
Embroidery hardanger: schemes and step-by-step lessons in this technique

  • Embroidery hardanger: schemes and step-by-step lessons in this technique

    Embroidery hardanger: schemes and description of technology

    Hardanger is a kind of countable, openwork embroidery. The name of this direction of creativity has Scandinavian roots. It is named after Hardanger Bay, which is in Norway and is the longest in the world. This technique is very ancient. It is believed that it originated in ancient Persia or Egypt. Exactly until now it is not determined where this direction came from.

    The eight-pointed star, which is often found in such embroidery, is characteristic in general for Indian embroidery. But the name of the embroidery is still Norwegian, because since the 17th century such embroidery has developed in Norway. Women decorated such embroidery with their national costumes, wedding dresses. Since the beginning of the 20th century, such embroidery has spread throughout the world. Hardanger can decorate any interior. With this embroidery, you can decorate pillows on the couch, tablecloths, as well as clothing items and even Christmas trees. Unusual embroidery hardanger, whose schemes have established methods and rules, is an example of a countable surface. That is, the main method of embroidery is the glazed stitches, the groups. These gladier groups form the main pattern.

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    Materials and tools

    The hardanger is always on so-called "uniform" fabric. This is either a special fabric, per 1 cm of interweaving of which, along the share and cross thread, the same number of these threads, or canvas.

    So, to develop a model is not given to every person, it is necessary when embroidering a hardanger technique.

    They can be found on the Internet, or you can buy special literature on this kind of needlework. Hardanger can be combined with other embroidery techniques, such as cross stitch or ribbon embroidery.

    When the technique was just beginning, it was embroidered on white cloth with white threads. Now, in the modern world, there is often a combination of the color of fabric and thread, they can be taken in contrasting shades. So, all the same, hardanger - what is it? As mentioned above, this is a kind of countable embroidery. She will need the following tools and materials:

    • A piece of fabric( canvas or other similar fabric);
    • Threads. It is recommended to take a mulina, or "iris".However, the thickness and shape of the thread depends on the thickness of the fabric itself;
    • Needle. It is better to take a special tapestry needle, which does not split the strands;
    • Scissors with very thin ends that close to the tips;
    • Disappearing marker;
    • Embroidery frame;
    • Adhesive;
    • Scheme

    Basic rules of embroidery

    Embroidering hardanger: the lessons discussed here contain the basic rules for embroidery of gladia groups:

    One of them is that before the beginning of work it is convenient to divide the canvas, that is, using a disappearing marker draw squares on the canvas along the grooves of the fabric, about 2 by 2 cm in size.

    The main groups of smooth stitches always consist of five stitches and have a height of four squares.

    If the stitches of the previous row lie vertically, then the stitches of the next row must be embroidered horizontally. So, the first group of stitches is embroidered with a smoothness in accordance with the sewing scheme.

    Now from the end of the stitches of the previous group, the stitches of the next group begin.

    In order for the wrong side to be neat, it is necessary to go to the desired embroidery place by stretching the thread with the working needle under the glazed stitches.

    When the thread ends, it must be sewn inside out of the embroidery and fastened with the underpants in such a way: the needle is held under 3 stitches of a smooth surface and the thread is pulled out, then in the opposite direction is output through 2 stitches. The fixed ends of the thread can be fixed with glue.

    In addition to glossy groups, the hardagher technique contains many additional ways of embroidery, different cuts. For their creation, the threads of the fabric are cut and the junctions themselves are wound in one of several ways. And the cutting, that is, the holes obtained in this way, have different names, depending on the type of their skin. For example, a vignette, a Maltese cross, a grille, a pico, a cross, etc. Some photos and diagrams to them are presented below.


    Pico, cross and lattice:

    Maltese cross:


    Video compilation to help beginners

    Hardanger - a kind of countable, delicate embroidery. The name of this direction of creativity has Scandinavian roots. It is named after Hardanger Bay, which is in Norway and is the longest in the world. This technique is very ancient. It is believed that it originated in ancient Persia or Egypt. Exactly until now it is not determined where this direction came from.

    The eight-pointed star, which is often found in such embroidery, is typical for Indian embroidery. But the name of the embroidery is still Norwegian, because since the 17th century such embroidery has developed in Norway. Women decorated such embroidery with their national costumes, wedding dresses. Since the beginning of the 20th century, such embroidery has spread throughout the world. Hardanger can decorate any interior. With this embroidery, you can decorate pillows on the couch, tablecloths, as well as clothing items and even Christmas trees. Unusual embroidery hardanger, whose schemes have well-established techniques and rules, is an example of a countable surface. That is, the main method of embroidery is the glazed stitches, the groups. These gladier groups form the main pattern.

    Materials and tools

    The hardanger is always on so-called "uniform" fabric. This is either a special fabric, per 1 cm of interweaving of which, along the share and cross thread, the same number of these threads, or canvas.

    So, to develop a model is not given to every person, it is necessary when embroidering a hardanger technique.

    They can be found on the Internet, or you can buy special literature on this kind of needlework. Hardanger can be combined with other embroidery techniques, such as cross stitch or ribbon embroidery.

    When the technique was just beginning, it was embroidered on white cloth with white threads. Now, in the modern world, there is often a combination of the color of fabric and thread, they can be taken in contrasting shades. So, all the same, hardanger - what is it? As mentioned above, this is a kind of countable embroidery. She will need the following tools and materials:

    • A piece of fabric( canvas or other similar fabric);
    • Threads. It is recommended to take a mulina, or "iris".However, the thickness and shape of the thread depends on the thickness of the fabric itself;
    • Needle. It is better to take a special tapestry needle, which does not split the filaments;
    • Scissors with very thin ends that close to the ends;
    • Disappearing marker;
    • Embroidery frame;
    • Adhesive;
    • Scheme

    Basic rules of embroidery

    Embroidering hardanger: the lessons discussed here contain the basic rules for embroidery of gladia groups:

    One of them is that before the beginning of work it is convenient to divide the canvas, that is, using a vanishing marker draws squares on the canvas along the grooves of the fabric, approximately 2 by 2 cm in size.

    The main groups of smooth stitches always consist of five stitches and have a height of four squares.

    If the stitches of the previous row lie vertically, then the stitches of the next row must be embroidered horizontally. So, the first group of stitches is embroidered with a smoothness in accordance with the sewing scheme.

    Now from the end of the stitches of the previous group, the stitches of the next group begin.

    In order for the wrong side to be neat, it is necessary to go to the desired embroidery place by stretching the thread with a working needle under the glazed stitches.

    When the thread ends, it must be sewn inside out of the embroidery and fasten with the underpants in such a way: the needle is held under 3 stitches of a smooth surface and the thread is pulled, then in the opposite direction is output through 2 stitches. The fixed ends of the thread can be fixed with glue.

    In addition to glossy groups, the Hardagher technique contains many additional ways of embroidering, different cuts. For their creation, the threads of the fabric are cut and the junctions themselves are wound in one of several ways. And the cutting, that is, the holes obtained in this way, have different names, depending on the type of their skin. For example, a vignette, a Maltese cross, a grille, a pico, a cross, etc. Some photos and diagrams to them are presented below.


    Pico, cross and lattice:

    Maltese cross:


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