  • How to care for your hair

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    Hair - a beautiful decoration of a man at any age. A beautiful hairstyle gives the woman a special attraction. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to keep hair in good condition for life.

    Sometimes the hair begins to fall out. The cause can serve as chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract( gastritis, ulcers, colitis), thyroid disease, infectious diseases. Other reasons include lack of micronutrients in food: iron, sulfur, B vitamins;inaccuracies in the diet - excess carbohydrates, fats, sharp and smoked products.

    Hair loss can be associated with frequent use, sometimes without special need, of chemical dyes, especially it is harmful at a young age. Under the influence of such dyes, the outer shell of the hair breaks down, they become brittle and brittle. Do not promote their growth and use of alkaline soap( such as household), varnishes, frequent washing.

    Here's another tip: you do not need to wear warm and close headgear without special need - skin metabolism is hampered. But it is harmful and the other extreme - to walk in winter without a headdress: cooling leads to narrowing of the vessels of the skin, hair nutrition worsens. When working in the sun, protect your hair with a light panama or kerchief.

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    The shine and elasticity of the hair depends on the quantity and.the chemical composition of fat "secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin. Healthy hair should not be either excessively greasy or too dry.

    Very dry hair occurs in many common diseases, but mainly with improper care of them.

    The way of hair care depends on the nature and degree of sebum secretion, therefore it is necessary to know what kind of fattening you have - moderate, high( fatty hair), low( dry).

    The greasy hair of is characterized by strong gloss, often stuck together in separate strands, quickly becoming dirty. Often, they try to wash their hair more often, but as a result, the fat content of the hair only increases.

    It is recommended to wash them once every 5-7 days, preferably with boiled water, any toilet soap or liquid shampoos for greasy hair such as "Sunshine", "Nettle" and other substances containing degreasing action, bath soap, sulfur tar boron-timolovym,forest. Soap of sulfur tar and tar can cause irritation in people with sensitive skin in summer, so it is better to use soap in autumn and winter.

    To give your hair a beautiful shine, you can rinse it with water after washing, adding lemon juice or chamomile to it. It is useful to rinse with infusion of equal shares of St. John's wort, yarrow, oak bark, nettle, plantain( 1 tablespoon of the mixture for 1 liter of hot water, allow to stand for 20-30 minutes, strain).

    When rinsing oily hair in water, you can add table vinegar( 3 tablespoons to a glass of water).

    Dry hair gradually lose natural shine, become dull, brittle, sometimes split at the ends, splitting along the rod in the form of a pigtail, dandruff appears. From the coloring and waving the dry hair condition deteriorates.

    Remember, please: frequent washing of dry hair leads to their overdrying, degreasing and without that dry hair and skin, strengthening the formation of dandruff.

    Dry hair is recommended to wash not more often than once in 10-12 days, applying soap lanolin, cosmetic, spermaceti. It is useful to rub( for 2-3 hours before washing the head) creams "Special", "Paprin", "Nolan", "Balsamin" or "Hinnaya emulsion" - all contain vitamins and other substances useful for hair;easily absorbed into the skin, they contribute to reducing dandruff, itching, and the medicinal substances that make up their composition, strengthen the hair.

    A good effect is the washing of dry hair with egg yolk, rich in fat-like substances( lipids).The egg yolk is mixed with a little tepid water, whipped. This mixture is moistened with damp hair, then washed.

    Very dry hair well a few hours before washing lubricate with warm vegetable oil. The hair is washed in soapy foam and washed off with not very hot boiled water.

    Now the industry produces numerous shampoos that, unlike soap, do not produce a precipitate with calcium and magnesium salts, which are dissolved in water. Such shampoos can also be used with hard water. They wash off hair well from hair, do not have irritating effect.

    For dry hair shampoos "Egg", "Lanolin", "Emerald", containing fat components are suitable. These shampoos can not be used to wash greasy hair.

    Many shampoos are produced on a neutral basis, and they are suitable for any hair( but still be guided by the annotation).

    When using any shampoo, the hair should be well moistened with warm water, apply a little detergent on them and create a copious foam. Then rinse with warm boiled water. You can use another way: shampoo( 1 tablespoon) dissolve in warm water( 0.5 cups), apply to wet hair and rinse.

    We remind you that very dry, thin and brittle hair should not be washed with shampoo.

    produces industry and color shampoos that perform a "double" function: make the hair clean, shiny, while giving them a shade - golden, chestnut, ashy, etc. When choosing such shampoos, consider your age, the original hair color, skin color and eyes. The resulting shade is easily washed off after two to three-fold washing. Do not use shade shampoos if hair has been colored with hydrogen peroxide.

    Apply shade-colored shampoos, strictly adhere to the recommendations( they are attached to the tube).It is not recommended to use such shampoos for young girls.

    Comb your hair as often as possible, always in the morning and in the evening, 30-50 times in different directions. The comb should be blunt with teeth. If you comb your hair roughly( especially dry), they tie into knots and complex loops. Long hair should be combed, starting from the ends, gradually moving the comb to the root. A short hair - from the root. It is good to use a brush: it smoothes hair, promotes an even distribution of sebum. However, you should not abuse the brush, you can cause skin inflammation.

    With increased hair loss, use a rare comb.

    So that you do not have to be upset that a beautiful, carefully laid out hairdress "suffered" from a gust of wind or a light headdress, use the hair fixing cream "Fixator", lotion "Yahont" or the drug "Lokon".

    But, perhaps, the main thing is to keep good healthy hair: do not forget to observe the mode of work and rest, more be on the air. Food should be diverse, rich in vitamins of group B( meat, legumes, yeast), products containing silicon( oatmeal, toasted bread), sulfur( eggs, milk, buckwheat and millet cereals).

    The growth of hair is very bad for smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

    And a few more recommendations. From the constant use of lacquer the hair becomes dry and brittle. Try to abandon the varnish for a while in the summer. To fix a hairdress will help. .. kvas, diluted in water in a proportion of 1: 1.Immediately after washing your hair, rinse the hair with this solution and screw it onto curlers or put it in a hairdryer.

    Sea water adversely affects the roots of the hair. Therefore, when swimming, it is necessary to select them so that they do not get sea salt. After bathing in sea water it is useful to rinse hair with a mixture of lemon juice or vinegar with water( 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).

    Do not comb wet hair so as not to damage the roots. Wet hair should dry up by itself, naturally. It is harmful to dry them near gas stoves, electrical appliances or often use a hot hair dryer. From this hair break and break. We offer composition for thin and brittle hair: one teaspoon of mayonnaise, honey, aloe juice, one grated garlic. Stir, rub into the skin and fasten the head for 3-4 hours with a plastic shawl. Then wash thoroughly with shampoo.

    You can not do perming on long thin hair, if they were previously painted. The old "chemistry" should also be sheared.

    If the hair is thin, it is important that the hairdresser first tries on one strand, how the hair reacts to the composition for the perm, and then has chosen the appropriate technique for winding the strands.

    When the is grayed, it is possible to restore the natural color of the hair by staining. Such vegetable colors as henna, basma, chamomile, rhubarb and others are not only harmless, but also improve hair growth. Henna is often used with basma leaves, this can achieve the color you need, from light brown to black. Strong infusion of chamomile gives the hair a yellowish-golden color, rhubarb - light blond. To give the hair a golden hue, prepare infusion of chamomile from the calculation: for very light hair - 100 g of dry inflorescences per 0.5 liters of water, and for dark blondes - 150-200 g for the same amount of water. Inflorescences are poured with boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes and infused for 1 hour. The washed and dried hair is rinsed and dried without wiping. The chestnut hair after rinsing in strong tea infusion will acquire a beautiful golden hue.3-6% solution of hydrogen peroxide and perhydrol with ammonia, soap and soda should be used carefully, as they cause fragility of hair, dryness, render them lifeless. Paints containing ursol, chromium, nickel salts are harmful to the body and should not be used.

    Painted hair is especially sensitive to the sun - they become dry and brittle. Therefore, we must protect them with a kerchief, an umbrella, a hat.

    To strengthen hair use garlic. Biological active substances - phytoncides - have a harmful effect on bacteria, and essential oils, irritating the skin, increase the flow of blood to the sebaceous glands, hair follicles, which contributes to the improvement of hair growth, the disappearance of dandruff.

    In case of focal alopecia , the following method can be recommended. Peeled garlic cloves in a mortar, on a grater or in a meat grinder to get a thick gruel. It is applied to the centers of alopecia once a day for 2 hours, then wash the head in the usual way( toilet soap or appropriate shampoo).Such procedures should be done within 7-10 days. The course of procedures can be repeated two to three times with interruptions of ten days.

    To improve hair growth, eliminate dandruff garlic can be used once a week for 2 hours before washing your head. With dry hair, it is better to rub mush or garlic juice, squeezed through gauze, in half with any vegetable oil, when fatty - without adding oil. In any case, it should be done for a long time - at least two to three months.

    After application of a gruel or garlic juice to the scalp, it is not necessary to cover it, so as not to cause irritation.

    There are ready-made preparations on garlic basis - tincture of garlic and extract from garlic( allysat).They are also used by the doctor to strengthen the hair. Tincture is recommended for oily hair, extract - for normal and dry. Apply them the same way as mush and juice.