
Dangerous hypotrophy of the right ventricle. Causes and signs of pathology

  • Dangerous hypotrophy of the right ventricle. Causes and signs of pathology

    Hypertrophy of the heart - this is not a disease, not a diagnosis, but a sure sign of an increased burden on one or more parts of the heart, which in consequence can cause serious heart disease. In the overwhelming majority of cases, an increase in the size of the heart is a pathological condition of the heart, which is often accompanied by concomitant cardiovascular diseases. The exception is people who lead an active lifestyle, and athletes who need a high amount of oxygen supplied by the circulatory system for normal functioning of the system, and as a result, there is often an increase in the heart, which is not a pathology.

    Hypertrophy of different cardiac divisions has a different origin and symptomatology. Hypertrophy of the right ventricle is very rarely diagnosed, unlike the left one, as a rule, in people aged 50-60 years and in children with congenital heart defects, rarely in young people.

    Causes of right ventricular hypertrophy

    There are several main reasons for right ventricular hypertrophy:

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    1. lung diseases: pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, fibrosis and pulmonary emphysema, pneumosclerosis, bronchial asthma;
    2. congenital heart defects, for example, tetralogy of Fallot;
    3. pulmonary hypertension, which increases the pressure in the pulmonary artery;
    4. stenosis( constriction) of the pulmonary valve, which causes disturbances in the blood flow from the right ventricle into the artery.
    5. defect of interventricular septum. As a result of such a defect, the blood mixes between the left and right halves of the heart, the contractions of the ventricles increase, as a result both right and left hypertrophy.

    Types of the disease

    In the healthy state, the right ventricle by mass is 3 times less than the left, on this basis, right ventricular hypertrophy is divided into several types:

    • moderate - right ventricle by mass is much less than the left;
    • mean - the right ventricle is slightly less than the left ventricle, but the delayed course of excitation processes with respect to the left operative is diagnosed;
    • pronounced - excess mass of the right ventricle - left.

    Symptoms and signs of

    In the initial stages, the symptoms appear to be blurred or not manifest at all, but in the next stages of the person, symptoms such as

    • are more often visited by attacks of dizziness, including loss of consciousness.
    • difficulty breathing with a concomitant feeling of pressure, heaviness, or chest pain.
    • heart rhythm disturbance. There is a feeling that the heart admits omissions in the blows or vice versa - trembles in the chest.
    • swelling of the feet.

    Treatment and therapy

    Treatment of right ventricular hypertrophy is to eliminate the causes that caused it, with additional nutrition of the heart muscle, normalization of blood pressure and pulse. Unfortunately, it is completely impossible to eliminate hypertrophy of the right ventricle.

    To prevent the occurrence of serious illnesses, it is necessary to visit the cardiologist regularly and conduct examinations to identify an anomaly at an early stage or to anticipate its possible appearance.

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