  • What to do if there is varicose during pregnancy

    Varicose during pregnancy is a frequent complication that occurs in this position. According to some reports, this pathology is observed in 30% of women during the first child's bearing. And in subsequent pregnancies, the condition is further aggravated.

    Reasons for

    Reorganization of the body, all organs and systems of a future mother can serve as a provoking factor in the development of varicose veins. This is most often promoted:

    • Hormonal changes. A high level of progesterone is necessary to prevent miscarriage, since one of its functions is to decrease the tone of the uterus, its relaxation. But at the same time, there is an expansion of venous vessels, which leads to worsening of venous outflow and development of stagnant phenomena.
    • The rheological properties of the blood change - it becomes thicker and more viscous, which also increases circulatory disturbances in the veins.
    • The growing uterus exerts pressure on the veins located in the small pelvis, which also violates the outflow of blood from the veins.
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    • To prevent massive blood loss during childbirth, the body rebuilds the blood clotting system toward increased thrombogenesis. But with the initial stage of varicose veins, this leads to a worsening of the condition.
    • Most pregnant women for one reason or another reduce their physical activity, it also provokes stagnant processes, since one of the mechanisms for returning blood from the lower limbs is the periodic contraction of the leg muscles.

    Variations of varicose during pregnancy

    Varicose during pregnancy most often occurs:

    1. On legs. This is the most common form of such a pathological condition.
    2. In the groin and vagina. It is often noted in women whose nearest relatives suffered from varicose veins.
    3. In the uterus. It occurs as a result of inflammatory processes, frequent abortions, menstrual cycle disorders.

    Manifestations of varicose veins of

    At first, a violation of the outflow of venous blood can be manifested in the appearance of reddish or bluish vascular "stars" or "spiderwebs".After some time there is a heaviness in the legs, rapid fatigue after a short standing or walking, unexpressed jerking of the gastrocnemius muscles.

    Varicose veins during pregnancy, which occurs in this condition in 20% of cases, manifests itself in the form of their increase in size, a feeling of raspiraniya, pain during sexual intercourse. As a rule, this kind of disease is combined with perineal varicose and hemorrhoids.

    The likelihood of developing varicose disease increases if there is a hereditary predisposition to this disease, excessive body weight, work that is accompanied by a prolonged stay in the upright position, multiple pregnancies.

    What to do with varicose veins?

    The most effective techniques in the form of surgery or sclerotherapy in pregnant women are contraindicated. They can not be used when planning the conception of a child in the next two years, as this can lead to a relapse.

    Therefore, the only way out in this situation is the use of special compression underwear and local ointments based on heparin or horse chestnut. Only such treatment will be effective and safe for mother and future baby. Sometimes, under the supervision of a doctor, the use of venotonicks is recommended.

    Varicose is not a contraindication for pregnancy and childbirth.

    The gynecologist and phlebologist must control the condition. In the case of a pronounced pathological process, the question of conducting a caesarean section may arise. If a woman will give birth alone, the doctor may advise her to put on compression stockings or take elastic bandages during childbirth.

    Prevention methods

    Preventing the development of varicose during pregnancy is particularly relevant if a woman is classified as a risk group. And with repeated pregnancy or polyhydramnios, the probability of developing the disease increases many times. Therefore it is recommended:

    1. Take long walks.
    2. Swimming. In addition to physical activity, this activity serves as a kind of massage, which contributes to the overall strengthening of the muscles. If possible, you can take a contrast shower, but it is not recommended to use a large temperature difference.
    3. Shoes should be worn only from genuine leather, the heel should not exceed 5 centimeters.
    4. Watch for weight gain.
    5. You can not lift the weight and overload yourself with physical work.
    6. You should avoid wearing socks or golf shoes with tight elastic bands.
    7. If possible, sit down or lie down, put your feet on a stool or pillow and hold them in a raised state for at least 15 minutes.
    8. Sleep best on your left side. This is due to the anatomical peculiarity of the location of the pelvic veins. Thus, the uterus exerts less pressure on them. It's also good to use a small pillow and put it under your stomach.
    9. It is not recommended to sit with one foot on the other.
    10. In pregnancy, even if there are no signs of a violation of outflow of blood, it is desirable to constantly wear compression knitwear, or, in extreme cases, elastic bandages. This will improve circulation not only in the superficial, but also in the deep veins of the legs. After giving birth, you should continue using the products for another two months.
    11. Proper nutrition is also needed. Food should be rich in fiber to prevent the occurrence of constipation. Reduce the likelihood of blood clots can be through the consumption of large amounts of liquid, especially helps to thin the blood red grape juice. It is also useful to use cranberries, tomato juice, garlic in the diet.
    12. It is advisable to consult a doctor about the daily dosage exercises. Even the most simple physical movements will help improve blood circulation.
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