  • Oropharyngeal gonorrhea - what is it?

    Oropharyngeal gonorrhea is a type of gonococcal infection that affects the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat. Infection occurs during orogenital contact with patients with gonorrhea.

    To detect this disease is difficult, because oropharyngeal gonorrhea resembles purulent angina in its features. The disease begins acutely, the temperature rises, there is pain during swallowing, a touch on the tonsils.

    Careful collection of anamnesis of the patient's life will help in clarifying the issue of identifying the cause of the disease. It is important to know that the causative agent of gonorrhea has a more extensive and aggressive manifestation than the causative agent of normal angina. Therefore, the clinical picture of oropharyngeal gonorrhea can begin to manifest itself in the first hours of infection.

    The disease is resistant and spreads very quickly, because the mucosa of the mouth and throat is more vulnerable and prone to infection than the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

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    Oropharyngeal gonorrhea, moreover, very quickly passes into a chronic form, so this form of gonorrhea infection is very dangerous, as it is located in close proximity to the brain.

    This form of the disease is more common in women than in men. It appears in the form of a small hoarseness of the throat, an increase in regional lymph nodes, signs characteristic of purulent sore throat. In this case, the deterioration of the general state of the organism, associated with intoxication, can be noted.

    Symptomatic pattern in the oral cavity is characterized by characteristic specific features. Gray, fetid raids are observed. The mucous membrane of the gums, lips, lower surface of the tongue is affected. Some experts say that the disease can be transmitted with a kiss.

    Treatment of oropharyngeal gonorrhea

    Therapy must necessarily be comprehensive. Treatment of the disease consists in the application of methods aimed at destroying the gonococcal and strengthening the defenses of the body.

    In the treatment of oropharyngeal gonorrhea,

    • antibiotics of the penicillin and cephalosporin groups( penicillin, ceftriaxone, bicillin) are used;
    • sulfonamides( biseptol);
    • gonovaccine;
    • biostimulants( aloe, FBS);
    • autohemotherapy;
    • detoxification therapy;
    • hepatoprotectors( Essentiale);
    • angioprotectors( quarantil, trental);
    • vitamins;
    • antiallergic and antihistamines( suprastin, tavegil);
    • local antiseptics( Lugol, chamomile broth).

    Especially attentive to the treatment should be pregnant women, because they are responsible not only for their health, but also for the health and life of the unborn child! Be sure to register with a women's consultation as soon as possible, regularly visit the obstetrician-gynecologist regularly and conscientiously for routine examinations and take the necessary tests.

    In case of detection of gonorrheal infection in pregnant women, strict admission to a special department of the maternity hospital is necessary. Treatment in such cases is strictly controlled by a doctor and continuous monitoring of the condition of the pregnant and fetus.

    Prevention of gonorrheal infection

    Measures aimed at preventing the onset and spread of the disease are primarily the observance of personal safety measures. It is necessary to conduct an orderly sex life, not to allow casual sexual relations, to use barrier methods of contraception( condom).

    Sanitary and educational activities, lectures on healthy lifestyles and prevention of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, in particular, oropharyngeal gonorrhea, and awareness of the population about their danger to humans, should be present from medical institutions, educational organizations and workers' enterprises.

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