
Atherosclerosis of carotid arteries - features of nutrition and methods of treatment of disease

  • Atherosclerosis of carotid arteries - features of nutrition and methods of treatment of disease

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    The narrowing of the carotid arteries, called in medicine atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries, is formed as a result of the appearance on the arterial walls of specific deposits. Fatty atherosclerotic plaques narrow the lumen, which helps reduce the flow of blood to the brain. This is an extremely dangerous condition, with terrible consequences.

    How to catch alarm bells?

    The danger of arteriosclerosis atherosclerosis is that in the first and second stage it practically does not manifest itself as specific symptoms. Only the person who is at risk and responsive to changes in the body is able to recognize the first symptoms of atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries.

    The following persons should be particularly attentive to themselves:

    1. Persons who have crossed the fifty-year threshold.
    2. Heavy smokers.
    3. Persons suffering from hypertension.
    4. Persons leading a sedentary lifestyle.
    5. Persons suffering from obesity.
    6. Patients with diabetes mellitus.

    The main worrying factor is the presence of a frequently repeated transient ischemic attack.

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    This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms of atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries:

    1. Feeling of weakness even after rest.
    2. Feeling numb in limbs.
    3. Itching and vague tingling in the lower or upper limb( sensation occurs on one side of the body).
    4. Unintelligible speech.
    5. The disappearance of the sight in one of the eyes.
    6. Loss of control over one of the arms or legs.

    Ignoring this condition can lead to a stroke. Therefore, if there are symptoms of atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries, you should visit a qualified doctor as soon as possible.

    Dangerous process

    A non-stenotic atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries is a negative process in which pathological changes occur in the vascular walls.

    This type of atherosclerosis does not act as an official diagnosis and is manifested in most individuals who have crossed the forty or fifty years of age.

    Manifestation of the disease

    The flow of non-stenotic atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries occurs as follows:

    1. First, almost imperceptible changes are formed in the arterial walls.
    2. Then a low elevation occurs.
    3. Atherosclerotic plaque develops.

    The main features of

    In this form of the disease, brachiocephalic arteries undergo pathological changes. Despite the fact that the risk of developing a stroke occurs with stenosing form, it's hardly necessary to delay with a visit to the doctor.

    Key symptoms of the disease include:

    • appearance of specific noises in the head;
    • appearance of specific noises in the ears;
    • darkness before the eyes( often there are characteristic "flies");
    • frequent dizziness;
    • numbness of limbs and weakness in them.

    The strategy of the doctor

    Treatment of atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries aims to prevent the development of a stroke. The strategy of the doctor depends on the narrowing of the arterial lumen. If the patient asked for help on time, the treatment of atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries will include correction of nutrition, lifestyle and taking prescribed medicines. If the lumen is narrowed radically, then the doctor often makes a decision regarding arterial stenosing.


    To dilute the blood, the attending physician prescribes to the patient the intake of aspirin. In order to avoid the appearance of blood clots, you need to use the drug every day.

    To control the pressure, the patient is assigned a reception:

    1. Statinov.
    2. Calcium antagonists.
    3. ACE.

    When surgery is indispensable

    If conservative treatment methods fail to produce the proper result, the doctor prescribes surgery.

    Surgical intervention is relevant in case of patient suffering a stroke or TIA.

    Surgical intervention is carried out in two ways:

    • with carotid endarterectomy;
    • with stenting.

    Dietary recommendations of

    A person who is registered with a doctor is prescribed to adhere to a diet for atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries.

    It is important to remember that the diet does not imply a strict restriction in nutrition. The patient's diet should be adjusted in such a way that a person does not feel disgust at the foods used. Otherwise, the already existing disease will add a bouquet of new ones, the main role in which will play the pathology of the digestive tract.

    Taboo products

    The diet for atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries does not imply the radical exclusion of cholesterol-containing products from the diet. This is because the result of low-cholesterol nutrition is the introduction of new malicious agents into the body.which provoke the development of other pathologies.

    To exclude cholesterol from the menu is also dangerous because, as a result, its blood level will only increase.

    Therefore, the body must be saturated with those components that play a significant role in strengthening the vascular walls, as well as in lipid metabolism.

    "Taboo" products, of course, exist. Thus, it is necessary to exclude from the diet:

    • by-products;
    • fatty broths and soups;
    • confectionery sweets;
    • ice cream;
    • fried potatoes and chips;
    • fatty cheeses;
    • is a fat "milk".

    What should be included in the diet?

    It is extremely important to ensure that the diet for atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries is saturated with vitally important vitamins.

    Special attention should be paid to ascorbic acid. According to doctors and nutritionists, it is "ascorbic" that holds the leading role in activating the cholesterol decay occurring in the liver.

    In this regard, you must include in your menu fresh fruits and vegetables. Very rich in ascorbic acid, black currant and dog rose. Extremely useful are not only fruits, but also freshly squeezed juices.

    The "three whales" of nutrition in atherosclerosis of carotid arteries are manganese, iodine and magnesium. Therefore, the diet should include seafood and cereals.

    For example, the food of a person at risk should consist of:

    1. Sea fish.
    2. Degreased "milk"( in the diet should include yogurt, kefir and milk).
    3. Low-fat meat.
    4. Nuts( especially useful almonds).
    5. Corn and legumes.
    6. Pasta made from wholemeal flour.
    7. of the Tea.
    8. Freshly squeezed juice.

    Alcoholic beverages are not prohibited. Their use should be reduced to a minimum, and preference should be given to non-gassing beverages.but quality wines.


    A great preventive measure is the normalization of weight. A person should walk outdoors daily and exercise. If possible, you should go swimming or horse riding.

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