  • How to protect the course work at the university?

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    1. Very important point is - constant consultations with the teacher, who together with you is conducting course work. After all, each teacher is assigned a teacher who helps him in creating a course work( assigns a topic, points out mistakes and shortcomings, advises).Constant consultations enable students to work properly and move in the right direction. Do not be lazy to go to the teacher and ask stupid questions, the fact is that it is profitable for you: firstly, you show that you are an interested person and you need a good evaluation, which means that when you score points, the teacher will in any case remember your frequent tripsto him. Secondly, the more you visit the teacher, the more mistakes you correct, so the work will be more qualitative, which will allow you to put the highest score. And, thirdly, constant independent work on the course allows you to understand all the work in a short time, and the better you know the work, the easier it will be to protect it.

    2. Pay close attention to the report, the text that you will tell on the defense. The time of the report is always limited, therefore the teachers who are in the commission always have very little time for a detailed check of the work itself, because they need not only to flip through the course, but also listen to you. Naturally, by ear, everything is perceived much better, accordingly it is very important to prepare an interesting speech that could illuminate as many issues as described in the work, but you would meet within 10-15 minutes. Do not try to read / tell very quickly or not clearly, this can only exacerbate the protection, because you will be peppered with even more questions. Do not overload the report with "water", more talk about the subject matter. If some part of the work you did poorly, still mention it in the speech, so that this question does not accidentally come up from the commission. Study your report in such a way that you can not only retell it, but also reduce it, if suddenly your speech drags on for a time longer. Than it is necessary.
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    3. With the report, show your interest in the work, giving examples from real life. Want to deliver teachers the pleasure and put them to yourself, then show your interest in the problem that you are considering. Express your thoughts, ideas and recommendations. Give examples of this or that technique regarding our realities. Naturally, you need to take into account the country where you live, because not everyone can apply the options you offer. For example, if you are defending a course work on the economy, then you are talking about your economic situation. Operate exclusively checked figures for the last year or two.

    4. Never challenge a teacher's opinion in defense. Do not use the word "BUT".Protection, as a rule, is not only your monologue, but also cross questions from teachers about your topic and the work done. It is necessary to answer questions delicately, because your assessment will depend on it. First of all, we do not recommend arguing with the teachers. Agree with them and add, "and to your words I would like to add. ..".Sometimes teachers will ask questions that have already been revealed in the monologue, do not be lazy to repeat them and do not even think to say "But I just talked about this( -a)!".All these actions are based on the human psychology and the better you make the connection, the higher the score will be.

    5. Relax and go and answer first! When you have already come to your university for change, try not to delay your protection of course work, because your experiences will only increase, which in turn will prevent you from concentrating. Answer first is also good, and because at first the teachers are loyal enough to the students and have a good mood. At the end of the defense, most of them feel tired and irritable, especially if they have a couple of difficult students with zero knowledge, but great ambitions. Relax before the protection will help to talk with friends on abstract topics. Calms yourself with the fact that you can not change anything now, you should take the course work( since it is already printed) and with knowledge( because you can not learn anything 15 minutes before the change).

    6. In the defense behave confidently, and every fact is supported by evidence. Confident people are always open to all roads, self-confidence is a sign of knowledge, mind and experience. The more confidence you have, the more confidence will arise for your work at the commission. Naturally one confidence will not be enough, therefore, each its conclusion or fact, back up with evidence, in the form of figures, diagrams and historical facts. Good evidence will be data obtained during practice at the enterprise.

    7. Make a presentation of your course work interesting and modern! In the end we came to the most interesting and important point, namely the presentation of our course work. Do not forget that this is not just a lecture at the lesson, it's a job that should have been done by the student almost the entire year, and therefore the quality of the report should be at the highest level. In the presentation, we recommend using large diagrams with statistics, various schemes and examples of implementations. Sometimes it is important to have a board on which you can schematically draw a diagram or derive a formula. Beautiful presentations can also be performed on a computer, which will allow you to better submit the information you have learned. In addition, at such presentations, important quotations can be made in a special way, emphasizing the significance of a proposal.

    Any student sooner or later, but will face the protection of course or diploma papers. This process seems rather complicated and painful, however, this is not at all the case. A great problem with protection is created by the student's nerves, and not by the complexity of the topic. In this article, we will try to highlight all aspects of the proper protection of course work. We will give our instructions and recommendations, which were obtained on the personal experience and experience of our colleagues.

    How to protect course work?(7 rules)

    To begin with, understand that the protection of the work is absolutely everything. If there are some individuals who do not succeed in this from the first time, then for the second or third time they leave the office tormented, but happy. Below we will provide you with 7 recommendations for the protection of the course.

    Remember that everything can not be calculated, therefore, in order to protect the course work, be prepared for any insidious issues related to the report. You, probably, yourself know the weak points in the work, therefore, prepare a series of answers, by which you could not only beautifully answer the question posed, but also to translate the conversation into another direction.

    That's all the recommendations that the authors of the online magazine Vse-Sekrety would like to share.en. If you have your own tips, then write them in the comments to this article. The best of them we will add to the article!