
Acne in the newborn on the face, how to eliminate small pimples in the baby

  • Acne in the newborn on the face, how to eliminate small pimples in the baby

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    Most people believe that acne on the face are only in adolescents or in people with a violation of the hormonal balance. But this is not so, often the newly mummies face the appearance of a rash in the babies on their face, and they have a question why the pimples appeared, is it possible to prevent their occurrence and how to get rid of them?

    The causes of acne in newborns on the face can serve a variety of factors. Therefore, the methods of their treatment are assigned different. Pimples can be roughly divided into two types: those that pass themselves and those that need to be treated.

    What are the causes of rashes in

    babies Purulent, red and white acne in infants appear for various reasons. Below consider the most basic of them:

    In the first few days of the life of the baby, Milia may appear. These are small pimples in the child on the face, which occur when the sebaceous glands are blocked. The sebaceous glands have already begun their work, and the openings of the ducts themselves have not yet formed. As a result, white pimples appear. Such pimples appear separately from each other, while the overall condition of the child does not change. To influence this process in any way it is impossible.

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    Inflammation in the skin can cause the appearance of Kamedons, another name for the Greasy cyst. This type of acne has a yellowish or pearly white color papules. They appear both in groups and individually. Comedones can appear in infants for the second-third week of life because of the active development of the hormonal system. Often they appear in the area of ​​the chin and on the cheeks, but sometimes you can find small pimples on the face and body of the newborn, in addition they are with pustules in the center.

    Also, acne in a baby on the face can cause an allergy to external factors and his mom's wrong diet. With the mother's milk, the baby absorbs not only important elements for its vital activity, but also substances that cause allergy. That's why every mother should take care of her balanced and proper nutrition. Also, rashes in the child can cause external irritants, for example: animal hair, improper washing powder.

    Another cause of rash in a baby is dysbiosis. In this situation, he will be tortured by colic, stool and general anxiety.

    Long-term moving and climate change also cause minor redness and a rash.

    In the cold season it is important to protect the skin of the baby from low temperature, especially in winter, this also provokes the appearance of small pimples. Therefore, going to walk outdoors in the cool season - well wrapped.

    Very often rashes can occur in a baby due to sweating. Initially, they form on the child's neck, and then crawl over and onto the face.

    How to treat acne in infants

    Having studied the causes of various rashes in the child presented above, it can already be concluded that not all of them need treatment. But most of the young parents, seeing the eruptions - immediately try to cure them. In this case, it is important not to panic and remember that the baby's skin is still very tender and various infections very easily to her cling. Therefore, avoid self-medication, the best option is to go to an

    reception with a pediatrician, he will examine the child and put the correct diagnosis.

    General rules of action if the baby has poured out

    • Provide the child with proper care;

    • Wash it with boiled water at least twice a day;

    • To lightly dry the skin, it is recommended to bathe the baby in a weak solution of potassium permanganate( the color of the water should be pale pink);

    • Also for bathing, you can use a herbal broth of turn or chamomile;

    • Do not rub the face of the child with alcohol-containing products;

    • Strongly forbidden to put pimples.

    If acne has appeared on the face of a crumb, do not use Talc for the treatment of

    • ;

    • Alcohol-containing solutions;

    • Oily ointments and oils;

    • Hormones;

    • Antibiotics;

    • Antihistamines.

    To prevent the eruption of pimples in infants, just follow preventive precautions, and this ailment will bypass your child side. Adhere to a special diet, watch the reaction of the child's body with artificial feeding, it is desirable that the milk mixture was picked up by the doctor. Walk more often together with a crumb in the fresh air.

    Grow big and healthy.