  • Antiseptic preparations

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    The list of these substances is great, but a significant part of them, which does not justify the hopes, stopped being used in clinical practice( chlorine water, chloracide, lead, aluminum, etc.).

    Currently, the following groups of drugs are used in surgery.

    1. Group of halides:

    • chloramine B - a white or yellowish crystalline powder containing 25-29% of active chlorine. Has antiseptic and deodorizing effect. In surgery, 0.5 - 3% solutions for washing wounds, hand disinfection, non-metal tools are used;

    • iodonate, iodopyrone, iodolane - an aqueous solution of a mixture of alkyl sulfates of sodium with iodine. The drug is used instead of tincture of iodine to treat the operating field as a 1% solution;

    • solution of iodine alcohol. Widely used for the disinfection of the skin of the operating field, the edges of the wound, the fingers of the surgeon, etc. In addition to bactericidal and bacteriostatic action, it has cauterizing and tanning action. Metal tools in contact with iodine quickly deteriorate.

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    2. Oxidizing agents:

    • Hydrogen peroxide solution. It is a colorless 3% solution of H20., In water. When it decomposes, oxygen is released, which at the time of isolation has a strong oxidizing property, creating unfavorable conditions for the development of anaerobic and putrefactive wounds. Applied with dressings wounds, as well as pre-sterilization cleaning tools;

    • potassium permanganate. Dark or red-violet crystals, soluble in water. Is the strongest deodorizer. Apply aqueous solutions for washing the wounds, rinsing the mouth and throat, syringing.

    3. Heavy metal salts:

    • Sulem( mercuric dichloride) is a crystal that is readily soluble in water. It is a strong poison, so its solutions, for difference from others, are tinted in blue or pink and labeled with a special label. Solutions of mercury 1: 1000 and 1: 2000 have a high bactericidal activity, which in protein fluids( exudate, blood separated from the wound) is sharply reduced due to the compounding of the preparation with proteins and the formation of albumins. Applied for sterilization of silk, disinfection of gloves, care items for patients. Metallic tools, when in contact, deteriorate due to the formation of amalgam;

    • mercury hydroxyanide - a strong disinfectant, which is diluted 1:10 000, 1:50 000 for washing the bladder, disinfection of cystoscopes;

    • lapis( silver nitrate) is used as a disinfectant for washing purulent wounds( 1% 2% solution), for cauterizing wounds, with excessive granulations( 10-20% solution).Strong antiseptic.

    4. Alcohols : ethyl alcohol, or wine. Apply a 70-96% solution of both pure and denatured alcohol. Widely used for disinfecting and tanning the skin of the surgeon's hands, preparing and storing sterile silk, disinfecting tools.

    5. Aldehydes:

    • Formaldehyde solution( formalin) is an aqueous solution used for the disinfection of gloves, tools, drains, urological instruments. Effective against the daughter cells of echinococcus. Dry formaldehyde is used for sterilization of optical instruments;

    • lysoform - a soap solution of formaldehyde( 40 parts of formalin, 40 parts of potassium soap, 20 parts of alcohol).For cleaning dressings, operating rooms, as well as for disinfection of hands, 1-3% solutions are used.

    6. Phenols. Phenol( carbolic acid).Apply 2-3% solution for disinfection of tools, gloves, drains. A strong poison. In high concentrations causes burns to the skin, mucous membranes.

    7. Dyes:

    • methylene blue. Apply 1-3% alcohol solutions for burns, pyoderma as a tanning and antiseptic. Aqueous solutions of 1: 5000 are used for washing the urinary tract;

    • brilliant green as an antiseptic agent apply 0.1-2% aqueous or alcoholic solution;

    • rivanol( ethacridine lactate).Applied as an antiseptic for washing cavities, non-toxic, highly effective against coccal flora.