
How the diet after kidney removal affects the rehabilitation process after surgery

  • How the diet after kidney removal affects the rehabilitation process after surgery

    After the operative intervention to remove the kidney occurs the so-called compensatory hypertrophy for the remaining kidney. This means that its size increases slightly, and the glomerular filtration increases by one and a half times. If the preserved kidney is completely healthy, then it is able to maintain the stability of the composition of the internal environment, and a special diet after kidney removal can improve these processes.

    The kidney remaining in the human body is often forced to function on the edge of its own capabilities, so to prolong its health it is required to avoid excessive physical exertion, to eat only healthy and high-quality food, to take care of one's own health, preventing infection of the body with infections and viruses.

    When a disease is affected, it is better to immediately go to the doctor's office and not take uncontrolled medication. To maintain the health of vital organs, it is necessary to observe the regime of rest and work.

    General rules for the rehabilitation of

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    At first glance, removal is a very terrible word. It should not be considered that it will be a verdict. If a person desires and after removing the kidney, he can return to normal life, but subject to simple rules.

    Immediately after the operation, the patient should remain in a supine position and do not make sudden movements in order to prevent the seams from shifting from the kidney foot. At the end of the first postoperative day, the medical staff helps the patient begin to turn on their side. If after two to three days there are no complications, then the patient starts to sit down, and on the fourth day - already get up.

    In the process of passing the entire early rehabilitation period, the patient requires a slight activation through movements of the hands and feet, breathing exercises and turns from one side to the other.

    Usually, rehabilitation after an operation to remove the kidney takes 1 - 1.5 years. At this time, the remaining kidney has a large load in order to fully compensate for the absence of the paired organ. In connection with adaptation to new conditions, a healthy kidney begins to increase, causing mild stupid pain. But such a sign is not at all dangerous and passes through time itself. Immediately after discharge from the hospital, a person is recommended to give up excessive physical exertion.

    Clinical studies, organized by specialists, prove that the remaining kidney, if properly operated, fully copes with the tasks assigned to it. Sometimes compensation is faster than a year or a year and a half. The first time after surgery is a difficult period, when you should try to avoid infection with infections or food poisoning.

    Moderate exercise will be beneficial. Water procedures are also very useful. If you carefully follow the hygiene rules, maintaining the purity of the skin, then this process will facilitate the excretory function of the kidney. In addition, many toxins and toxins are removed from the body through the skin, so it is good to go to a bath or sauna two or three times a month.

    Also, rehabilitation after nephrectomy is to maintain the health of the preserved kidney. For this purpose it is required:

    • to avoid infectious lesions;
    • timely start treatment of acute or chronic inflammation;
    • prevent subcooling;
    • constantly visit a doctor who will assess the condition of the remaining kidney.

    Nutrition after operation

    In the first or after an operative intervention to remove the kidney the human body is supported with the help of droppers. Three days after nephrectomy, a small amount of food is allowed. The basic rule of nutrition is the use of only fresh dishes and fresh products. It is equally important to store the used products correctly.

    Another rule is compliance with the diet. It is forbidden to eat "dry".In addition, you should select products in such a way that you can minimize the burden on the kidney and liver. Food for the patient should be enriched with trace elements and vitamins and easily absorbed by the body.

    The diet after carrying out of a nephrectomy assumes only consumption of the food with the big maintenance of vitamins. To do this, it is better to include in the diet low-fat varieties of sour cream, eggs, vegetables, honey, but do not abuse these foods.

    It is undesirable to dramatically change food preferences, for example, it is not advisable to suddenly switch from vegetable and milk nutrition to proteinaceous foods and the like. The transition must be carried out gradually, replacing some products with others.

    If possible, avoid consuming salty and very spicy food, various canned foods, since they are especially hard to perceive by the human body.

    It is forbidden to constantly drink mineral water because of the high concentration of salts in them. It is important to take into account the fact that the kidney is not able to process a large number of salts, so the risk of the appearance of stones in it is greatly increased.

    Many patients believe that it will significantly ease the work of the remaining kidney due to the complete failure of salt and the use of a smaller volume of liquids. Experts adhere to the opinion that the need for such extreme measures is lacking, the main thing is to observe the rules of healthy nutrition.

    Recommended and prohibited products

    The diet of a person who has suffered the removal of one kidney should be diverse and include all the minerals and vitamins required by the body, the necessary amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

    Cinnamon, cumin or citric acid can be used to improve the taste of cooked dishes.

    Every day it is recommended to consume 3 to 5 grams of salt, but do not add salt to food. Only after the completion of cooking, salt can be added there.

    Also human nutrition should be fractional, that is, the number of meals can go up to six times a day. Sources of protein intake may be beef, pork, cottage cheese, eggs and soybeans, but they should not be abused due to additional loads on the body. The patient must necessarily eat food enriched with carbohydrates.

    From the diet it is best to exclude the following foods and dishes:

    • fizzy waters;
    • various sweets;
    • broths with a high concentration of extractives;Pickles
    • ;
    • beans;
    • smoked dishes;
    • various snacks;
    • canned food.

    It is important to adhere to the rule that consumed food is not high-calorie, because it remains necessary to maintain optimal body weight. At the same time, the state of health improves significantly, and the patient prevents the development of a large number of problems, the risk of which is always preserved when disregarding prevention measures.

    So, with a careful diet, the course of rehabilitation of the body after nephrectomy is much simpler, and the patient feels much better.

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