  • Allergy remedies are the best methods

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    Allergy is a disease that causes not only inconvenience, but a significantly more complicated life. A person during an exacerbation of an allergy is not able to react adequately to surrounding events. It simply falls out of family, professional and social life.

    Allergy treatment is an extremely complex process. It is impossible to predict the result with a high probability. But the means for this ailment, prescribed by a doctor, must be taken. The launched disease has less chance of recovery than the one whose treatment was started in a timely manner.

    Complex of measures against allergy

    The main methods of treatment of allergy are elimination therapy, specific immunotherapy and pharmacotherapy. Elimination therapy means the creation of conditions that prevent disease, at home and in the workplace. That is, the exclusion of allergens from the access circle.

    Prevention is the best remedy for allergy .Pharmacotherapy is aimed at getting rid of the external manifestations of the disease. Specific immunotherapy aims to increase the defenses of the body, the ability to combat the attack of allergens. It should be more detailed on different drugs.

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    Allergy remedies

    Allergy drugs are conventionally divided into three generations. Antihistamines of the first generation have been known for a long time, tested in practice. These include diphenhydramine, diazolin and Tavegil. Their action is aggravated by side effects, among which the most unpleasant is drowsiness, slowing down the reaction. People who were forced to use these medicines before, experienced serious limitations in life. Second-generation drugs include zirtek and claritin.

    The third group is the means of a new generation, for example, telfast, erius. They practically do not have unpleasant side effects. Therefore, they can be used in therapy by people who, by profession, require concentration or attention-pilots, drivers, operators of complex installations. Although it should be noted that the degree of drowsiness caused by the drug depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.

    There are people who experience it when using second-generation drugs, and some perfectly tolerate diazolin without consequences. Antihistamines are usually used as a remedy for bloom allergy, or for dust, chemicals, and most other allergens:

    • Kromones are used as preventive anti-inflammatory drugs - nedocromil, cromoglycate. To get the effect of their use, you should endure a long course of treatment.
    • Corticosteroid hormones( elokom, advantan), or combined preparations containing them( triderm), are usually prescribed in situations where antihistamines and kromones are ineffective. Then, with severe symptoms, corticosteroids are administered by the course according to the prescribed scheme. Usually they are included in the composition of ointments used locally as a remedy for reaction to the sun, or other irritations on the skin.
    • For specific manifestations of allergy - rhinitis, conjunctivitis, - drugs are used in drops. They relieve symptoms - puffiness, itching, copious fluid separation. Eye drops from allergies( ketotifen, azelastine, patanol), for example, also as nasal, are aimed at stopping the local manifestation of the reaction.

    Unfortunately, the result of the use of drugs is only to reduce symptoms, but do not eliminate the disease itself. Therefore, quite often people place their hopes on folk remedies for allergies, also with varying success.


    Allergen-specific immunotherapy has an effect on the immunological nature of inflammation from exposure to an allergen. Its role is to eliminate the cause, not suppress it. The course of immunotherapy leads to a prolonged remission of the disease, narrows the spectrum of the reaction to which sensitivity is formed. After it, the need for antihistamines is reduced.

    Immunotherapy is the introduction of increasing doses of allergovaccine. Despite the excellent effect, allergovaccination is prescribed cautiously, according to individual indications, due to frequent side reactions.

    Allergy remedies for special cases of

    There are situations when it is necessary to prescribe medications with care. So, the problem is to choose a remedy for allergies for nursing mothers. This requires extreme caution.

    Pretty new drug - enterosorbent Polysorb MP is able to remove most allergens that get into the blood. It will help get rid of substances that provoke skin rashes - toxins and toxins. It is safe, so it can be prescribed to pregnant women and even infants. By the way, the remedy for allergies for children depends on age. Antihistamines of the second( zirtek) and third generation

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