Magnetized water( magnetic water)( Malowice Island, Z. Minjyan town)
Doctor of Medical Sciences E. Utekhin wrote about the strength of magnetic baths: "Magnetized water becomes biologically active and therefore can have therapeutic effect."The experiments showed that ingestion of magnetized water increases the permeability of biological membranes of tissue cells, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and liver, regulates blood pressure, increases metabolism, promotes the release of small stones from the kidneys, liver, and normalizes sleep at night.
The positive results were also noted when treating patients with eczema with eczema and various skin diseases - dermatoses. In 1990, the All-Union Conference on Magnetobiology and Magnetotherapy discussed in detail the beneficial effects of baths and turbulent underwater massage on patients with pneumonia, nonspecific infectious polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis and some other joint diseases. Since magnetized water has a normalizing effect on impaired cholesterol metabolism in atherosclerosis and positively influences the course of the disease, a number of scientists recommend drinking it not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for the prevention of atherosclerosis, to enhance immunity. It should be noted that the physical and chemical properties in the magnetic treatment vary more in water, in which more salts are dissolved, and its therapeutic effect will be higher. Based on this, in Sochi in 1973, the method of treatment with magnetized sea water was first applied. Baths were prescribed to patients suffering from hypertension. After the course of treatment, the majority of patients disappeared complaints of headaches, tinnitus, weakness, fatigue and pain in the heart. Almost all patients decreased blood pressure and normalized night sleep. Today mineral baths with magnetized water are used in many resorts of the country. However, it is necessary to organize these baths in the home. That's what we offer for the magnetization of mineral baths at home.
It is necessary to buy a device for magnetic treatment of water UMOV-4008 in the hardware store.
This device, designed for magnetic water treatment in garden areas, can be used for these baths.
The device is mounted on a hose with an internal diameter of 20 mm, and the water is magnetized when it passes through the device. The pressure of water passing through the device should not exceed 2 atm, which is quite suitable for its use at home.
Note. To avoid demagnetization of permanent magnets, the device must not come in contact with steel and cast iron parts, jerk blows, heat.
Then it is necessary to get or manufacture a simple device for dissolving sea salt in water.
In Fig.2 shows the device arrangement.
The housing( box) must be non-metallic.
How to organize a bath It is necessary to have the following:
1) a device for magnetic water treatment;
2) device for dissolving salt;
3) hose with a hole of 20 mm;
4) sea salt( sold in pharmacies).
Thus, the water from the tap passes through the device for dissolving sea salt, then through the device for magnetic treatment, after which it becomes salty magnetized water. The water should not be very hot and flow from the tap slowly, so that the salt could dissolve. From time to time, open the device and add sea salt.