  • Features and mechanisms of memory

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    With the latest research of scientists, it was found that if a part of the brain is destroyed by a blow, the specific( any) information is not erased, but stored. In other words, there are no areas in the human brain where individual data is stored, such as in a computer hard drive.

    Any exchange of information moves through the entire set of memory cells. If you need information about an item or situation, then it is enough to represent a small part of the similar data and the entire information flow immediately builds up into the right combination.

    However, if there are several groups of associations that are similar to each other and have a lot of similar criteria, this can lead to confusion in our memory, and therefore it is very difficult for us to remember the necessary information flow in such situations.

    What are the main memory mechanisms of a person?

    The associative memory of
    The principle of memory is as follows: the brain, for storing information, does not store the data as in the photo, but through associations it can form a similar hologram that will subsequently give the possibility of obtaining a full image, even if the associations are slightly "blurred" or not allthe data is elongated.
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    Short-term memory and long-term memory
    There are two mechanisms for storing information: one for short-term memory( VCR) and one for long-term memory( DVP).

    In the operational memory( in the short term) there is a rapid deterioration of information, while the long-term memory stores the data stream much longer and more stable. Information received in the CWP, if it is not the object of attention, immediately begins to be erased, even if through repetition, it can be restored.

    The ability of short-term memory is very limited: if the information is not repeated often enough, it - disappears. A set of data present at each moment of short-term memory is called a repeat buffer. This information is stored in the buffer until it is transferred to long-term memory, or until it is replaced by a new one.

    Long-term memory is considered almost unlimited, but not eternal, and reactivation information can be prevented by replenishing the associations that are necessary for its identification.

    Immediate return of information( remembrance) may be incorrect, since it was not represented in long-term memory. And that portion of information from long-term memory may not be enough because there are not enough strong links to focus on them.

    This theory also explains why some memories seem remote from memory: such memories are unavailable because their presence would be unacceptable to a person because of anxiety or guilt that can activate unpleasant sensations. Therefore, the information has not disappeared, but the subconscious does not provide the necessary data for the creation and association of associations.

    People with amnesia do not forget everything, but only personal moments from life. This happens often on the basis of emotional trauma, in this aspect, amnesia allows you to escape from bad memories. However, also often some of these unpleasant memories can flourish when we constantly see, hear or feel associations associated with an unpleasant past.

    Practical tips for improving the mechanisms of your memory

    To improve your memory and remember something specifically, you should always look for additional associations and concepts that can be associated with positive emotions. We should try to find, seemingly, even in uninteresting matter, interests, both direct and indirect( for example, advantages that may be useful to us in the future).You should look for positive reasons for remembering, and if there are none, create them yourself. In this case, all methods of persuasion and communication, in which you are sure that they will act on you, will do. Thus, you can improve your memory quite well, but this will take quite a while.

    If you are starting to learn new material at an educational institution or at work, or decide to learn a new foreign language for yourself, you must first make sure that this question really interests you, evaluate all the positive aspects and find as many of them as possible. After all, this learning process can take quite a while.

    To improve memorization, taking into account the mentioned mechanisms, it is necessary to repeat the learned a few times and create several associated associations. In that case, it will be easier to remember. For numbers, for example, such as dates, you can use associations with other numbers or simply from internal associations to the same number: apartments, streets, Birthday of a loved one.