
Obliterating atherosclerosis - clinical picture of pathology and methods of treatment

  • Obliterating atherosclerosis - clinical picture of pathology and methods of treatment

    One of the most common pathologies of the arteries of the legs is obliterating atherosclerosis. The disease, affecting mainly elderly people, often develops in those who have only stepped over a thirty-year boundary. The "rejuvenation" of the disease is explained by the fact that the key risk factor is the abuse of nicotine.

    Why is a dangerous disease?

    Obliterating atherosclerosis of the legs has many risk factors. So, the disease is usually exposed:

    1. Representatives of the stronger sex.
    2. Persons suffering from hypertension or diabetes mellitus.
    3. Persons leading a low-active lifestyle.
    4. Persons who abuse fatty foods of animal origin.
    5. People suffering from extra pounds.
    6. Representatives of heavy physical labor.

    Sometimes obliterating atherosclerosis develops on the background of mental disorders or emotional overload caused by a stressful situation or fatigue. In some cases, the genetic factor plays a role in the progression of obliterating atherosclerosis of the legs.

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    Detecting the enemy

    The main sign of such a serious and dangerous disease as obliterating atherosclerosis of the legs is the muscle pain that occurs during walking.the presence of painful sensations is explained by the high need for leg muscles in the arterial blood transporting oxygen to the tissues.

    When a person runs or walks, the narrowed arteries are unable to meet this need, which provokes tangible muscular pains caused by oxygen starvation.

    There are four stages of obliterating atherosclerosis, each of which has its own specific symptoms.

    The first degree of the disease

    The first stage of obliterating atherosclerosis is characterized by a feeling of chilliness in the feet. A person can feel that his feet are cold even in summer or in a well-heated room.

    The next symptom of the first stage of obliterating atherosclerosis is the formation of paresthesia. This condition appears in the sensation of tingling or burning in the lower limbs. Sometimes a man complains of heaviness in his legs, and the skin of his fingers and feet continually changes his shade from pale to bright pink.

    The second degree of the disease

    The second stage of obliterating atherosclerosis is characterized by the manifestation of so-called "intermittent claudication".Unpleasant sensations in the muscles of the calf progress, and the nail plates are fragile. Symptoms such as reduced vascular pulsation and cyanosis of the fingers are also observed.

    Third degree of

    disease The third stage of obliterating atherosclerosis progresses "intermittent claudication".Distance that a person can overcome without pain, markedly reduced.

    In the case of progression of pathology to this degree, painful sensations arise even when the lower limbs are at rest. This stage is called in medicine "pregangrenous".

    There are symptoms such as:

    • thinning of the skin;
    • hair loss;
    • appearance of cracks( actual for fingers and gaps between them);
    • discoloration of the skin on a marble shade.

    Fourth stage of

    In the fourth stage of obliterating atherosclerosis, the progression of "intermittent claudication" is further intensified, causing the patient to stop every 50 steps.

    Painful sensations differ sharp character and in the second half of the day or at night they torment a person especially strongly. The foot of the patient swells, horrible trophic ulcers are formed.

    The development of gangrene indicates that the process has become irreversible. The only solution to the problem in this case is leg amputation.

    Hurry with the diagnosis of

    Obliterating atherosclerosis of the feet is difficult to diagnose in the first stages, since it is not possible to recognize specific pain sensations in terms of intermittent claudication.

    So, if the doctor suspected the patient of obliterating atherosclerosis, then confirm the pre-diagnosed he can with the help of:

    1. Duplex scanning.
    2. Ultrasonic dopplerography.

    How can I help a patient?

    Treatment of obliterating atherosclerosis is carried out taking into account the severity of the disorders, as well as the presence of complications. Cure obliterating atherosclerosis can be through conservative and preventive methods. In the most severe cases, the doctor decides on a surgical procedure.

    Drug therapy

    For the treatment of obliterating atherosclerosis, the doctor prescribes to the patient the admission:

    • of vasodilator drugs;
    • medications that promote the improvement of tissue nutrition;
    • vitamins;
    • antibiotic ointments( topical for the presence of trophic ulcers).

    General measures

    In order to get rid of the symptoms of a dangerous pathology, a person at risk should:

    • get rid of nicotine addiction;
    • undergo treatment for concomitant disease;
    • adhere to an anti-cholesterol diet;
    • wear comfortable shoes, eliminating trauma and hypothermia.

    Physical stresses should be moderate. To spend time walking or jogging need not more than thirty minutes a day.

    To save a leg it is possible only in the event that treatment of a dangerous pathology will be timely. In addition to strict control over your health, it is important to give up habits that negatively affect him.

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