  • What are the types of depression?

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    The patient's emotional state changes significantly with a disease such as depression. At present, many people suffer from it.

    Types of depression can be different, depending on their symptoms, severity of external manifestations and treatment features.

    What are the varieties?

    Depressive states are of three main types.

    Endogenous depression

    This type of deviation arises from the fact that a person initially has a genetic predisposition to lower mood and develop depression.

    In this case, even minor problems that arise in the life of any person can lead to a sharp deterioration.

    This variety occurs often in adolescence, and manifests itself in the form of a decline in academic performance and some detachment from other people.

    An interesting feature of the endogenous species is that the number of people suffering from a decrease in the general background of mood due to the characteristics of heredity does not change from generation to generation. That is, their total number remains unchanged.

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    These conditions arise as a result of organic changes in the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system.

    The number of people suffering from this type of disease is constantly growing, as the number of alcoholism, traumatizations associated with TBI, strokes, heart attacks, and other pathological conditions increases.


    Modern civilization has spawned many diseases or increased their prevalence.

    Psychogenic depression, which develops against the backdrop of the constant stresses and emotional loads that any modern person is exposed to, is no exception.

    The degree of depression can be:

    • light , from the side it looks like a sad state that drags on for a long time;
    • moderate ( problems begin with the implementation of everyday affairs, reduced concentration of attention);
    • severe ( symptoms with such a variety are pronounced, complete closure of the patient in itself, often accompanied by psychosis, delirium or even hallucinations).

    Depression can occur depending on the cause that underlies this condition. And the signs of this deviation can also differ from each other.

    Young mothers

    Every tenth woman has postpartum depression, which develops in the second week after the baby's birth.

    At this point, the body is going through a restructuring and crisis, problems are piled up, lack of sleep, anxiety.

    If a woman has a tendency to reduce mood before pregnancy or during gestation, the risk of developing postpartum depression increases many times.

    The main symptoms of this kind of condition are:

    • lability of emotional manifestations;
    • a constant feeling of fatigue;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • high suspiciousness and anxiety;
    • feeling of helplessness and uselessness;
    • lack of interest in solving everyday tasks and for your child.

    In some cases, it passes by itself, but sometimes a woman needs the help of a qualified specialist.

    Bipolar disorder

    There is a bipolar disorder like manic depression. A person at the same time is in a happy and excited state, and then feels a pronounced depression and depression. These phases alternate with each other, sometimes there come periods of "enlightenment".

    Scientists have noticed that this pathology is often noted in one family from close relatives, which allows us to speak about the hereditary nature of the disease.

    Symptoms in the manic phase:

    • increased cheerfulness;
    • reduced demand for sleep and food;
    • vigor;
    • propensity to compile unrealistic plans and tasks;
    • impulsivity.

    In the depressive phase it is noted:

    • full detachment;
    • lack of interest in the problems of others;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • impossibility to solve the simplest problems;
    • suicidal attempts.

    In those periods that occur between attacks, the patient behaves quite adequately and does not remember himself very much in extreme manifestations of this or that condition.

    Acute depression

    Acute or clinical depression manifests itself as a constant manifestation of depressed mood, especially in the mornings. In addition, such a patient can:

    • decrease in vital energy;
    • inhibition or excitement;
    • lack of interest;
    • suicidal thoughts and attempts;
    • weight loss or excess.

    Women, due to the fact that they are forced to constantly assume responsibility for many aspects of life, are more likely to suffer from this form of the disease. This especially applies to single mothers.

    In adolescents

    This type of depressive disorder associated with a certain age and hormonal changes in the body has special manifestations:

    1. Deterioration of attention, inability to focus on certain topics for a long time. Thoughts constantly skip, the child learns badly. All attempts to do homework become useless, which has a very negative impact on self-esteem.
    2. The teenager constantly "hovers in the clouds".Immersion in the world of dreams becomes more pronounced.
    3. Decreased academic performance. The combination of inability to focus and the tendency to permanent dreams leads to the fact that the child begins to get bad marks. Since this does not happen dramatically, few people can think that such a condition is associated with depression.
    4. The manifestation of melancholy. Normally, this sensation can last from a few hours to several days. But this state should not be permanent in the normal state of affairs. If this happens on a regular basis, or is delayed for an indefinite period, then you should think about the rejection. The teenager becomes prone to seclusion, and increasingly manifests reluctance to communicate with others and loved ones. He lost interest in what used to be fun.
    5. A secondary manifestation of depression in a teenager may be somatization. At the same time, he often has retrosternal or headaches.
    6. Complete care in yourself. The child is completely fenced off from other children, attempts to establish contact he breaks off with the help of rudeness or open aggression. As a result, the loneliness that has occurred even more quickly leads to a worsening of the state. The danger is that it ends with drinking or drug addiction.

    Other forms of

    There are other forms:

    1. Neurotic. It manifests itself in the form of insomnia, loss of appetite, bad mood combined with emotional lability. The person's negativism is manifested only within a certain psychotraumatic situation, and he tries to make changes to it.
    2. Chronic. The second name for this condition is dysthymia. This is a fairly mild form of depression, which can be exacerbated by a recurring severe situation for a person or a chronic illness. Can last a long time.
    3. Alcohol. At first, the depressive state of the alcoholic occurs only after drinking. Gradually it is aggravated, and prolonged depression develops, with the inhibition of mental and mental work, personal degradation develops. Treatment of such depression is very difficult, since there is no motivation for recovery.
    4. Masked. It continues for a long time, while surrounding people, it is not noticed. A person with this kind of ailment has weakness and impotence, but there is no feeling of depression, and he explains for himself some fatigue and a decrease in mood by the presence of this or that disease. However, discomfort and unpleasant sensations are noted constantly in different organs and systems of the body. The second name of the disease is a hidden depression.
    5. Tightening. Develops against a background of a chronic stressful situation or a physical illness. This state lasts for a long time, gradually leading to a complete loss of the meaning of life and the absence of any kind of interests.
    6. Seasonal. Develops at the same time of the year. More often it happens in the spring and autumn.
    7. Medication. Develops extremely rarely, and passes after the withdrawal of drugs, which were the cause. Most often, this phenomenon is noted when using drugs to treat arterial hypertension.
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