  • Treatment with mushrooms

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    Fungotherapy is the science of treatment with mushrooms , the teachings of the third millennium, which opens up many therapeutic possibilities of the fungal kingdom. Still a few are familiar with the concept of fonoterapiya, although this is a whole line of medicine, in this case Japanese, because "fungo" in Japanese means "mushroom".This healing method has a long history, about 2000 years
    The treatise on fungi was compiled by the famous healer By Sin, in it he described more than 100 species of fungi that grow in China and Japan. In his work, he pointed out that "the healing properties of fungi are much higher than that of medicinal herbs."When in the middle of XX century.fungi, or rather mushrooms of the genus penicillum, opened the era of antibiotics, this gave impetus to the flourishing of such a direction as fungotherapy.
    The discovery of new routes in the field of effective antibiotic drugs has opened macromycetes - higher edible fungi.
    Currently, every second antibiotic is synthesized from the constituent parts of fungi. But the synthesized preparations have their own negative effects, and natural preparations from fungi have none, so they are absolutely harmless and have no side effects, but they have a great therapeutic effect.

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    The mushrooms contain various biologically active substances: for example, polysaccharides( lentinan, lanostane, ganoderan, lanolophil, grifolan and other thorns), which possess antitumor properties. These properties have no analogues in the plant world. Mushroom polysaccharides stimulate T-lymphocytes, and those in turn, macrophages. As a result of this stimulation, the body begins to release a high molecular weight protein perforin that destroys malignant cells.
    This protein creates holes in the outer membrane of tumor cells, and they die.
    The Lentian substance helps stimulate the work of T-lymphocytes and NK cells( natural killer cells), which play a major role in the destruction of tumors and viruses.
    In 1969, Dr. Tetsur Inekawa of Purdue University in Tokyo conducted fundamental studies confirming that substances contained in fungi affect malignant tumors.
    A shiitake mushroom was prepared in the form of an aqueous extract. The experiment was performed on mice that were implanted with muscular tumors. The drug showed a high result for stopping the development of cancer( 72-92%).
    Today, treatment of benign tumors in women with the help of shiitake extract is successful in 60% of cases, and in other cases, tumor cells cease to develop.
    Japanese professor Toki Mori believes that tumor cells are born in all organisms, but they produce the enzyme perforin, which finds these cells and kills them. Lentianan, which is contained in the shiitake mushroom, affects the production of perforin in the body, which allows the body to better fight the tumor. If shiitake extract is used for 1-3 months per year, then the reproduction of cancer cells can be stopped.
    As a result of clinical studies, it was found that patients who regularly took Shiitake reduced the side effects from chemotherapy and radiation.
    In addition to the fact that the fungi have an antimicrobial ability, they have other properties. American scientists have conducted research and found flight-like substances, which were called fungal phinocides. These substances are capable of destroying virtually any virus, beginning with a rhinovirus that provokes a runny nose.
    Currently in the US, Japan, Russia and Bulgaria, as well as in other countries of the world, studies of the effect of fungi on benign and malignant tumors have been conducted. About 4-5 years ago in the journals dedicated to health, information appeared that their antitumor activity was several times higher than expected.
    Now the most studied and used in the treatment are shiitake mushrooms, which contain lentinan. By the way, By Sin called this mushroom a ginseng-ginseng;Reishi, or the divine mushroom of longevity;Maytake, or the fungus of Japanese geishas, ​​contributing to the reduction of pressure, cholesterol, and also possessing immunostimulating action;Cordyceps regulating the neuroendocrine system;Coriolus, which contains antibiotic, anti-cancer and antioxidant substances;agarik blazey, which was recognized as the most promising for treatment in oncology and gerontology. This mushroom comes from Brazil, and there it is called the fungus of God.