
Moisturizing and nourishing face mask at home for dry skin: from wrinkles, exfoliating, oxygen

  • Moisturizing and nourishing face mask at home for dry skin: from wrinkles, exfoliating, oxygen

    Moisturizing and nourishing face mask at home for dry skin: how to do it correctly

    Dry skin requires moisturizing. Every woman knows about this. But everything, on what each second is capable, - simply to put on a skin nutritious or humidifying cream.

    First, this is not enough. Secondly, do not forget that in the cream, besides useful substances, there are also harmful chemicals. Moisturizing and nourishing face mask at home for dry skin is a mandatory procedure for those who want to see their skin healthy and beautiful.

    Recipes for a mask for fading skin


    Rice groats - tablespoon;

    Sour cream - a tablespoon;


    Rice grind into flour, add sour cream and beaten egg.

    Of green peas

    Peas - a handful;

    Sour cream - a tablespoon.

    Peas need to be cooked and kneaded. Then mix with sour cream.

    Peach mask


    Cream - a tablespoon;


    Peach the peach, grate the yolk and add the cream.

    From avocado

    Avocado;Olive oil - a tablespoon.

    instagram viewer

    For a mask you need two tablespoons of avocado puree. Add oil to it.

    Anti-wrinkle masks

    With olive oil

    1. Egg;
    2. Honey - a teaspoon;
    3. Olive oil - a tablespoon.
    4. Egg should be grinded with honey, and then add butter.

    With Banana

    1. Banana;
    2. Lemon;
    3. Vegetable oil - a tablespoon.
    4. Banana needs to be mashed, squeeze juice out of the lemon and use a teaspoon. Mix and add the olive oil.

    With mandarin

    1. Mandarin;
    2. Yolk;
    3. Black bread is a slice;
    4. Milk - for wetting bread;Olive oil - a teaspoon.
    5. Bread soak in milk, add mashed yolk, mandarin juice and butter.

    Exfoliating mask

    Of the oatmeal

    Of the oatmeal, you need to make flour, mix with baking soda and dilute with water. Such a mask not only exfoliates the skin and relieves dead cells, but also conceals skin imperfections.

    From sugar

    You will need sugar powder and a teaspoon of olive or sesame oil. This mask has an exfoliating and rejuvenating effect.

    Mask for very dry skin

    Recipe 1

    In this case, a mask from fat cottage cheese and sour cream is very good.

    Ingredients should be mixed and applied to the face.

    Recipe 2


    Honey - a teaspoon;

    Olive oil - a teaspoon.

    The yolk needs to be used boiled. Grind honey and yolk and add oil.

    Quick action mask of aqua series kislorod

    Currently, oxygen cosmetics are very popular. Especially it concerns face masks. One of the most common is the mask of the aqua kislorod series. The mask is applied to the face, holds for twenty minutes and is washed off with warm water. The effect is noticeable immediately after the first application. This is confirmed not only by manufacturers, but also by those who have experienced its effect on themselves.

    The secret lies in its composition. The mask contains minerals, amino acids, marine collagen, hyaluronic acid, laminaria extract, vitamins A, E and oils.

    Reviews of buyers of oxygen cosmetics


    "Aqua kislorod masks are very like. I have been using them for two years already. Perfectly moisturize the skin. There is no feeling of tightness after bathing or water procedures. The only drawback - too thick mask, uncomfortable to apply and all the time you need to pull! »


    "I put masks of this series a solid grade. I take a year - I did not notice a particular result! "


    " I like the makeup of this series. The skin after it is smooth, tender and velvety. I really do not understand the composition, but I'm convinced of the effect! "


    " I was buying a mask at the end of winter. During this period, the skin becomes more dry, hoping that the remedy will help. But, alas! After her skin was further tightened, the dryness did not pass, in general, no effect. I thought it over and decided - I'll smear her face with sour cream! And the effect will be good! "


    Dry skin requires moisturizing. Every woman knows about this. But everything, on what each second is capable, - simply to put on a skin nutritious or humidifying cream.

    First, this is not enough. Secondly, do not forget that in the cream, besides useful substances, there are also harmful chemicals. Moisturizing and nourishing face mask at home for dry skin is a mandatory procedure for those who want to see their skin healthy and beautiful.

    Recipes for a mask for fading skin


    Rice groats - a tablespoon;

    Sour cream - a tablespoon;


    Rice grind into flour, add sour cream and beaten egg.

    Of green peas

    Peas - a handful;

    Sour cream - a tablespoon.

    Peas need to be cooked and kneaded. Then mix with sour cream.

    Peach mask


    Cream - a tablespoon;


    Peach the mace, grind the yolk and add the cream.

    From avocado

    Avocado;Olive oil - a tablespoon.

    For a mask you need two tablespoons of avocado puree. Add oil to it.

    Anti-wrinkle masks

    With olive oil

    1. Egg;
    2. Honey - a teaspoon;Olive oil - a tablespoon.
    3. Egg should be grinded with honey, and then add oil.

    With Banana

    1. Banana;
    2. Lemon;
    3. Vegetable oil - a tablespoon.
    4. The banana must be kneaded, squeezed juice from the lemon and use a teaspoon. Mix and add the olive oil.

    With mandarin

    1. Mandarin;
    2. Yolk;
    3. Black bread is a slice;
    4. Milk - for wetting bread;
    5. Olive oil - a teaspoon.
    6. Bread soak in milk, add mashed yolk, mandarin juice and butter.

    Exfoliating mask

    Of the oatmeal

    Of the oatmeal, make flour, mix with baking soda and dilute with water. Such a mask not only exfoliates the skin and relieves dead cells, but also conceals skin imperfections.

    From sugar

    You will need sugar powder and a teaspoon of olive or sesame oil. This mask has an exfoliating and rejuvenating effect.

    Mask for very dry skin

    Recipe 1

    In this case, a mask from fat cottage cheese and sour cream is very good.

    Ingredients should be mixed and applied to the face.

    Recipe 2


    Honey - a teaspoon;

    Olive oil - a teaspoon.

    The yolk needs to be used boiled. Grind honey and yolk and add oil.

    Quick action mask of aqua series kislorod

    Currently, oxygen cosmetics is very popular. Especially it concerns face masks. One of the most common is the mask of the aqua kislorod series. The mask is applied to the face, holds for twenty minutes and is washed off with warm water. The effect is noticeable immediately after the first application. This is confirmed not only by manufacturers, but also by those who have experienced its effect on themselves.

    The secret lies in its composition. The mask contains minerals, amino acids, marine collagen, hyaluronic acid, kelp extract, vitamins A, E and oils.

    Reviews of buyers of oxygen cosmetics


    "Aqua kislorod masks are very like. I have been using them for two years already. Perfectly moisturize the skin. There is no feeling of tightness after bathing or water procedures. The only drawback is too thick mask, it's uncomfortable to apply and all the time needs to be compressed! "


    " I put the masks of this series a solid grade. I take a year - I did not notice a particular result! »


    "I like the makeup of this series. The skin after it is smooth, tender and velvety. I really do not understand the composition, but I'm convinced of the effect! "


    " I bought a mask at the end of winter. During this period, the skin becomes more dry, hoping that the remedy will help. But, alas! After her skin was further tightened, the dryness did not pass, in general, no effect. I thought it over and decided - I'll smear her face with sour cream! And the effect will be good! "
