  • The path to longevity

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    Increasingly, it is said that a person can not and should not live 60-70 years, that a person is assigned to a terrestrial residence much more. .. But how much? Some say - 100, others - 120 years, called even a figure of 150 years. People from ancient times tried not only to answer this question, but also to find the elixir of youth.

    It has long been established that the emergence of many diseases, aging of the body are associated with changes in its energy. At present, there is a problem in the world concerning the development of ways to improve the energy supply of all living things - humans, animals, plants, fish. ..

    The most important law of life is self-preservation. Remember the immunity - the defensive system of the body, the reflex abilities( for example, pulling the hand out of contact with the danger), etc. A person who wants to live a long life, preserving health and active activity, must act in unison with the laws of Nature, that is, lawsCosmos, and not against these laws, without trying to voluntarily or involuntarily break these natural, and therefore true, laws. Of course, first of all, they need to be known and then constantly performed, regardless of time. According to the prophets of the Bible and many scientists, both antiquity and modernity, in particular, scientists of the naturopathic school and representatives of bioenergetic medicine, it is first and foremost a constant preservation of purity within the body. Therefore, of particular interest is the work of Academician B. N. Bolotov, who on May 16, 1991 spoke at the constituent assembly of the Russian Academy and drew particular attention to the audience with ideas about longevity.

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    I focus on the features of the so-called leading structures. By the way, leadership is present in Nature in everything in the micro- and macro-worlds. BN Bolotov asserts that the organism consists of functioning cells and connective tissue. Cells live a short time - from a few minutes to several months. So, the cells of the stomach and intestine in a healthy and young body live about 3 minutes, constantly updated. In this case, the body as a structure preserves unity, as old cells are replaced by young ones. This process must take place continuously and for a long time: there is a direct dependence of this process and our life.

    BN Bolotov, using the device designed by him, determined the number of old and young cells in skin areas. At the age of 1 year old cells do not exceed 1%, at 10 years old cells vary in the range of 7-10%, in 50 years it reaches 40-50%.On the basis of the theory of transmutation of the nucleus, he proved that 100-250-500 years of human life is not the limit provided that five rules are observed. And although the words about the theory of transmutation of the nucleus seem alien and incomprehensible to us, the proposed five rules are extremely simple. Read them. This is the way to longevity, extension |or the return of youth.

    The first rule of is the increase in the number of young cells. This rule is to create a cellular balance characteristic of young age. An effective method of rejuvenation is to remove old cells with a reduced life function, instead of which young cells with high vital

    function should appear. For this, it is necessary to induce the isolation of pepsin enzymes in the stomach. This is achieved as follows:

    - 30 minutes after eating, which has already been partially digested by normally liberated enzymes, it is necessary to take approximately 1 gram of table salt at the tip of the tongue, hold in your mouth for several minutes and then swallow salt saliva( the custom of the ancientGreeks suck the grains of salt after eating).The procedure can be performed after each meal, during the day it can be repeated 10 times. Salt reflexively causes an abundant secretion of gastric juice containing all the necessary elements for the cleavage of old cells. Gastric juice, getting into the blood, cleavages not only old cells, but even only damaged( nitrates, poisons of heavy metals, carcinogenic substances, etc.).Pepsin-like substances of blood dissolve and cleave cancer cells, as well as cells of pathogenic microorganisms, without dissolving their own young cells;

    - in antiquity for "rejuvenation used" molodilo ", or plants that can activate the secretion of gastric juices. This property is possessed by sorrel, plantain, dill, fennel, trifol, cabbage, eleutherococcus, golden root, nettle, clover, sea kale, lemongrass, lefthia safflower, aralia manchurian, ginseng, etc.( about 100 different plants).After eating, it is recommended to eat 1-2 teaspoons of sea kale or a small piece of herring;

    - during food it is desirable to eat sour vegetables and fruits. Borsch and soup is best cooked with the addition of fermented vegetables;

    - if necessary, you can use not a gastric juice, but a solution of hydrochloric acid( 0.1-0.3% solution), which contributes not only to the production of gastric juices and thus pepsin-like substances in the blood, but also resorption of polyps in the gastrointestinal tract, healing of hemorrhoids and recovery of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

    Gastric juice also activates spicy seasonings and bitterness: pepper, mustard, adzhika, horseradish, radish, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, mint, etc.

    The second rule of is the transformation of slags into salts. Salts are deposited in the kidneys, bladder, gall bladder, liver, connective tissue and bones, i.e. in many organs and tissues. The most dangerous are slags formed as a result of oxidative processes occurring in the body.

    All cells and connective tissue undergo oxygen contact, therefore useful oxidative processes are accompanied by harmful ones, which lead to acidification of connective tissues and their transformation into slags. These slags make the connective tissues brittle - hemorrhages appear, bruises from slightest impacts and pressure. Slag is susceptible to the action of certain acids, safe for the body itself, but capable of dissolving the slag, turning them into salts. These are acids containing vinegar( including ordinary vinegar), formed as a result of oxygen fermentation of cells of animal origin. Usually, these acids are found in vegetable and fruit salting in the form of ascorbic, palmitic, nicotinic, stearic, citric, lactic and other acids.

    In the control of slags, it is recommended to pickle vegetables and fruits, juices, beer, wines( including liquors, port, hagor, cabernet), yeast dishes, lactic acid products, fruit vinegars, etc. But one should not forget that each organ usestheir acids. Fruit vinegars can be used with sour milk, for example, adding apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon to a glass of yoghourt and 1 teaspoon of honey. This mixture is eaten once a day. Vinegar is recommended to be added to tea, coffee, soup and broth. At this time, do not use vegetable oil, since it has a choleretic effect and significantly slows the conversion of slags into salts. Food in this period should be mainly meat or fish.

    The second course should be consumed before the first dish, so as not to weaken the action of enzymes;soups - after meat and fish dishes. After the third course, you should put a few grains of salt on the tongue.

    With the use of acids, salts formed from slag are partially excreted in the urine, and the insoluble part of the salts remains in the body. Naturally, it is necessary to solve the problem and eliminate salts that are not soluble by the body. This is the third rule of

    . The third rule is - salt removal. Some salts are not excreted from the body. These insoluble salts are usually alkaline, mineral, fatty type of urate, phosphate, oxalate. To dissolve such salts, the principle is used: "Like dissolves like".This means that it is necessary to introduce alkalis, but they must be safe. Such are the brews and juices of some plants.

    Tea from the roots of a sunflower dissolves many salts. For its preparation, the roots are crushed and brewed at the rate of 1 glass of roots per 3 liters of water. They boil for 1-2 minutes. You should drink tea in 2-3 days. Then these same roots boil again for 5 minutes in the same volume of water and drink it for the same time. The third time they boil in the same volume of water for 10-15 minutes. They drink 2-3 days. Having finished drinking the first portion, proceed to the second, etc. Such tea should be drunk in large portions within 1-2 months. Salts usually begin to be removed only after 2 weeks, and it continues until you see a completely clear urine( there will not be a precipitate of salts.)

    When removing alkaline insoluble salts, it is not recommended to eat very salty foods, spicy dishes and vinegar. The food should be pleasantly salty, but not sour and better plant.

    The dissolution of alkaline salts is affected by the use of sponges, horsetail, watermelon crusts, pumpkin tails, bearberry;sabernik marsh.

    Black radish juice dissolves minerals in the bile duct and gall bladder well. This juice dissolves other mineral salts, which are deposited in the renal pelvis, bladder and in the vessels.

    Preparation.10 kg of radish tubers are released from small roots, thoroughly washed and.without peeling, prepare the juice. It turns out about 3 liters of juice, the rest - cake. The juice is stored in the refrigerator, and the cake is mixed with honey: for 2 kg of cake - 300 g of honey or 500 g of sugar. Store this mixture under pressure in the warmth in jars.

    Juice is taken 1 teaspoonful 1 hour after eating, gradually the dose can be increased to 1 tablespoon, then to 2 tablespoons and to 1/2 cup. Black radish juice is a very strong cholagogue. If there are a lot of minerals in the bile ducts, pain may appear when taking the juice. With severe pain, you must put a heating pad on the liver. If the pain is tolerable, then the juice is continued until it finishes. Pain usually appears only at the beginning of the juice intake. Salts go unnoticed, but the result is excellent.

    During the drinking of juice, a more fresh diet is needed, without acidic and acute products. When the juice is drunk, begin taking poured oil cakes for 1-3 tablespoon while eating;Take the cakes until they run out. This is important for strengthening the cardiovascular system and lungs. Salts can also be dissolved with juices of parsley roots, horseradish juice, mother-and-stepmother leaves, chicory, turnips.

    The fourth rule of is the fight against pathogens. This rule is based on the principle of duality, which is characteristic of all biology to the cellular level. It is not accidental that a person( and animals) has two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears, two kidneys, two hemispheres of the brain, two digestive organs - stomach and duodenum, two hematopoietic systems - a system with a redblood and a system with lymph, etc. According to this principle, among a huge number of cells distinguish cells of plant and animal origin. The former are due to the processes of photosynthesis, the latter - thanks to the processes of beta synthesis, which are related to nuclear processes, but with low energy exchanges. Both synthesis processes are based on the emissivity of heated bodies.

    It is known that a heated body( especially gases) emits mainly photons and electrons. Photons are a source of energy for photosynthesis( ie for plant cells), and electrons - for beta synthesis( ie for cells of animal origin).

    Photosynthesis - photonuclear process - is expressed in the transformation of nitrogen into oxygen and carbon;the process is accompanied by the release into the environment of oxygen and partly energy in the form of electrons. In beta-synthesis, the electrons act on the protoplasm of hemoglobin;Nitrogen is also included in the nuclear reaction, but the oxygen released in this way is used by the cell system to produce acidic amino acids, sugars, proteins, fats, etc.

    Photosynthesis generates mainly substances( vegetable fats, sugars, proteins, etc.)predominantly alkaline.

    Thus, thanks to the Sun, which emits only two active streams - photons and electrons, on Earth there arose plant and animal life. Plant life is able to exist in an alkaline environment, and the animal life in an acidic environment, that is, in environments that they themselves produce.

    A logical question arises: to what type of these two are pathogenic cells? Academician BN Bolotov believes that pathogenic cells for cells of animal origin refer to cells of plant origin, and pathogenic cells for cells of plant origin refer to cells of animal origin.

    Cancer cells are also cells of plant origin. But we know that plant cells can exist in an alkaline environment, so the disease of any human body is possible only by alkalizing its environment. Thus, in the case of a disease of an organ, a process of decay and alkalinization takes place in man. For the oxidation of the organism, the

    human and animal food system should include a variety of sour products. Prepare them easily.

    Quasitude. Three-liter jar filled with a plant, pour salt brine( 2-3 tablespoons salt per 1 liter of water) with sugar( 1-3 tablespoons) and add 1 g of yeast or 1 teaspoon of sour cream. Leave to wander for a week. So you can sour various plants and use them as needed and for prevention. If the body is oxidized, there should be no pathogenic processes. But we must ensure that the acid-base balance is not violated. In any case, the oxidation should exceed the alkalization.

    Means for heartburn. A spoonful of vinegar( 9% or better apple) or purified soda, which in combination with bile gives an acid reaction, dissolve in 1/2 cup of water and drink. It is also recommended to put in the mouth about 1 g of salt, which causes the release of acidic enzymes( pepsins and hydrochloric acid), which also neutralize the effect of bile and eliminate heartburn.

    BN Bolotov believes that there is no increased acidity, since the highest acidity is observed in an absolutely healthy person( pH12).

    The fifth rule - restoration of weakened organs. This rule is based on the principle of indifference. Thus, for a pair of planets, the Moon-Earth does not have an exactly specified rotation orbit, their motion in space can be considered indifferent. Any elements of any system( as well as biological objects) can be in an indifferent state of equilibrium.

    For example, if some part of the renal tissue wither, the kidney will not cope, and the body will not be protected from cellular decay products. The person begins to sweat excessively, his pressure rises and headaches appear. The organism will not be able to get out of this state itself, since from the point of view of Nature it does not matter, although for the man himself this is far from the case. It is impossible to cure such a condition: there are no drugs that could enhance the production of cellular tissues at a certain time interval.

    Academician BN Bolotov has developed methods for treating such diseases, which are associated with shearing disorders, that is, phenomena of indifference.