
Chickenpox in children: photos, symptoms and treatment, prevention

  • Chickenpox in children: photos, symptoms and treatment, prevention

    Varicella or chicken pox is a highly infectious pathology caused by a virus from the Herpes family.

    Transferred by a drip;its manifestations are a febrile state with a certain severity of intoxication and the appearance on the skin of a specific blistering rash.

    Chickenpox affects mainly children, but can cause disease in adults. In the risk group are those who have weakened immunity( including pregnant women).

    As a result of the disease, life-long immunity is usually formed, but in some cases the virus can be re-infected. Also, chicken pox can recur in the form of shingles. How does chickenpox in children, symptoms and treatment, as well as measures for the prevention of this infectious disease you learn by reading this article.

    Causative agent or as transmitted by chickenpox?

    A chickenpox virus( also known as a shingles virus) is called Varicella-zoster virus. It belongs to the family of herpesviruses, and specifically to that of its subfamily, which includes simple herpes of types 1 and 2( two other subfamilies include viruses that cause infectious mononucleosis, and some others).
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    Relatively non-severe varicella during those children who attend kindergartens, has formed a calm attitude towards it. However, to further study the infection, it turned out that when the Varicella-Zoster enters the body, not only the skin and nerve endings are affected, but also the lungs, the brain, the digestive tract and the genitourinary system;the virus has an effect on the development of the fetus.

    In addition, it became known that the virus can be activated in cancer, blood diseases, HIV infection, radiation sickness. The virus only circulates in the human community;animals are resistant to it. The virus is very contagious, the person is 100% susceptible to it. The microbe is extremely volatile and with air overcomes distances of up to 20 meters, overcoming ventilation systems, elevator shafts and staircases.

    The virus is transmitted:

    1. 1) By drip, that is, by talking, sneezing, coughing, kissing;
    2. 2) Contact - if the patient's saliva or the contents of the bubbles get into the unaffected skin;
    3. 3) From a pregnant mother to a fetus, if a woman in this period is ill or chickenpox, or herpes zoster.
    Children are mostly ill, up to 90% of the sick - kids 4-6 years old. Children from mothers who have recovered in childhood up to 6 months can not get chickenpox because of antibodies transmitted through the placenta.

    A person is considered infectious for about 2 weeks. It becomes such a day before the appearance of the first catarrhal symptoms of chickenpox and the entire period until the bubbles of the rashes turn into crusts. Infectiousness ends after 5 days after the appearance of the last rash.

    After the disease, immunity persists for life in 97% of the population, the remaining three percent can be re-treated. In terms of transmission of the virus, not only people who suffer from chickenpox are dangerous, but also those who have manifestations of shingles.

    The disease is characterized by spring-autumn seasonality( this is due to the weakening of immunity during these periods).There are epidemics of chickenpox( that is, a large number of people begin to get sick).They manifest themselves in the form of small cycles( the general incidence is observed with a small periodicity - several years) and large cycles, when the chickenpox in the given region has already been forgotten, and suddenly a large percentage of the population begins to suffer from it.

    Symptoms of chickenpox in children

    Chickenpox in children and its characteristic symptoms develop in stages( see photo).

    1) The varicella-zoster virus, getting to a person, penetrates into the cells that form the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and pharynx. There it multiplies and accumulates. This is the incubation period of chickenpox, and it lasts 5-21 days( 7-14 days on average).

    2) Accumulated in sufficient volume, the virus overcomes local protective barriers and penetrates into the blood - this is the initial stage( photo below).Then the first signs of chickenpox start in children. Some people, as a result of a reaction to such a violation of local protection, develop a reaction - the prodromal period.

    It lasts usually about a day, on the first day is characterized by:

    • temperature response( usually up to small digits);
    • appearance of reddish spots on some part of the body, which then disappear within a few hours. If you show such a rash infektsionistu, you may be mistakenly diagnosed with "scarlet fever";
    • appear weakness, nausea, extinction of appetite, there may be a headache.
    3) Further the virus penetrates into skin cells, which causes their local edema and the general reaction of the body. The period of rashes begins. Its duration is different for all. For this period are typical:

    On the first day the temperature rises. The higher its numbers, the chickenpox predicts a more intense appearance of a new rash and a more severe course. Lasts such a temperature reaction from 2-7 days to two weeks or more.

    The number of skin cells infected with the virus increases, cells of immunity tend to them, which causes the blood supply of certain areas to increase. So on the skin there are spots. Peeling of the epidermis is characterized by the formation of bubbles with transparent contents that can be absorbed( then the contents will turn white or yellow) or dry( as crusts appear).

    The process of rash with chicken pox is cyclical in character: spot-bubble-crust( see photo).It is accompanied by the appearance of a rash with severe itching. The spread of the rash also has characteristic features: at first it appears on the trunk, then - the arms and legs, then - on the face and under the hair.

    In severe cases, the rash can be seen on the palms and feet. The mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, and genitals may be affected. From the 3rd-4th day on every single area of ​​the skin you can see all the stages of the "evolution" of the elements of the rash.

    Each new wave of rashes with chicken pox causes a new temperature rise. This period is also characterized by an increase in local lymph nodes and symptoms of intoxication:

    • aches in the body;
    • weakness;
    • listlessness;
    • headache;
    • fatigue;
    • drowsiness;
    • lack of appetite;
    • nausea;
    • increased heart rate and, to some extent, breathing.
    4) The next period is usually recovery: the temperature in children is normalized, intoxication disappears. The crusts fall off, after them remain a dark brown pigmentation, which then also disappear. Scars remain only in places of damage to deep layers of the skin or intense scratching, or if they get a bacterial infection.

    Read also, symptoms with a photo of rubella.

    Chickenpox photo: the initial stage in children

    In time to detect and understand the first signs of chickenpox in children, it is important to know how a characteristic rash manifests when the disease is in the initial stage. Therefore, as each chickenpox looks, every parent should know in order to take the necessary measures in time.

    After the expiration of the incubation period - the child's fever rises on the first day, after a rash appears, which is a signal that the initial stage has developed( see photo).

    Features of chickenpox in children and adults

    The above symptoms of chickenpox are typical for children under 14 years, less often - adults, provided normal immunity.

    Children under the age of one born from a mother who has been ill before they are pregnant usually get sick easily, the disease is characterized by an increase in temperature to low digits, and a short( about 4-5 days) rash period. Intoxication syndrome is absent or not expressed.

    If a child falls ill before the year whose mother did not suffer from the pathology caused by the virus, the disease occurs with a high( 38.5-39.0 ° C) temperature, a large number and intensity of rashes. The child becomes sluggish, refuses to eat, sleeps a large amount of time. The varicose veins( vesicles) quickly become pustules( pustules), because of which the course of the disease is even more heavier.

    If such a child has reduced immunity, then it is possible to develop a bullous form of pathology. This is a severe form, which is characterized by the appearance on the skin of not only the "usual" windmill rash, but also large flaccid bubbles with purulent( white or yellow) contents. This is accompanied by severe intoxication and may be complicated by sepsis. This form is treated only in a hospital.

    Children suffering from various blood disorders( mainly leukemia), oncological diseases, HIV-infected or suffering from congenital pathologies of immunity will experience a more severe course of the disease. This means that there will be more elements of the rash, intoxication and a temperature reaction will be more pronounced.

    In this case, the hemorrhagic form of chickenpox can develop:

    • the contents of the blisters are bloody;
    • has a hemorrhagic rash on the body;
    • may experience internal bleeding.
    There may also develop a gangrenous-necrotic form of chickenpox: blisters with purulent and bloody contents. At the same time, intoxication is expressed and a rapid transition of this form into a septic process is possible.

    There is also a visceral form in these children when the internal organs are affected: lungs, kidneys, adrenal glands, liver, spleen, heart, pancreas, GIT.High body temperature and a profuse rash for this complication are also characteristic.

    If the pregnant woman has had chickenpox in the first trimester, the child can be born with a windmill syndrome, which consists of:

    • underdeveloped limbs;
    • too small growth;
    • rudimentary fingers;
    • malformations of the eye;
    • a large number of scars on the skin;
    • lag in physical and mental development.
    If a woman falls ill in the second-third trimester, the child suffers chickenpox in utero. At any age, herpes zoster can develop as a relapse of this disease.

    If the infection of the mother occurred 6-21 days before the birth, the child has time to get some amount of anti-violet antibodies. His disease is not very difficult. The prognosis is favorable.

    But if a child has been infected during childbirth, the disease is severe( it is called "congenital chickenpox").Consciousness of the newborn is depressed, he has a high fever, a copious amount of rash, internal organs are affected. The lethality of this form of the disease is very high: one out of every five babies, despite the ongoing therapy, is dying.

    Chickenpox in adults over 20 years of age usually occurs with a high fever, a prolonged and profuse appearance of the rash. More often there are complications in the form of inflammation of the central and peripheral nervous system. It usually begins with a pronounced prodromal period. Then the patient begins to fever, there is a headache, nausea and vomiting, after which it does not become easier.

    Light and phonetic fear, convulsive muscle twitching, weakness, impaired coordination can develop. Eruptions develop on day 2-3.Vesicles are often infected with bacteria, so that their contents become white or yellow. Disease in adults can also occur in the form of herpes zoster or a mild course of chickenpox, but this is in the case of active human immunity.

    See also, prevention and treatment of measles.

    Treatment of chickenpox

    As a rule, the fight against symptoms, and treatment of chicken pox in children occurs at home. For a period that occurs with symptoms of intoxication and fever, bed rest is prescribed. Usually it lasts for children - 3-5 days, for adults - longer.

    The diet should be gentle. Oily, fried, smoked products are excluded. Vegetables - only stewed or boiled. Fruits and berries in the period of rashes should not be used, since they act on the stomach irritatingly. Then eat only those that did not previously cause allergic reactions.

    The throat should be rinsed with an aqueous solution of furacillin after each meal. In the eyes( in the presence of a venous conjunctivitis) lay the ophthalmic ointment "Acyclovir".Eruptions are greased with green, fucorcin or lotion "Calamine".Bubbles can not be squeezed out or combed. Particularly itchy elements can be treated with ointment "Penciclovir-Fenistil".

    The shower is taken very carefully, it is best to do after stopping the pouring. Optimal dousing with a warm weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then do not wipe, and soak the skin with a tissue or paper towel.

    The main treatment for chickenpox consists of the appointment of such drugs:

    1. 1) Acyclovir( Zovirax, Virolex) - for children from 2 years."Valciclovir" - from the age of 12, "Famciclovir" - from the age of 18.These drugs are toxic, prescribed only by a doctor and only in the case of a severe and moderately severe course of the disease.
    2. 2) Specific immunoglobulin - "Zostevir".Also appointed a doctor.
    3. 3) For pregnant women and in case of prevention of complications apply Novirin or Isoprinochin.
    4. 4) At high temperature - "Paracetamol" or "Nurofen"."Aspirin" for children under 12 years old is contraindicated.
    5. 5) With severe itching - antihistamines: Fenistil, Erius, Zodak, Suprastin and others.
    Video on the topic: "Symptoms and treatment of chicken pox in children - Dr. Komarovsky"

    Prognosis of treatment

    With timely treatment of chickenpox, even in the presence of severe forms of the disease, the prognosis is good. Exception is made only by persons with immunodeficiencies( after chemotherapy, HIV-infected, after radiation therapy, with congenital pathologies of individual immunity units).

    They, and babies born from mothers who fell ill 5 or fewer days before the birth, even if there is treatment, the prognosis remains questionable.

    Complications of

    • purulent processes that develop due to the entry of bacterial infection into the elements of the rash: phlegmon, abscesses.
    • sepsis, bacterial pneumonia, kidney inflammation, heart muscle - when bacteria get into the blood.
    • is an inflammation of the brain( encephalitis).
    • neuritis of various peripheral nerves.
    • Reye syndrome - in the treatment of aspirin.
    • gangrenous and hemorrhagic forms of chickenpox are considered its complications.

    Prevention of chickenpox in children

    The general prevention of chickenpox lies in isolating the patient and contacting him during the appearance of his rashes for 21 days( especially refers to children's groups, dormitories and barracks).

    Specific prophylaxis is the administration of anti-Vetechar immunoglobulin( "Zostevir") to those who have been exposed to sick chickenpox or shingles to persons for whom development of pathology poses a serious threat to life and health:

    • to pregnant women who fell ill 6 days or less before delivery;
    • patients with leukemia;
    • for those who receive chemotherapy or radiation therapy;
    • is HIV-infected;
    • after organ transplantation;
    • people with systemic diseases( rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, systemic scleroderma) who receive treatment with glucocorticoid hormones;
    • prematurely weight up to 1 kg - all;
    • to all newborns whose mothers do not have anti-violet antibodies.
    There is also active prophylaxis of the disease - the introduction of a live attenuated vaccine to such people:

    1. 1) Women who want to become pregnant, but are seronegative( that is, do not have antibodies) by chickenpox;
    2. 2) The personnel of those hospitals in which children with chicken pox are adults and who did not suffer from this infectious pathology.

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