  • Method of treatment of varicose veins by laser

    In order to get treatment for varicose veins with a laser, it's enough just to get a referral from a phlebologist. Necessity for hospitalization and long-term preparation of the patient is not present, therefore laser treatment of varicose is made in outpatient conditions.

    The effect occurs regardless of the caliber of the patient vein. It can be a small vascular reticulum, or a large nodule formation. The next day the patient can fully return to his habitual way of life, with insignificant restrictions.

    Before the procedure, the affected area is examined and its boundaries clearly defined by ultrasound. It is extremely important at the same time to determine the presence of inflows of tributaries.

    The endovasal( or intravascular) laser acts on the principle of selective absorption of oxyhemoglobin and hemoglobin. The patient is in a horizontal position. The surgeon first processes the puncture site, makes a microscopic puncture in its size, and inserts a catheter into the lumen of the diseased vein, which is a flexible tube along with the light guide. With the help of the heat that it emits, the walls of the vessel are soldered and brewed. As a result of this, the blood ceases to flow through the vein, it turns off from the general circulation, and then turns into an unobtrusive fibrous cord.

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    After the catheter is removed, a small sterile bandage is applied to the puncture site. After the intervention, it is recommended to wear special underwear for varicose veins, which will create the necessary compression.

    Advantages of the

    1. method Laser treatment has a high efficiency and gives a real result.
    2. Rehabilitation after it is a matter of hours.
    3. Operation lasts no more than an hour.
    4. During manipulation, the skin, tissues, and other vessels are not disturbed at all.
    5. The aesthetic advantage is that there is not the slightest trace left at the site of the insertion of the catheter.
    6. The procedure is suitable for people with low pain threshold, as it is practically painless.
    7. There is an opportunity to carry out treatment on several vessels, and on different limbs in one session.
    8. The possibility of combined effects, for example with the use of sclerotherapy.
    9. The use of local anesthesia guarantees a minimum number of negative cases of intolerance, as is the case with general anesthesia.

    In order to determine the need for and the possibility of performing such an operation, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound scan and a duplex scan in advance.

    To whom such treatment is indicated

    At the moment there are quite a lot of ways to radically get rid of varicose veins. This and sclerotherapy, phlebectomy, radiofrequency. Laser varicose removal is performed if:

    • the veins have widened to 10 mm;
    • identifies a small number of inflows affected by the disease;
    • the vein is smooth, without bends, in the presence of one bend for laser treatment, two LEDs with a catheter can be used, a strong tortuosity of the vein is a complete contraindication to the operation;
    • can not also be performed if there are complications such as the formation of trophic ulcers in the area.

    Many experts recommend laser treatment as a modern alternative to a full surgical intervention. Moreover, the conduct of such a non-invasive procedure in the presence of a modern type of equipment and sufficient qualification of a doctor allows us to speak of a high degree of its safety for the patient.

    With severe and multiple pathologies, it sometimes takes several sessions of treatment. How much they are needed for each patient is determined only by the doctor, depending on the duration and degree of neglect of the disease. An important factor in solving this issue is the age and general condition of a person. Sometimes after the intervention, there may be a slight reddening of the skin, which very quickly passes, and does not require additional exposure.

    After the operation, the patient should make a walk on foot, at a slow pace, but not less than 40 minutes. After that, he should wear a compression jersey, and wear it constantly for about five days.

    The first few days later, it is not recommended to sunbathe, exercise, take a hot bath.


    Despite sufficient safety, laser therapy has certain contraindications:

    • Pregnancy and lactation.
    • Use in the treatment of glucocorticoids and agents that promote photosensitization.
    • Pronounced purulent processes.
    • Severe chronic diseases with the development of renal, hepatic and pulmonary insufficiency.
    • Diabetes mellitus of any form.
    • Thrombophlebitis.
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