  • Metabolic disorders: symptoms, causes and treatment

    Metabolism is the main mechanism of vital activity of the body.

    Its violation leads to large disorders of the functionality of the organs, and the causes are both heredity and various diseases.

    Any organism exists due to the exchange of energy, the exchange between the chemical components of the body and the environment.

    It is possible to divide such a process into two types:

    • assimilation, i.e.synthesis of new components and their assimilation;
    • dissimilation, i.e.decay and decomposition of nutrients.
    In the process involved proteins, fats, carbohydrates, they all perform a certain function. Proteins are a building material, and carbohydrates and fats regulate the balance of energy.

    All enzymes interact, improving the cellular composition, and they are helped by vitamins and minerals. The metabolism takes place at the molecular, cellular level or at the level of the whole organism. If the metabolic work and chemical processes are harmonious, the cells are supplied with useful components and the body is healthy.
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    If the metabolism deteriorates, then the immune, nervous, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems fail. Disturbances in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, organic acids or lysosomal abnormalities present metabolic disorders.

    Causes of metabolic disorders

    Often, metabolic disorders are associated with a hereditary factor, but can be the result of organic diseases.

    Causes of metabolic disorders:

    • thyroid problems( see symptoms of thyroid disease);
    • pituitary gland( see pituitary adenoma);
    • adrenal gland failure;
    • insufficient functioning of the gonads;
    • lack of oxygen;
    • stress;
    • general starvation.
    Improper diet is the main cause of metabolic disorders. Fasting or overeating, inadequate nutrition leads to an imbalance between consumed and expended energy, the nervous system stops controlling and regulating metabolism.

    The tone of the brain areas, mainly the hypothalamus, varies significantly. It is the hypothalamus that regulates the processes of accumulation of fat and structure in the body, the production of energy.

    As a rule, a violation in metabolism is associated with the fat component, and fats are not sufficiently processed in the liver. In the blood, the amount of cholesterol and lipoproteins increases( see the causes of increased cholesterol), which leads to vascular damage. As a result, a myocardial infarction or stroke may occur.

    Because of a violation of fat metabolism, there are problems with the immune system, and the body is generally weakened. To normalize the process of metabolism, you should limit the consumption of fats, mainly to consume polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, which are part of olive, rapeseed and linseed oil.

    The use of a significant amount of saturated solid fats and oils of the omega-6 group( sunflower oil) disrupts the activation of the desaturase enzyme and produces harmful hormones as well as prostaglandins. This leads subsequently to atherosclerosis, cancer, blood circulation disorders, allergies, diabetes mellitus and hypertension.

    The lifestyle plays a big role in metabolism - nutrition, diet, emotional state and sleep, propensity to stress, physical activity.

    Symptoms of metabolic disorders

    Metabolic disorders in women and men are usually manifested by the following symptoms, which should alert you. Externally, the state of the skin and the complexion, the structure of the nails and hair, the excess weight appears or the sudden weight loss is observed.

    Symptoms of metabolic disorders:

    • worsening of the skin of the hands and face;
    • unhealthy skin color;
    • destruction of tooth enamel;
    • disorder of the structure of hair and nails;
    • shortness of breath, sweating;
    • swelling;
    • change in body weight;
    • stool disorder.
    It is not recommended to solve problems related to metabolism independently. A doctor's consultation and complete body diagnostics will help to establish the true cause of the metabolic disorder. Since metabolic disorders can cause many diseases, it is better to initiate treatment and prevention in the initial stage.

    Women want to be slim and sit often on diets. Long-term starvation and insufficiently balanced diet can cause metabolic disorders.

    Diseases associated with a metabolic disorder

    A metabolic disorder makes vascular obstruction difficult because cholesterol and lipoproteins accumulate in them. As a result, there are vegetative-vascular diseases, and the work of the heart is disrupted.

    Slags accumulate, i.e.free radicals that can provoke cancer. Intoxication of the body due to metabolic disorders adversely affects the functioning of the liver, kidneys and intestines.

    Untimely evacuation of the intestine can lead to chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory processes of the intestine and bile ducts. The consequence of metabolic disorders is often obesity, gout, damage to bones and muscles.

    Diseases associated with metabolic disorders - phenylketonuria( delayed mental development), albinism( insufficient melanin formation), alkaponuria, hypercholesterolemia( excess cholesterol).

    Treatment of metabolic disorders

    For the treatment of metabolic disorders, physicians primarily focus on normalizing nutrition, activating and increasing physical activity.

    To stabilize the patient's condition, oxygen is required, as it activates the processes of metabolism in tissues. To improve salt and water metabolism, it is recommended to consume vitamins and minerals.

    This is especially important for the elderly, as the cells grow old and lose the ability to absorb nutrients. Periodic purification of the body helps to adjust the work of internal organs. Possible unloading days with a fruit or protein diet.

    Obligatory maintenance in the diet of foods rich in fiber, animal fats and protein foods. Recommend to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, sea fish, veal, cod liver, egg yolk and sour-milk products.

    Proper nutrition, calculated in calories, is the best solution to prevent obesity and metabolic disorders. Recovery from diseases associated with the metabolism includes not only the selection of diet and proper nutrition, but also based on hormone therapy.

    Diagnosis allows you to determine the cause of metabolic disorders, and treatment is aimed at eliminating this cause, i.e.organic disease.

    Consequences of

    If you do not pay attention to the treatment of metabolic disorders, then there are serious diseases. Violation of insulin production and diabetes can develop.

    As a result of the accumulation of cholesterol, the vessels become fragile, and the risk of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, heart attack, stroke increases. Obesity, as a result of metabolic disorders, leads to infertility in women and decreased potency in men, diseases of the nervous system, internal secretion and digestive system. The structure of the nails changes, hair falls out, the skin quickly fades.

    Metabolism is an important mechanism of the functioning of the body, so its normalization improves the overall and psycho-emotional state of the body.

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