  • The garden under the seizure

    When laying a garden, you should immediately provide for this or that system of soil content. The most justified system in the conditions of amateur gardening of the Moscow region is the obstruction of the garden area, i.е.creating a lawn.

    With the correct laying and care of the lawn, this system has several advantages: the quality of the fruit improves;on the site dust is retained and the humidity of the air rises, which changes the microclimate;early in the spring the garden area dries up;A beautiful background is created for decorative planting of any plants.

    To create a lawn it is better to use a mixture( from 3-5 types) of cereal grasses. According to the type of tillering, they are divided into 3 groups: rhizome( fescue red, bluegrass ordinary, white bent grass), loamy bush( fescue meadow grass, ryegrass pasture, rootless wheatgrass) and rhizome-loamy bush( meadowgrass, red fescue, commonweed).

    The top layer of the soil, where the grass will grow, should be fertile and loose. Therefore, in the area of ​​the future lawn on heavy soils, it is necessary to make sand( 10-15 kg / m2), on light soils - peat( 4-5 kg ​​/ m2) and mineral fertilizers( for example, nitrophosphate at the rate of 20-30 g / m2).Then the surface of the area under the lawn should be leveled and compacted with a roller. Sow grass can be in spring or early autumn( so that before frost grass could grow at least 10 cm).The optimal rate of sowing grass mixture for lawn in the garden is 45 g per 10 m2.For the uniformity of the distribution of seeds, it is better to mix them with sand( 1: 1) and to avoid flaws 1/2 part sow along the plot, and the second half-across. Seeds of herbs need to be embedded in the soil with rakes, and in hot weather the site should be watered( the germination of seeds on average occurs after 2 weeks).

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    Lawn care in the garden should be constant, and it consists mainly in regular watering and fertilizing( in the spring - nitrogen fertilizers at the rate of 45 g ai / m2, in summer - phosphoric and potash - 10-15 grams per year./m2).Top dressing with fertilizers is preferably combined with watering the lawn area. If there are perennial rhizome weeds on the lawn( dandelion, plantain, Goose's goatee, etc.), they are manually weeded off the root.

    The main operation to maintain the proper condition of the lawn in the garden is the periodic mowing of the grass with the leaving of the ground mass in place. The first mowing should be done when the grass reaches a height of at least 10 cm, and the height of the cut should not exceed 1/3 of the height of the stem. Experience shows that in Moscow suburbs the frequency of grass mowing on the lawn averages 1 time per 7-10 days.

    With years of lawn use, it may be necessary to restore its poor state( the appearance of bald patches, weak growth).To clean up the lawn, it is necessary to comb the rakes in two directions, to cover( at the same time and level) the surface with peat, sand, and also to aerify the sod by piercing it with pitchforks to a depth of 15-20 cm with the same gaps in the area.