  • Treatment of an insect bite with folk remedies and methods

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    From the bites help the following tools: moistened in a garlic juice rag or cotton wool applied to the bitten place - garlic quickly calms the pain and prevents swelling, helps urine, which also wet the rag. You can apply a wet ground, but it acts weaker. All these funds with the bites of bees, wasps and hornets. But, first of all, you need to remove from the wound the sting left by them, and then to treat. You can try and such tools: apply a cloth soaked in sink, parsley leaves, ammonia on the cotton wool. If a bite of a tumor and even suppuration, it is necessary to make a warming compress of alcohol or vodka. Flies, mosquitoes, midges, gadflies, forest mites drive away, warning them of bites, fish oil: they need to lubricate the face, neck, arms, legs, in general, all open spaces. The bite of scorpions, especially old ones, often causes vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, and weakness. The most effective treatment is wetting the wound with scorpion infusion on wooden oil( for lack of wood it is possible and on another, for example, vegetable).If there is no ready-made infusion, then you need to catch a live scorpion, rub it with a wooden oil and rub this gruel into the wound. Break the heads of simple matches, brew with boiling water, let it stand, from this, it is necessary to make lotions. This tool also helps with the bite of a tarantula.

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    From the bite of spiders, tarantulas, and karakurt, the following also helps: tie the bitten place above the bite, drain the blood from the wound, unless there is wound in the mouth or on the lips. Otherwise, suck with a jar or bubble. Rank the cauterite with a hot nail, put disinfectant lotions. The big trouble is caused by the so-called apricot midges. They are found where apricot trees grow. After a bite a sore spot starts to itch very badly, there appear small pimples that slightly suppurate. They can not be scratched, you need to immediately spread it with iodine, put a warming compress with some disinfectant.

    If bitten by a sand tick, then the place of bite should be scratched and lubricated in the morning and in the evening with iodine for three days, otherwise the suppuration may begin.

    Especially poisonous caterpillars live on blackberry branches. The place where such a caterpillar creep, itches for a long time, burns, and wounds appear. They must be smeared with pure turpentine.

    From a prick of poisonous plants helps such a tool: moisten with water soda, make a cake from it, put it on a sore spot, tie it with a damp cloth, change the cake 3-4 hours later. This treatment relieves pain and itching.

    A bite of a hornet can result in the death of a person or animal. To prevent misfortune, take ammonia, stir with water and vinegar, make rubbing and lotion in a stung place. You can stir in the vinegar or

    water salt, rub the stung place and make a lotion. Helps and a lotion of citric acid, cooked in the same way. If you do not have such tools at hand, you can use alum or urine. Inflammation quickly passes and the swelling subsides.