  • Halyazion of the upper, lower eyelid: photo, treatment, symptoms

    Halyazion is a proliferative( non-inflammatory) inflammation, a benign formation that occurs in the meibomian gland region, that is, at the edge of the century, and is the result of chronic inflammatory processes taking place in it.

    It is more common in the age category from 30 to 50 years and in the general structure of the pathology of the eyelids is approximately 7%.

    Causes of

    The development of halyazion in the lower or upper eyelid as a result of blockage or contamination of the meibomian( greasy) gland. The secretory fluid produced by her accumulates and has no way to go outside, leading to an inflammatory process and the formation of a nodule.

    Causes of blockage of excretory duct glands:

    • impaired personal hygiene;
    • incorrect use of contact lenses;
    • weakened immunity;
    • increased activity of the sebaceous glands;
    • subcooling;
    • of hypovitaminosis;
    • poorly treated barley( see how to treat barley on the eye);
    • metabolic disorders;
    • colds;
    • hormonal abnormalities.
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    Halyazion can also appear as a result of meibomite - inflammation of the membranous glands of the cartilage of the eyelids, which is caused by the ingress of the coccal flora.

    Symptoms of a halalion, photos

    Pathological processes proceed slowly, without visible inflammatory phenomena, appear as a painless, dense, uncoated nodule in the upper or lower eyelid.

    Symptoms of haljazion and education itself increase over time. If haljazion grows to a considerable size, then vision can be reduced as a result of squeezing the cornea.

    When examining the conjunctiva, a hyperemic area with a central gray area is detected. There may be lachrymation and itching, as well as the formation of several nodules at once.

    Inflammatory symptoms of a halachion of the upper or lower eyelid appear in the case of suppuration. Then reddening and dryness of the skin of the eyelids, throbbing pain, spontaneous opening of the hailstones with secretion of purulent secretion to the surface of the conjunctiva and formation of a fistulous course are observed.

    Opening of the haljazion does not always happen. In this case, over time it becomes a cyst with mucous contents.

    Treatment of haliazion in the upper or lower eyelid

    The diagnosis is made by an ophthalmologist on the basis of clinical manifestations after external examination of the altered century.

    Instrumental diagnosis is required only in cases with fast-growing or recurrent chalazionias to exclude adenocarcinoma of the membranous gland. Then a histological examination of the material is prescribed.

    Treatment of haljazion on the upper and lower eyelids depends on the stage and peculiarities of the course of the disease, should be performed by a qualified ophthalmologist and can be both conservative and radical.

    Conservative treatment of haliazion provides:

    • topical application of absorbable ointments;
    • physiotherapy;
    • antibacterial drops in the eyes;
    • injection of medications( corticosteroids) into the cavity of the halazion;
    • dry heat on the eye area( in the absence of inflammation);
    • massage of the occluded gland.
    The above listed actions are effective at the initial stages of development of the hailstones and the earlier treatment of haljazion is begun, the more chances to get by only medications. When the size of a chalasia is more than 5 mm, surgical intervention is indicated. Radical treatment remains also the only solution for especially neglected cases.

    The operation consists in excising the capsule and removing the pathologically altered secret followed by the application of a tight bandage. The outer side of the eyelid is not damaged, the contents of the haljazion are seized through the incision of the conjunctiva. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and can take about 10-20 minutes.

    After surgery, a return to normal life occurs 2-3 days later, but eye drops are recommended for a week. To prevent relapse, antibiotics, immunostimulating and restorative drugs are prescribed.


    Preventive measures should be aimed at compliance with hygiene rules, since their violation is one of the most common causes of nodule appearance.

    Under no circumstances:

    1. 1) Rub eyes with unwashed hands, which applies to both the inner and the back side;
    2. 2) Touch the eyelids with a pipette when instilling various drugs;
    3. 3) Wear contact lenses for longer than it is supposed to( for those who use).
    You should also lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid hypothermia, eat properly and strengthen immunity, if necessary, take vitamins.

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