
Kidney pathologies, their treatment and diet for kidney nephropathy

  • Kidney pathologies, their treatment and diet for kidney nephropathy

    Kidneys are a very important organ. They function on the principle of a filter, removing from the blood the products of protein metabolism. In the kidneys there is a large number of small vessels - capillaries, of which the glomeruli of the kidneys are composed with membranes that have small holes. It is these holes that get the products of protein metabolism - urea and creatinine, excreted from the body with urine. Vital red blood cells, proteins through the holes do not penetrate and continue to be in the blood.

    Kidney nephropathy diet is a very important component of health preservation, helping to normalize metabolic processes. Therapeutic diet is an integral component of the treatment, which improves the effect of medications. Any kidney disease disrupts the work of various organs and systems in the body. First of all, this is correlated with changes in the process of accumulation of metabolic products in the blood and disturbance of the water-electrolyte and acid balance.

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    These changes cause the following symptoms:

    • edema formation;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • manifestation of intoxication in the body through its own exchange products.

    Treatment of pathology

    First of all, at the beginning of the treatment of nephropathy, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that triggered the emergence of nephropathy. It is necessary to complete the intake of medications that could contribute to the development of pathology, to eliminate as far as possible the effects on the body of heavy metals, radiation, as well as other industrial or domestic influences.

    Also for the implementation of successful treatment it is necessary to constantly monitor the course of gout. Diabetes mellitus if any.

    It is important to adjust the concentration of fats in the blood and purine metabolism.

    Patients should adhere to a special diet with the content of proteins, fats, vitamins and carbohydrates. It is important to avoid excessive consumption of salt and liquid.

    Diet for nephropathy

    A strict diet for kidney damage is assigned to a patient with chronic kidney failure and glomerulonephritis. With other pathologies of the kidneys, you do not need to seriously limit the diet, it is enough to reduce the consumption of spicy condiments, salt and spices.

    Nutrition in the development of kidney problems requires reducing the number of proteins coming with food. When protein metabolism begins to form nitrogenous slag, which with great difficulty can be excreted by damaged kidneys and therefore gradually accumulate in the blood. At the same time, proteins are the building blocks for cells in the body, so they need to be limited, not completely eliminated. Of protein foods, it is recommended to use low-fat varieties of fish and meat, but to refuse fried foods.

    A strict protein diet for kidney pathologies can be observed no more than one to two weeks, because the person's well-being can greatly deteriorate from the abrupt renunciation of protein foods. With a mild violation of the kidneys, protein restriction is not required, it is enough to organize a fasting day once a week.

    Another important point of nutrition with nephropathy is its caloric value. The products should remain high-calorie and the total caloric intake of consumed food per day should be approximately 3500 kcal. The main emphasis should be made on the consumption of fats and carbohydrates. Reducing the consumption of calories provokes the consumption of their own proteins, in connection with which, the formation of toxic metabolic products begins in the body, so the load on the kidneys increases substantially.

    The food itself should remain fractional and regular, you need to eat 4 to 6 times a day.

    Salt consumption should be limited only at high blood pressure and strong edema formation. In this case, you do not need to salt dishes during cooking, it is better to dosalize them during use.

    Many ready-made products, such as bread and other pastries, contain a lot of salt, so it's better to cook pastries at home. In this regard, it is forbidden to eat sausages, smoked products, marinades, hard cheeses, salted fish, drink mineral water and cocoa.

    It is better to abandon the products enriched with potassium and phosphorus, especially from nuts, dried fruits, cottage cheese, bananas, etc.

    The following products should be preferred: pasta, cereals, boiled, fresh and stewed vegetables, berries, cream and vegetable oil, jelly and compotes, decoction of rose hips, loose coffee and tea.

    Dietary nutrition in renal lesions involves limiting or completely eliminating the following foods: mushrooms, chocolate, chicken and meat broth, onion and garlic, radish, beans, spicy and strongly peppery foods. These products include essential oils, which have an irritating effect on the kidney tissue. When cooking, you must use cinnamon, bay leaf and a little fried onions.

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