that nutrients are spread over the body more efficiently. Simultaneously, the pressure decreases, the pulse slows down, the body and brain relax and calm down.

    Massage stimulates the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which helps to moisturize, cleanse and cool the skin. Massage gives an exfoliating effect, which makes the skin supple and fresh. Improving blood circulation helps to bring nutrients to the hair, nails and skin, providing a healing effect, relieves headaches and regulates digestion.

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    The most beneficial effect, no doubt, massage has on the muscular system of the body. Relaxing and stretching muscles, contracting and contracting from tension, massage helps restore the body's tissues flexibility, mobility and elasticity. Massage techniques help alleviate muscle pain and improve posture, restoring the muscles to a natural balance. That massage will put in order the weakened flabby muscles from long idle time. Massage directly affects the lymphatic system, helping the body to excrete lactic acid and other chemical wastes of life, which contribute to the appearance of pain and discomfort in the joints and ligaments.

    It is impossible not to note the beneficial effects of massage in the treatment of the effects of stress, insomnia and depressive conditions. Massage is especially useful for people of mental work. Physical relaxation of the muscles and increased blood flow to the head leads to improved brain function and greater clarity of thought, retreat irritability and fatigue, and they are replaced by attention, concentration, intelligence and perspective vision.

    After the massage, the tension recedes, and as if lifting a heavy load off your shoulders, an unusual lightness is felt throughout the body. Changes in mood correspond to changes in the hormonal background. Studies have shown that during the session, the level of stress hormones - for example, cortisol - decreases, and the level of well-being hormones such as oxytocin increases significantly, which significantly activates the immune system.

    Massage can also affect the energy balance of the body. Body and soul reach balance, and you can achieve a feeling of deep peace, peace and balance. The ease that is experienced after the massage, contributes to a clearer awareness of their spiritual essence, a vision of "inner" light. Massage brings peace - some see a better perspective in life, a sense of humor returns to others, and everyone becomes comfortable and comfortable in their own body without exception.

    Massage Therapy:

    For diseases of the musculoskeletal system( fractures, including intraarticular and spine, dislocations, sprains, bruises).
    For joint diseases( polyarthritis, arthritis, arthrosis).
    With neuritis of upper and lower extremities, facial and trigeminal nerves.
    When osteochondrosis - all parts of the spine, including lumbago, radiculitis.
    In hypertensive and hypotonic diseases, angina pectoris, varicose veins.
    With strokes.
    With neuroses.
    And also for various other diseases.
    For children - a massage for children( from two weeks), including for premature babies, relieves many diseases and serves as an excellent preventive agent.
    Massage corrects the violation of posture, scoliosis, flat feet and neurological diseases, including torticollis and pyramidal deficiency( hypotension, hypertonus).
    For children, a health and preventive massage with gymnastics elements is carried out.

    Massage canned

    Vacuum therapy( can massage) is a means of beneficial effects on blood and lymph circulation, improving peripheral circulation of blood, lymph and interstitial fluid.improves local and reflex dilatation of blood and lymphatic vessels, has a resolving and analgesic effect. In the places of application of cans local hemorrhages are formed, while the products of blood decay are formed, absorbed and stimulate hemopoiesis. The phenomena of stagnation are eliminated, metabolic processes and dermal breathing are intensified, the skin becomes elastic, its resistance to temperature and physical influences increases, the contractile function of muscles improves, their tone and elasticity increase. During the first hour after the application of the cans, some changes in the composition of the blood, a decrease in blood pressure, and a slowing of the pulse are noted.

    Indications for use:

    ■ inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, prevention of hypostatic pneumonia;
    ■ acute and chronic myositis, neuromyositis, neuralgia, neuritis and perineuritis, neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis of the spine.

    The therapeutic effect of can massage:

    1. With neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, a sliding massage moves from the waist to the cervical vertebra. Particular attention is paid to massage paravertebial zones at a distance of 2-3 cm from the spinous processes of the spine. The movements are rectilinear, while upward the jar is moved with effort so that the skin folds in front of the jar, the downward movement is effortless.

    2. With neurological manifestations of the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, circular movements are made around the seventh vertebra by a jar( to find it, it is necessary to tilt the head, feel the cervical vertebrae, this will be the most protruding vertebra).Direction of movement - clockwise without touching the seventh vertebra, massage time 1-1.5 min. After that massage the trapezius muscles from the head to the shoulders.

    3. With neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine - lumbar region, and if the pain radiates into the leg, then the posterior surface of the leg from the popliteal fossa to the gluteal fold and along the shin to the foot.

    4. When the myositis of the lumbar muscles is massaged along the waist. With myositis of the muscles of the shoulder and forearm - the muscles of the back surface of the neck, back, the muscles of the outer surface of the shoulder and forearm.

    5. For colds, bronchitis, pneumonia - massage from the bottom corners of the shoulder blades to the shoulders( on the back), the lateral surface of the chest, as well as from the xiphoid process of the sternum to the left and right shoulder. Under the influence of a can of massage, sputum goes away, breathing improves, and body temperature decreases. After the end of the procedure, the patient should be wrapped in a blanket, give a glass of tea with lemon or raspberries.

    6. For cellulite, a can massage the muscles of the thigh and buttocks. The movement of the can is circular, zigzag, rectilinear( all types of movements 5-6 times).When exposed to can massage, a mechanical rupture of the fat cells occurs.

    7. In order to improve immunity in weakened, long-term patients, the autohemotherapy method is applied, which consists in placing the can on the skin of the buttocks for 30 to 60 seconds in a high vacuum regime. The course of massage - 10 days.

    8. Massage with trauma is used in the postimmobilization period for the normalization of blood and lymph flow, removal of pain syndrome, resorption of edema, tissue regeneration and repair, normalization of oxidation-reduction processes. Massage begins to do above the place of edema( reflex-distracting), gradually descending to the areas adjacent to the area of ​​injury.

    Contraindications to the use of can massage:

    1. Pulmonary bleeding, pulmonary tuberculosis in active stage, malignant and benign tumors, hemorrhagic diathesis, skin diseases and its sharp sensitivity, blood diseases, severe exhaustion of the patient, heart rhythm disorders, hypertension of the 3rd degree.

    2. You can not put banks on the spine, on the heart, kidneys and mammary glands in women.

    3. You can not massage the popliteal fossa and the inner thigh.

    4. Attention: Do not massage the area of ​​the axillary fossa and the inner surface of the shoulder.

    - procedures are conducted every other day;

    - the procedure lasts 5-10 minutes;

    - to lubricate the skin of the patient with an emollient cream, it is possible to use the anti-inflammatory ointment recommended by the doctor( do not use an irritating ointment);

    - wrap the patient with a blanket and give him a glass of tea with a lemon or raspberry.

    Acupressure for neurological diseases

    Diseases, united in this group, are truly a product of this century. The inconsistency of rapidly changing living conditions, frenzied rhythm, abundance of information, inertness of psychophysiological processes leads to disruption of the organism's adaptation to the environment. Hence the ever-increasing number of neuroses. According to WHO, in developed countries they suffer about 15% of people.

    In these conditions, naturally, the quantity of medicines taken by people increases. Here, and sedatives, and tranquilizers, and tonic, and antidepressants.

    Sensible limitations and the refusal to take medication can be facilitated by methods of reflex action.

    The group of neuroses includes various clinical manifestations of the disease, primarily neurasthenia.

    Irritability, fatigue, short temper, fear, sleep disturbance, headache are all manifestations of neurasthenia. These neurotic disorders can be associated with functional disorders of the cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems, creating so-called psychosomatic diseases.

    To neurasthenic manifestations should include and a significant part of sexual disorders in men and women.

    Acupressure should be carried out in the form of 2-3 courses with a half-day or two-week breaks. The first sessions are held daily, then every other day. With the prevalence of emotional arousal, with a frequent change of mood and sleep disturbance, the inhibitory method is used. With lethargy, apathy, fear, depression, the excitatory method is more effective. These two methods can be combined or choose an average impact-harmonizing method-pressing the average force for 1-2 minutes per point.

    Many experiences deliver night urinary incontinence in children( enuresis).Sometimes these disorders occur in the pathology of the urinary tract or spine. More often, however, this manifestation of neurasthenia. The most effective use of tsubo-massage is the application of balls with periodic massage.

    Points of general action - inhibit, local points( abdomen, waist, sacrum) - excite.

    In conclusion, mention is made of neurotic phenomena such as stuttering, stuttering( logoneurosis), tics, spasm of the eyelids( blepharospasm).A pinpoint effect will enhance the effectiveness of the treatment prescribed by the psychoneurologist. Use points of general action, as well as located on the face, neck and chest.

    And some general advice.

    In the development of neuroses, unreacted emotions take their place. Imagine that you are offended by an unprincipled reprimand. At work, you have to restrain yourself, but everything is boiling inside. In other cases, you will be discharged in transport, a store or at home with the adoption of valerian and insomnia. It happens worse - nitroglycerin, emergency, antidepressants. The sense of resentment towards the boss is combined with a sense of guilt before the home. At work, everything falls from the hands, at home the relations are strained.

    Can neurotic development be avoided? The task is complex, but feasible. Accumulated negative emotions require withdrawal.

    Clever Japanese and here were ahead. Offended Japanese workers can take a stick and heartily finish off the rubber counterpart of their leader. There are other ways of switching excess emotional energy into physical energy. Remember how furiously the wood in the well-known film was burned by the character Adriano Celentano to sow emotional and nervous tension.

    Another classic proven method is beating dishes.

    Psychotherapists offer even to have at home a set of cheap plates.

    But the simplest and most accessible is running down the stairs. Vigorously climb and go down several floors. You can do 20-30 sit-ups, how many can. It is important that physical fatigue develops, palpitations and breathing become more frequent. After this, sit down, relax, breathe deeply and evenly. You can say a few times about yourself or in a low voice: "I am absolutely calm".Massage will also help.