  • General recommendations

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    Indeed, with the help of various methods and means it is possible to prevent the weakening of vision and the appearance of eye diseases. Bioenergetic medicine comes to the rescue again, experts believe that the weakening of eyesight, like eye diseases, is the result of body contamination with toxins and poisoning by toxins that cause a decrease in the energy potential of the whole organism and its individual organs, in particular the organ of vision. In addition, we can not fail to mention the main energy channel passing along the spine, which is often blocked by energy plugs or blocks, and the spine by salt deposits. The movement of energy in these cases is inhibited, which, naturally, has a bad effect on vision. Specialists of bioenergetic medicine are also aware that toxins and slags appearing in the body for a number of reasons are deposited in the form of salts in the joints, spine, kidneys,

    of the liver, in the vessels, including in the eye vessels, causing aging changes, diseases(cataract, etc.).Therefore, the main condition for healing is the internal cleansing of slags, poisons, fecal stones of the large intestine, as well as cleansing the liver, spine, kidneys, joints, blood, lymph, etc. Cleansing all organs, including skin and eyes( along with moral cleansing), must be constant and conducted according to a certain system. Only after cleansing the body can begin to actively affect the eyes of a certain set of procedures that can restore the balance of energy of the eyes. Schematically, it looks like this: 1) cleansing of toxins and body wastes as a whole and individual organs( they always begin with the washing of the large intestine);2) cleansing of the eyes: regularly wash daily with a solution of boric acid( 1 part for 25 parts of distilled or melted water), hot-cold lotions of spilled tea, water or infusions of chamomile, mint, sage, seaweed, eg sea kale, 3)"make-up" is the restoration to the norm of the frequency of the energy oscillations of the human field as a whole and the vital energy of the organ of vision in particular. In this case, an important role is played by electric and sunlight. Eyes that receive excess light become strong and young.

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    With light hunger, vision falls. The eye functions only by light. When working at a table, there is not much lighting with a table lamp: the whole room should be illuminated too. When only the working surface of the table is illuminated, the pupil does not have time to react when viewed from darkness to light.

    Try to be in the sun without sunglasses. The sun's rays have a great therapeutic and prophylactic value for the diseased eyes, contributing to increased vision. In people who spend most of the time without sunlight, indoors, vision weakens. Some people have increased sensitivity to sunlight, suffer from eye disease, or work long hours in difficult conditions with very bright light, with flashes, or when light is directed directly into the eyes. They have to wear dark glasses. It is recommended to buy glasses, the glasses of which can absorb 60-70-75% of the sun's rays. Never wear such glasses in the night light, when driving at night.

    To energize the eyes, self-massage is used to lightly beat the peri-ocular area and eyelids by simultaneous strokes of moderate strength with the nails of a relaxed hand( but not the ends of the fingers - this is quite another movement).Use the nails of the second, third and fourth fingers of both hands. This is a reflex nail massage. The procedure can be performed 1-3 times a day for 2-5 minutes.

    Hypertension is often combined with the weakness of the skin of the eyelids, the circumoral muscle( "hernia" of the lower and upper eyelids), with dizziness and stiffness of the muscles in the shoulders, a headache.

    Exercise 1: massage all the fingers, especially the index fingers, before relaxation - 1 minute for each finger.

    Exercise 2: massage all the toes before relaxing for 1 minute, the emphasis is on the fourth toes. Repeat the exercises 2 times for each finger.

    Exercise 3: is strongly pressed with the index finger pad on the active "rocky" point located near the middle of the vitality line on the palm of the palm that surrounds the tenor( the muscular base of the thumb).The duration of the procedure is 50 seconds on each palm three times.

    Exercise 4: breathing exercises( enhancing blood flow to the eyes): open the window or go to fresh air. Breathe in and out a few times. Breathe in air and hold your breath;not exhaling, bend at the waist, bend your knees, lower your head so that it is below the level of the heart. Now the blood enriched with oxygen is directed to the head and eyes. Oxygen is capable of oxidizing slags and poisons in the eyes. Stand in this position, counting to five.

    First you may get dizzy. Therefore, start without tension. After some practice, dizziness goes away. After a week, you can hold your breath for 10 seconds. This exercise is very important for clearing eyes of slags and poisons, as well as their "feeding" with energy. Eyes are cleared due to the fact that the circulation of blood through the tissues of the eye increases. Shine and clarity of eyes appear. It is recommended to perform 10 such breathing exercises daily.

    To prevent visual impairment, contrast hot-cold compresses in combination with applying a cream with vitamin A are also used: take two terry towels, one is lowered into hot water, into which add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, the maximum temperature of water is a pleasant sensation or the ability to tolerate this temperature;Another towel is lowered into ice water, the temperature limit is an opportunity to endure such water. In cold water, apple cider vinegar is also added. Apply a hot compress to your eyes, pressing it for 2 minutes, then - a towel soaked in ice water for no more than 1 minute. After that, a moist cream with vitamin A is applied to the wet skin. The skin does not need to be wiped, let it dry.

    Acupuncture is widely used;cryomassage( liquid nitrogen, snow, food ice) around the eyes, upper and lower eyelids;darsonvalization of the areas around the eyes, upper and lower eyelids;paraffin mask application with gaskets;therapeutic vibration-plastic massage;vegetable masks( vegetable, fruit, herbs, naphthalan, etc.);treatment of the near-ocular regions with the brushes of the cosmetic apparatus "Frimator";correction of the biopole of the psychic, cosmos;Correction by micro doses of electric current;energy gymnastics for the eyes.

    For systematic eye hygiene and eye improvement, you should wash your face in the morning only with cold water, and also wipe the face and the peri-ocular area with a piece of ice. After this, apply a little softening cream on the damp skin with pressing movements.

    If you feel the general fatigue of the eyes, lie down for 10-15 minutes, slightly raising your legs and putting on the whole face a cold compress, a terry towel or cotton cloth moistened with chamomile and dill infusions( 1 tablespoon of a mixture of these herbs is brewed with 1 glass of boiling water, insist).At home, it is useful to make cosmetic masks from the crushed parsley, which is applied to the skin, lightly lubricated with softening cream.

    For edemas around the eyes, it is advisable to use a parsley cream: the leaves and stalks of parsley( 20 g) are ground and ground with 20 grams of margarine or butter. The cream is applied to damp skin after washing with cold water and rubbing with a piece of ice.

    It is recommended to apply a mask of grated raw potatoes to the face and around the eyes. Apply directly to the skin of the eyelids. A mask of a mixture of wheat flour( 1 teaspoon), grated potatoes( 1 tablespoon and milk( 1 tablespoon)

    Make also lotions from spiked brewed tea: the tea leaves are collected in 2 linen or gauze pouches and applied to the peri-ocular area by 10-15 minutes. The softening cream is applied around the eyes necessarily both in the morning and in the evening, but always by pressing movements in a humid way in a very small amount: in the morning - on moist after washing and rubbing with ice, face skin, especially around the eyes, and in the evening - on the sameuchbut with a moist tampon

    Cream for sore eyelids: 25 g of any fat cream or butter mixed with 10 ml of water chamomile or lime-colored infusions and about 1 ml of castor oil, thoroughly rubbed. Wear in the morning on damp skin, and in the evening - lightlydriving in a wet swab soaked in watery chamomile and lime blossom

    The long-lasting reddening of the eyelids and slight flaking indicate eyelid disease, followed by eyelid loss, exhaustion and palliation. Therefore, consult a doctor. Wear dark glasses make eye baths from infusion of chamomile, tea or boric acid( 1/2 teaspoon per 1/2 cup water).It is useful to apply and lotions on the eyes of these infusions for 15-20 minutes daily.

    With reddened eyelids and loss of eyelashes, a restorative regimen is necessary - taking vitamins, especially vitamin A( 10-15 drops 3 times a day) or fish oil( but the first condition is cleansing of the intestine).

    In the evening, lubricate the edges of the eyelids with a 1% alcohol solution of brilliant green alcohol in half with castor oil( moisten this mixture with a cotton wick wrapped around a match) or hydrocortisone ointment.

    Cosmetic mask from leaves and stems of parsley with sour cream: 1 teaspoon of parsley mush is mixed with 2 teaspoons of sour cream, put on the face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cold water, then apply the cream.

    In the morning and evening, a softening vitaminized cream is applied to the skin of the eyelids - always a little, always in a damp way and with only pressing movements. A cosmetic mask is always applied around the eyes, that is, on the entire face.

    Eyelashes and eyebrows comb daily with a special brush, lightly moistened with castor oil or olive oil. If in the mornings you marked in the corners of the eyes or on the edges of the eyelids scales or serous-purulent discharge, rinse the eyes with a clean cotton swab soaked in warm infusion of tea or chamomile( 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of hot water).

    With the fading skin of the eyelids, signaling about the beginning of aging, special care is necessary: ​​washing only with cold water with preliminary application for 10 minutes before washing the mask from sour cream, mayonnaise or fat cream, wiping in the morning with ice and. Applying to the moist skin the age of fatty cream.

    To remove make-up from the skin of the eyelids should be a moist swab.

    Flower cream. Very useful home made cream of petals, flowers and flower pollen. Prepare it easily: 25 grams of margarine or butter is carefully ground with one yolk and with petals, pestles, stamens of flowers( rose, white lily, jasmine, lily of the valley, violet, etc.) and with one leaf of plantain. Tear flowers with caution, trying not to shake off the pollen. Store the cream in the refrigerator for no more than 1 week.

    Nut cream. 25 grams of margarine or butter

    is ground with 1-2 kernels of walnuts and add 1 teaspoon of lemon( cranberry, pomegranate, cowberry) juice.