
The first signs of pregnancy before the month are signs of pregnancy

  • The first signs of pregnancy before the month are signs of pregnancy

    How vain fantasies or how serious changes in the body are to perceive the first signs of pregnancy before menstruation? Many girls, women or future mothers ask themselves this question. How to determine pregnancy at the initial stage, before the delay of menstruation? Someone intuitively feels its offensive, and someone is afraid to make a mistake, so as not to suffer further disappointment.

    According to experts, the initial signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation are usually strictly individual. But there are general symptoms that help to determine the possible "interesting situation".The future joy of motherhood a woman can feel, at least, 7-10 days after a "successful" sexual intercourse.

    Please note! Most signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation are very similar to the symptoms of PMS.To establish the exact diagnosis in this case the gynecologist will help, but not earlier, than in couple of weeks after possible or probable conception.

    Consider both options. Independently a woman can feel signs of mild indisposition, when after a week's travel the mother egg, fertilized with a sperm, will attach to the wall of the uterus. From this moment, the female body begins to intensively produce hormones that promote the development and preservation of the fetal egg. The following symptoms may become a response to this circumstance:

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    Basal temperature rise

    Basal temperature

    If the morning temperature is measured rectally in body temperature, then on the day of ovulation and subsequent diagnosis( when the conception was successful) the parameters will be equal to the values ​​of 37.2-37.3 degrees. Fears that, at temperatures below 37 degrees, miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy is possible is not always justified. Errors in measurements( there are certain rules) or a poor-quality thermometer, a small error should not become an excuse for the excitement of the future mother. This is just one possible symptom that may or may not manifest itself individually. Sometimes this temperature can last for 14-28 days because of active development of progesterone - a sex hormone that slows the heat transfer.

    Please note! Take pills to reduce the temperature is not worth it, it is better to walk outdoors more often, regularly ventilate the room and wear cotton loose clothing.

    Early toxicosis

    Of course, the peak of this unpleasant condition for a woman will come much later. But especially sensitive ladies already at the first stage can feel dislike for a certain type of food and dishes, morning sickness, a feeling of fatigue, irritability, they may have insomnia and hypotension. These symptoms are akin to those of PMS.If there is no severe, debilitating vomiting, which because of the threat of dehydration of the body is treated in the hospital, then the woman manages with home remedies.

    Pulled on the salty

    Sometimes there is a predilection for individual foods: salty or sweet, and also increased appetite.

    Painful sensations in the chest

    In the second half of the menstrual cycle, many women have this symptom, even if they do not have the prerequisites for fast motherhood. The chest is poured, it becomes heavy, and the nipples are sensitive. In pregnancy, these unpleasant sensations intensify, and from the chest, even in the early stages, a whitish or yellowish sticky liquid - colostrum may be secreted. This is due to the active development of the "milk" hormone - prolactin.

    Lower abdominal pain and lower back

    Lower back pain in pregnant

    Drawing, unpleasant, rather painful sensations in these areas are not always heralds of menstruation. They can be associated with spasms and tone of the uterus during pregnancy, when it increases in size.

    Bloody "spotting" secretions of

    It is extremely rare when a fertilized mother cell is "implanted" into a prepared endometrium. In some cases, menstrual-like, meager discharges may occur. Ultrasound examination, appointed by a doctor, will help to identify their nature. Most often, they occur without abnormalities, and pathologists do not observe pathology.

    Increase in the number of female secret

    Increased libido and an increase in discharge not associated with infection and thrush are observed in many women in the early stages of pregnancy.

    Intestinal problems

    Increased gas production, decreased intestinal peristalsis and general slowing of the gastrointestinal tract due to the hormonal restructuring of the female body can create the illusion of a fast growing fetus in the future young mother due to the increase in the tummy.

    Frequent urination

    An increasing frequency of desires at night and throughout the day is a common sign of an interesting situation at an early stage. Closer to the 16 weeks of pregnancy, these phenomena disappear by themselves. They are caused by serious hormonal changes, which because of the increased level of these stimulants of various processes contribute to an abundant blood flow to the female genital organs. There is an overflow of blood vessels that strengthens the work of the urinary system. In the second trimester, this phenomenon gradually loses its relevance.

    Confirmation by

    assays Confirmation of pregnancy with

    Assays The first signs of pregnancy before monthly medics are recommended to be determined using popular pregnancy tests and blood and urine tests for hCG.

    • The blood test for presence of chorionic gonadotropin in it is carried out not earlier than one week after the expected date of conception. It is this mysterious hormone hCG that begins to reproduce with the tissues of the embryo attached to the mother's uterus, which is usually carried out on the fourth day after conception. On the 7-10th day there is a sharp jump, which increases the concentration of hCG in the blood plasma of the future mother.
    • Urine analysis for hCG - there is nothing like the famous "two strips".The test, purchased at the nearest pharmacy, is optimally performed after 14 days or more after fertilization or not earlier than 3-5 days of delay in menstruation. It takes a test in the morning urine( preferably within 6 hours before the test, do not urinate, and at night avoid the intake of spicy food or alcohol), which contains at this time the highest level of hCG in unchanged form. Doctors warn that the presence of two strips on the test is a 100% guarantee of pregnancy, and the absence of one of them is not always a negative response. If one strip is too pale, then you need to repeat the test after a few days.

    Any initial signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation are controversial, so they are relatively relative. Trust is caused only by medical methods of establishing the diagnosis, as the most accurate. Do you want to know whether you are definitely pregnant or not? Hurry to the gynecologist!